God Is A Person

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Whatever we think about the most, want the most, etc is what we are worshipping. Now you must learn to make Jesus your worship. He is your delight and His heart is your passion. You aren't seeking what you'll get from God but now seeking His heart.

If you're with someone just to get something out of them, that relationship is no better than a vending machine that you go to whenever you want a snack but if you're with someone because of the power of their presence then it's genuine. God isn't just an anointing vending machine or just someone you talk to whenever you need something.

Your God, our God is a PERSON with feelings, mind, will, and emotions.

Remember God is a person. The way you have thoughts, opinions, likes, and dislikes is the same as God. God isn't just someone in the sky or someone distant but He is with you. He is your Father. See Him as Someone living, real, and with you.


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