God Never Gets Bored Of You

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People say that if you know everything about someone, you'll end up bored. This is not true for God though.

God knows everything, including everything about you. He is the only one who knows you better than anyone including yourself. He doesn't just know you presently or from your past. He also knows who you're going to be.

The Bible reveals that God knows what we need before we even pray for it (Matthew 6:8) the beauty of that is that God encourages us to pray anyway.

God knows everything about us, what we plan to do yet still wants us to talk to Him about it.


Because God loves us. He wants intimacy. He wants us to tell Him because it is more for us. He wants us to trust Him with our vulnerabilities, weaknesses, and aches because despite knowing He knows, He wants us to approach Him as our Father and closest friend.

God enjoys it when we share the little details. When we communicate our hurts and needs. God isn't looking for robots. Those who will just worship Him. He is looking for those who will in relationship Him in truth and Spirit (John 4:23-24). Those who are willing to become vulnerable to be selfless, to be able to connect with Him no matter the circumstances.

God wants to hear from you every day. He wants to be the closest person to you.  No matter how many facts God knows about you the truth is that God can never get sick of you.


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⏰ Last updated: May 10 ⏰

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