Magic Ball

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I got out of bed and stretched, things at the guild were finally going back to normal, more jobs were coming through and we were all happier than ever "good morning y/n!" "good morning apollo" " i've made pancakes for breakfast" my eyes glimmered "really!?! so yummy!!" apollo took me downstairs and i sat on the dining room table "these are so good!" "thanks y/n i've been practising!" i smile "it certainly paid off" "are we going to the guild today?" i nodded "i was hoping to do a job" apollo smiled " I haven't been on a job yet, i'm so excited!"
Me and apollo arrived at the guild "who's ready to take some jobs and kick some ass!" i yelled "i am!" happy replied "aw right! let's go look at the request board" me, happy and apollo went and looked at the different jobs "how about this one?" happy asked, i read the flier 'wanted velveno, blah blah blah 4000000J!!!' "hell yeah" "you're doing a job?" natsu asked "i'm coming!" i smiled "sure!" "what job is it?" "we have to catch some wanted man called velveno" "you know rumour has it that velveno is gonna make an appearance at the huge magical ball that the Balsamico family is throwing this year" macao states "what are you talking about?" natsu asked "they throw a big fancy part every seven years, it's very exclusive, you gotta be a wizard to even get through the door. The next ones happening this saturday" wakaba added, happy grinned "alright! let's crash this rich guys party this weekend and walk out four million jewel richer!" apollo nodded "sounds good to me!" "this is gonna be great! Wait if we're gonna go to this high class ball we're all gonna need to work on our dance moves" natsu looked at me shocked "our dance moves?!" i smiled "come on let's go outside!" "boy do i wanna see this!" wakaba and macao laugh "i'm coming too!" romeo joined and we all went outside "ya know i'm actually pretty good at dancing, this should be a piece of cake! We need to start my holding hands" "this is so embarrassing!" he held my hands and i started teaching him basic steps "OW NATSU STOP STEPPING ON MY TOES" i cooled down "when i move my feet, move yours in the same direction, move your body with mine" i smiled, gray ran over "hey! what are you two doing over here? playing some kinda game or something?" i frowned "no we're dancing idiot" "i wanna play!" gray yelled and pushed natsu out of the way, i smiled as gray actually had rhythm and moved perfectly in time with me "your got it!" i high fived him, i turned around and natsu was now dancing with lucy, erza was there too "now you may not be aware but in certain circles i was once known as the dancing demon" my eyes went starry "you were?" "requip! ready!? you're an expert right y/n let's dance!" she took my hand and started spinning me "WOA WOAH" she stopped and i had to keep on breathing "dance with me y/n!" lisanna smiled "this can't be bad, lisanna is too sweet to be as violent as erza" i mumbled to myself as she grabbed my hands and lisanna started spinning me "noooo! help someone help!" erza started spinning elfman, wendy started dancing with warren, happy danced with carla, romeo danced with kinana, mira with macao, gajeel with levy "can i have the honour?" "sure laxus!" me and laxus elegantly danced together "you're an amazing dancer!" i smiled at him "i try" "stay away from my partner you jerk" natsu tried pushing laxus away "no one was dancing with her? i couldn't leave the last stranded" "oh well i am back now so find someone else!"
Our dance session turned into a full on party, much like the one we'd be attending saturday, i picked up a dress and me, apollo, happy, carla, wendy, lucy, gray, erza, elfman, warren and natsu went to Balsamicos house "we're here!" we all yelled "this place is so huge!" i smiled "right!?" lucy replied "i didn't realise this place was so far away" gray sighed "a small price to pay for the chance to dance" i sweat dropped "sorry erza as much as i love you i am not putting myself through that again.." the doors opened and revealed a lady "um, you're a little early" "WOAH WHAT A FOX!" i heard in my head "we're here to see the count" "yes, of course you are. My name is Aceto and my father is Count Balsamico" "my name is natsu and we're with fairy tail" i stepped forward "we've come here concerning the job request that your father posted in our guild hall" "in that case, i'll take you right to him. Please follow me" Aceto took us through her house to the room her father was sat in "Welcome and thank you for taking my request, I am indeed Count Balsamico!" natsu whispered in my ear "this guys name is so sour!" i giggled "his face matches his sour name!" "let me get straight to the matter, I want you to know there is more to the story than what was written on the flyer. I am exceedingly concerned for the well being of my precious daughter who means more than the world to me" natsu laughed "then why'd you give her such a silly name!" "it's a lovely name!" erza punched natsu into a wall "i apologise sir please continue" "The ball being held this evening is very special, for it is tonight that her future husband shall be chosen. Once every seven years, our family brings out an extremely precious ring, a ring that had been passed down through the Balsamico family line for countless generations!" "and you're afraid that velveno is gonna come and try to steal it from you?" wendy asked "i'm absolutely certain of it, since he tried and failed seven years ago but he did ruin the ceremony to choose my daughters husband" "i see but give his unique appearance wouldn't sneaking in undetected prove to be a bit difficult for him?" erza questioned "He is very skilled in both transformation magic and magical drain" "what's magic drain?" i asked "it allows him to temporarily copy the type of magic used by anyone he comes into contact with, it's very dangerous indeed" "Aw man, i wanna use magic like that sometime!" natsu exclaimed "i entrust full safety of the ring to you. Work together and make sure he fails to snatch it again
and what's more i want you to capture him and put him back behind bars where he rightfully belongs!" "we'll catch this clown for ya" "yes we will, sir" "uh, just one more thing, the flyer mentioned a certain reward if we were to catch him for you?" lucy pondered "that's correct, four million jewel in cash for his capture" "Oh yeah! Cash is king!" everyone walked out and i hesitated "you're very beautiful by the way" i said to Aceto with a smile and left, one of their maids then showed us to a place where we can get ready "i'm gonna get changed over here then i'll be right in!" i yelled "okay!" lucy answered.
I walked into the bird cage shaped rooms surrounded by red curtains, damn this is fancy.
I picked up my dress from my bag and changed into it, "i think i was born to look good" i smiled looking down at my dress.
I left the room i was in and went into the the other one "hey lucy, do you think cancer could do my hair?" i asked her "woah y/n! you're so pretty.." wendy whispered "you trying to out do us all or what?" lucy asked, i giggled "you're growing up so quick" erza teared up "what?" she dramatically fell to the ground "my little sister!" she yelled "little sister?.." erza smiled "that's what you are to me, my little sister" i smiled "really?" she nodded "your ours too!" wendy smiled.
Lucy finally summoned Cancer who styled all of hair, i smiled "thanks cancer!" "do i look okay?" wendy asked us all "okay? you look adorable!" lucy answered "now then, the curtain is rising on the magical ball, so let's take our places on the dance floor" erza announced "you stay away from me!" i walked quickly away "get back here!"
i made my down to the dance floor and looked around "would you like to dance?" a tall man wearing a mask asked, i curtsied "it would be my pleasure" i took his hand and we danced perfectly "you're not to bad" i grinned "neither are you"
As the dance finished up gray walked over to me "getting cosy? we're on a job here" i frowned "i thought we had to mingle?" "mingle, not find a man" i sighed "but that's not-" "you shouldn't be lonely on the dance floor" some lady with a weird shaped head came and took gray "but- whatever guess i'll be on the look out" everyone had a dance partner except me "this isn't fair" i complained.. if only apollo was here he wouldn't leave me alone "ice make: swan" "ice make: kite!" gray was fighting a woman? everyone started clapping for the two "very impressive but not my style, ice make: polar bear!" gray jumper avoiding the polar bear "ice make: prison cell!" a large cage dropped to the ground, trapping the iced animal "you really know how to show a lady a good time. Ice make: Bazooka!" "if you think that's fun, try this.. Ice make: canon!"
Erza jumped while requipping "you two need to cool it immediately!"
I looked around and noticed that miss Aceto was walking down the large staircase finally making her big entrance, i am very warm that i am straight woman but man do i appreciate how gorgeous she is so did the men near me appreciate "would you grant me the honour of the first dance?" she spoke to erza "of course!" so cute, erza gets the first dance wish it was me unfair! Ezra deserves the attention though.. actually no she doesn't i feel sorry for aceto for having to deal with erzas deathly dancing "dance?" gray tapped my shoulder "finally! feels like i haven't had a dance in ages! toon your time asking you jerk!" he took my hand and we started ball room dancing till a bell rang making a ring exit the clock on top of the staircase "Hear! Hear! Anyone who desires my daughters hand on marriage must first possess the ring!" hundreds of men started sprinting towards the ring "boy am i glad that were up here" gray grinned "i know right, we'd be flattened down there" "SKY DRAGON ROAR?" what now me and gray were having a bonding moment, VELVENO? Using wendys sky dragon roar velveno made the ring travel into his hand "And now the balsamics precious ring is in the hands of the one and only velveno!" Natsu approached him on a floating platform "This party is finally getting started! I wanna play too! fire dragon iron fist!" fire appeared on velvenos fist "fire dragon iron fist!" their moves collided, we were warned that he could copy our spells but this is insane "Fire dragon roar!" "Fire dragon roar!" both men dropped to the floor, i turned to gray "we should help him.." "you're right!" me and gray jumped down "ANGEL SLAYER: HEAVENLY CANON!" "angel slayer: heavenly canon!" we both yelled at each other making a large cloud of smoke "guess it's my turn to get involved, gray and you elfman protect Aceto!" erza requipped into her purgatory armour and Veleveno copied her "it's pointless, i've already copied the magic of every single fairy tail member here!" "oh yeah copycat?" natsu stepped forward "then we'll have to kick your butt the old fashioned way and we're pretty good at it you know!" "aw knock it off, the last thing i wanna do tonight is get in a brawl with you and your buddies. I'm here because i screwed up last time, i've waited seven long years to try it out again" he raised the ring, no way.. is this guy gonna propose? "Aceto.. i got something big to ask you" HE IS OH MY MAVIS HE ACTUALLY IS "We've known each other ever since we were both just little kids and this entire time i've been crazy in love with you" balsamico appeared behind him "you were the low born child of one of my servants her i still permitted you to play orbit my daughter! Have you forgotten your place?!" "Every time i came to see Aceto you reminded me, you'd say we were from two different worlds that shouldn't mix and then you'd kick me back out into the street again cause trash like me doesn't belong in your palace!" that's insane, he called a friend of his daughter trash? "Daddy! you never told me he tried to visit!" "and you don't need to hear about any of this now!" Velveno looked down to the ground "The sad thing is i started to believe him and i decided that u was finally gonna give up on you Aceto, i kinda gave up on myself too. I drifted around for a while and eventually turned to a life of crime, i got arrested, ended up in jail" awww so all along he just felt awful about himself because of balsamico? what a sour, awful little man "And while i was locked up i had all the time in the world to sit around and think about the thing that i regretted most in my life, How i never got the chance to tell you how i felt. So i took a risk and broke out to come to the ball! I even did it twice!" Velveno slowly approached Aceto and dropped to one knee, no way.. SO ROMANTIC "Miss Aceto please tell me you'll be my wife" "I will" she said yes! "natsu she said yes!" i yelled looking at him "WHAT?!" "Wow are you serious?" "of course! i've been waiting my whole life for the day you'd come back!" "you were? This is like my wildest dream come true, i can hardly believe it!" a tear pricked the corner of my eye, this was so sweet to watch "there's just one thing.. turn yourself in. You still need to pay for your crimes" "you're right" Velveno slipped the ring into her finger and it fitted perfectly, cheers erupted around the room "that was so adorable!" i yelled, natsu looked at me questioningly
"was it? i don't really get any of this" i frowned "come on natsu! even you should be able to tell how romantic that was?!" erza pushed past him "come on everyone! Let's have a big round of applause for the couple!" all eyes were on them as everyone clapped as congratulations, shortly later guards came to take him back to the prison.
Erza joined Aceto on the stage "Now to celebrate Lade Acetos new found happiness let's all dance the night away!" everyone partnered up and started dancing.
A light weight was felt on my shoulder "y/n? I haven't seen you much this whole party. You look great!" i blushed "you think? Ya know this is the first and i hope not the last time i've seen you in a suit" he grins, i looked back and seen everyone dancing, even apollo had a dance partner "wanna dance?" natsu frowned "aw man.. do i have to?" "of course not but please!" "fine come on" he dragged me to a platform and we flew into the air that was originally above us "remember what we learnt okay?" and like so i was dancing with natsu, he did occasionally step on my toe or miss a step but it was cute that he was giving it ago maybe there's more to salamander than i originally thought..

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