Prayer and reading the word

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Prayer and reading the word both need to be in perfect balance.

We can't just pray and neglect the word. We can't just read the word and neglect prayer. Both these two work together. When you read the word, it empowers and strengthens your prayers because you'll be praying according to the will of God, with revelation, understanding and will be able to combat the kingdom of darkness effectively.

Prayer helps you understand the word of God More. You understand God's response to your prayers, you get to know the one who you're praying to better, you understand how to pray, to live etc.

These 2 are Christain essentials. Are they both the Christain lifestyle, the same way we can't live without water is the same way we can't live without the word. The same way we can't live without oxygen is the same way we can't live without prayer.

As we pray and read the word, we are not only building our relationship with God but also growing ourselves spiritually. Spiritually we are maturing in faith, knowledge and relationship. The same way we require food to grow is the same way we need the word to grow to mature women of God. We grow in wisdom, we grow in the fear of the Lord, we grow in understanding and who God has called us to be.

When we pray, we are growing closer to God. This daily, this morning and night lifestyle is what grows us in relationship with our Father. At times we don't feel it but just like you don't feel you're growing until you look back later, similarly, we are growing spiritually but won't always be aware we are.

So sis, get in the word today but also get in prayer. Don't choose 1 but choose both because God is your everything, you need Him more than food and more than anything this world can bring.

When asked, “What is more important: Prayer or Reading the Bible?” I ask, “What is more important: Breathing in or Breathing out?” – Charles Spurgeon


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