Call Upon God Based On His Character

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Call upon God based on His character.

The Bible reveals to us that God cannot deny Himself. Meaning that everything God says He is is who He'll continue to be. God cannot stop being loving and merciful. He cannot because He is consistent. Something that distinguishes us from God is that God is consistent when often we humans aren't. We change but God doesn't change.

The Bible even tells us that Jesus is the same, yesterday, today and forever (verse). He is eternal, forevermore and constant. His character is stable and unchanged.

That's why when we read the psalms we will discover often times the psalmist would specifically point out the character of God. They would speak of God's character as a way to receive their deliverance, breakthroughs, freedom and victory.

But how does it work? It works because we humans cannot rely on our own righteousness. We can't speak of our goodness or good deeds because the Bible reveals even our good deeds are like filthy rags (verse) but we can rely on God's.

Pslam 143:1-3

Pslam 143:11-12

1) Know the Character of God

Here David speaks of the character of God. He knows who his God is and he also knows who he is. He knows his weak. Just like how we know we aren't holy and perfect but in recognising his weakness he saw God's strength more clearly. It's as if David says "God, I'm not worthy to be saved. I don't deserve anything from you but answer me according to who you are and not according to who I am"

David asked God's faithfulness that He'll answer David, not in he's. I like how David in verse 2 says not to enter into judgment. David knew that in asking anything from God there was that reality that the righteous God will know that David isn't fully righteous. David knew that God is perfect and he isn't. David prayed that God's righteousness won't lead to him being judged and punished because no one is righteous like God but rather led to his prayers being answered.

In verses 11 and 12, David does this again. Asks God based on His name's sake, His righteousness and also being God's servant.

This should teach us how to pray. When we pray we don't just go to God without expectation. We need to know who we are speaking to. When you go to God cause you're anxious, do so knowing that God is a God who cares for you according to scripture (verse), if you need something, ask God boldly knowing when we ask with the right motives we receive (verse), when you need God's help, go to God because He says He is our helper (ESV).

God will then help you because His name is in your sake. God won't ever prove himself to be contrary to His word. God listens when we have an understanding of who we are approaching.

So from today, I challenge you to start highlighting and taking note of the character of God. When you read your Bible today, take a pause and search what charter of God is being revealed and use that very character to be what leads you to prayer. I want that from today you pray listing how God is. Call God your healer, the righteous one, the God of love, the God who delivers. Lists who He is and as you do see give out your requests like David's dud. After verses 1-2, David began saying what His problems were. List your situations, issues and anxieties but with the confidence of God's character


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