Take care of your emotional health❤

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Handling your emotional health with care is an important thing for you to do as a Christian. Things can get really tough and you need to know how to handle yourself. Situations will come to test your faith and it can be really tricky to stay strong through it all. Luckily,we have Jesus on our side to help us out.

Something important that I want to clear up before I continue is that being a Christian isn't a direct guarantee that you'll always be happy. You also don't have to force yourself to be happy just to put on a good show.

We aren't supposed to project ourselves as perfect people. If someone asks how you're doing its ok to say "Really tired but I'll make it by God's grace" It's ok to admit you're tired. You're human. You don't have to put up a strong front all the time.

Take Job as an example. It wasn't until last year when I was looking for a biblical inspiration that I realized how much this guy suffered. If you read through the book of Job you'll realize that Job wasn't always in a good state of mind. He expressed himself to God honestly, saying how he felt ,talking about his pain.

Being emotionally healthy involved being honest about how you feel. The bible says in 1 Peter 1:7 to cast your cares on God because he cares about you. Talk to God, like you would a dear friend. He's your personal therapist who doesn't just know how to listen but how to deal with your problems. Tell him how you truly feel and have faith that He listens.

I promise that you'll feel better when you do. The longer the trial the harder it'll be But it's worth it. Personally, I still struggle sometimes with talking to God about my feelings. I get upset with him because I don't understand why I have to go through certain things. Some times I don't even understand his plans. But I have faith that He hears me and it'll all make sense eventually.

Talking to God and being honest in your prayers will also strengthen your faith and help you out things in perspective. You can also talk to trusted friends and adults about your struggles so that they can encourage and pray for you. Please don't feel the need to shove all your feelings down.

It's ok to break and cry. It's ok to not really "feel Him" in the moment. But if you pray honestly and continually it'll get better.


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