
Start from the beginning

"There is no prophecy about our baby!" I yelled, standing up, pushing my chair out and glaring down at him, all of their heads snapping to me incredulously, James' lips parting as he looked down at my stomach, "If you would listen for one fucking second without shouting at me, we would tell you the vital information we had just found out!"

"Over your tantrum now?" Regulus asked him, tugging on my arm to sit back down, my eyes glowing from my mood.

"What do you mean there is no prophecy?" He questioned, ignoring Regulus' comment and keeping his gaze fixated on me even though I refused to meet his eyes. I'm mad now.

"Oh no, there is a prophecy, just not about the baby" I laughed, leaning my head back, all of them looking at each other as though I had gone mad.

"No" Remus breathed out shakily, shaking his head, "no, no, no, no"

"Yes, yes, yes, yes" I whispered with a wicked grin, "How much I adore being lied to and used, fucking fabulous"


"No, sit and listen please. Melody's talking" I scoffed, watching him gulp, nodding his head slowly when I emphasised my name, "Reg, darling, if you will...."

"Special werewolf.....prophecy....hand in hand" He spoke clearly, making gestures with his hands, as I leaned back on my chair, pouting my lips together and looking out of the window, not wanting to meet anyone's eyes, "Tom said-"

"You've been with Voldemort? Again?"

"Shush, Potter, this doesn't concern you" Regulus growled, pointing his finger at the bespectacled boy, Monty and Mia exchanging a glance and pursing their lips together.

"She's my wife, it concerns me more than you!"

"I was there, thank you. So if you want to know, I suggest you zip your lips and through the key. Lo doesn't need any more stress because you're being a child"


"Oh for the love of Merlin James just shut up and listen to him for once" I barked out, meeting his eyes again, Sirius turning to look at him and shaking his head.

"The prophecy please" Remus spoke tightly, keeping his eyes fixated on me, his hand interlaced with Sirius'.

"This doesn't leave this room, we pretend we don't know and we keep on eye on Dumbledore" Regulus spoke lowly, turning to me for confirmation, taking a deep breath, recalling the prophecy, "The one with the power to decide the path of the world grows stronger, for she is a symbol of what many desire to have......Both sides with try to recruit her but she shall decide the fate of those in the unknown.....Born as the third month draws in, a miracle to come as a pair, stronger at the height of a lunar phase"

"Oh my" Mia breathed out, bringing her palm to her mouth, all of them sat frozen staring at me as the realisation of the prophecy draws in on them, "You have..."

"The fate of the Wizarding World in my hands" I finished softly, closing my eyes and listening to the silence, the silence we would be able to hear a pin drop in.

"And Voldemort told you this?" Monty repeated, uneasily, "You trust him?"

"I trust him more than I trust Dumbledore. He said there was no prophecy about the baby, he would have heard it. My prophecy was heard three years ago"

"When he started acting weird with you" James muttered, rubbing his hands on his face after taking his glasses off and resting them down on the table, "So it's you and not the baby?"

☽𝐌𝐲 𝐋𝐢𝐭𝐭𝐥𝐞 𝐌𝐨𝐨𝐧☽ -ᴊ.ғ.ᴘWhere stories live. Discover now