Beacon of light

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"it's called nirvana, it can change oracion seis's members good, but it can also change our guilds bad, it all depends on what thoughts they have, if their side is thinking positive thoughts they'll get switched over to our side but if any of us think negatively we'll be on their side" my eyes widen "no way.." virgo steps into the conversation "yeah and while you guys were unconscious it changed from black to white" Natsu growled then took a deep breath "thanks a lot for saving our butts back there lucy!" i looked at the blonde "you took her all by yourself? you're insane!" she blushed "uh yeah sure don't mention it" i looked around "where did happy, carla, wendy and hibiki go" natsu looked around "carla and wendy flew away to be safe" lucy nodded "hibiki was on the side resting, i think happys with him" natsu puts his hands on his hips "we're wasting time, we should be heading towards the light" virgo bows "i'm happy i could serve you princess, until next time" then she disappears.
I jumped like a kid "i keep forgetting how cool your magic is like one minute they're here and the next poof" lucy shook her head at my childishness "and i forget that you don't know that much about magic because of your memory, it's pretty normal" i sulked " i wish i had my memories" natsu rubbed my back "we'll help you get your memories back don't worry but for now let's go" we were about to head off when sherry came out of the forest "sherry? where's gray?" she looked at me like a zombie "it's all your fault you fairy tail members are too blame" she starts laughing then attacks us, i dodge her attacks "sherry snap out of it" she must have been effected by nirvana, i'm not surprised she must've been so upset about the whole leon situation. She sent another attack at us but it's stopped by ice, "IVE HAD ENOUGH OF YOU" gray yelled putting arm around sherry's neck, lucy stepped forward "is she okay?" gray looks up at the blonde "i think she might be possessed" underneath him sherry struggles "get off of me, you'll pay for what you did too my love you'll never leave this forest" "she's been acting strange ever since that light showed up, have you seen anything weird" i stepped forward "I think it's to do with that whole leon situation, according to lucy that light is called nirvana and the negative thoughts she has is turning her against us" sherry starts shaking "i'll never forgive you i swear on my life i'll avenge him" i knelt down to her "you don't have to worry, i'm sure he's alive when i went to look for him and racer and there were no bodies" and as if leon heard me he appeared from the forest "who's avenging me for what now" sherry gasped, "i thought you would have had more faith in me than that" sherry turned around "is it really you?" gray looked at the pink haired girl "of course he's a lot tougher than he looks" "it was closer than i care to admit, even after i put some distance between us and the bomb i spent everything i had keeping the blast at bay, it took me awhile to recover" i spoke up "so why didn't i find any bodies when i went to check?" he turned to me "the blast sent us pretty far so you probably didn't look in the right area, we'd been there for awhile so i could regain my strength" i nodded, leon turned to natsu "wow natsu where'd you find that get up" "what?! you jealous" natsu yelled.
I stood there proud that i was right about leon, gray came up to me and gave me a hug "what's wrong?" he stepped back "i'm glad you're okay that's all, when you went to look for leon and racer you didn't come back i thought you may have encountered another oracion seis" i grinned "then you'd be right, we encountered angel but lucy had him handled" "lucy beat her? so where was flame brains when the battle was happening" i sweat dropped "oh.. he was there just uh motion sickness kept him from fighting" gray sighed "in not surprised"
After we all caught up with each other light engulfed the forest "that doesn't look good" i gulped, leon picks up sherry "so our mission was a failure" Natsus eyes go wide "no way!" along with grays "hope that's not as bad as it looks!" and lucy's " yeah i'm pretty sure it is" gray looks down "and once again erza is right in the middle of it" i quickly turned my head to look at him "SHE IS? WE HAVE TO GO AFTER HER" "that's what i was thinking" natsu grinned.
Some big building thing appeared in the sky, natsu got into a defensive stance "oh great! now what's going on!" i held his scarf for comfort "it's everywhere! is this nirvana?" i asked, leon answered "it doesn't seem like magic to me."
The whole ground started shaking "WHY IS EVERYTHING SHAKING?!" natsu yelled, Gray turned too him "get ahold of yourself man!"
The ground started shaking quicker, then something shot up from under us sending us all into the air, me, gray, lucy and natsu got separated from leon and sherry.
"guys let's go!" natsu yelled but i hurt my leg when we were shot  into the sky so i couldn't walk "what's wrong?" lucy asked, i held my leg "i hurt it when we got sent up here" natsu knelt down to me "do you want me to carry you?" i shook my head "no, it would be better if just used cloud, my magic is back and i don't want to be a burden to you, i have a feeling that you're gonna need all your strength for what's gonna happen next" he nodded "ANGEL SLAYER: CLOUD!" a cloud appeared under me and we all headed for the top of the building, natsu leading us "once we get to the top i'm gonna punch this thing into a million pieces"
I looked down and Lucy seemed to be hanging behind so i stretched my hand out so her as she was running "want a lift?" she smiled brightly "thanks!" me and lucy chased the two boys on the cloud, easily catching up to them.
The building changed and suddenly the boys were climbing "that's it everyone get on!" i yelled, me and lucy helped the boys up, gray slapped my back "good idea, that would've taken all day if mr, motion sickness had to climb" lucy sighs "why do always get motion sickness at the worst times?" he didn't even answer her, he was focused on recovering.
We got almost too the top when the cloud disappeared, "are you being serious!" i yelled, me, gray and lucy landed safely but natsu fell off, i tried grabbing him but i failed "natsu!" "aghhh!" he yelled slowly falling, i looked down and seen he had been caught by happy "good work pal" natsu grinned "aye sir!" lucy got up "perfect timing!" i sighed "you're so lucky, perfect catch happy" gray let out a breath he didn't even realise he was holding "stupid hot head almost gave me a heart attack" i rolled me eyes and nudged him "i always knew you secretly cared about him" he turned away "yeah yeah whatever"
Natsu and happy flew around doing tricks, happy to be together "hey guys head to the top! we're gonna head in there and check things out from the inside!" gray yelled pointing at an opening in the octopus looking building "right!" "aye sir!"
We entered the building and ended up in a weird looking town "so any idea what this place is?" gray asked looking around, i started walking around on my own trying to find out where i  was and somehow after walking around for 10 minutes i bumped into erza! and that jellal boy, i ran into the scarlet haired womans arms and started tearing up "erza! you're okay i was so worried" she stroked the back of my head "i've been worried about you too" then i got into a fighting position "you're the one who hit natsu!" i was about to attack him when erza put her arm out in front of me and shook her head "don't! he was resurrected he has no idea what's going on" he stepped forward "i'm sorry if i hurt your friend but i wasn't in the right mindset" i bowed "forgive me! i don't even know who you are but everyone knows you and it's so annoying! erza who is he?" she lightly laughs "i'll explain that to you later but right now we have to go" we head for the middle "i assume you know what's happening?" erza asked i lightly hummed "lucy informed me" she turned to me surprised "you were with them?" i nodded "i only left them like 15 minutes ago!" she looked sternly at me "so why did you leave them?" she's scary "i- i wanted to look around" she grabbed my shoulders "you left by yourself too LOOK AROUND" i nodded in fear of my life "erza calm down" jellal said softly making her let go "i'm sorry, you shouldn't have left though, anything couldve happened to you!" i lower my head "i'm sorry"
i went silent for a while till we heard a loud bang "what's was that?" i questioned, jellal answered "it was near the throne" "father can be so selfish sometimes, he took a big bite out of the fun and left me with measly scraps" all three of us turned around and he walked closer to us "now, you're the last of my prey atleast make it entertaining for me" i scoffed "measly?" jellal put his hand out in front of me and erza "stand back he's mine" erza side eyed him "you can't" the mysterious figure squinted their eyes in amusement,
jellal stretched out his hand and a wimpy yellow beam shot out and completely missed the dodgy man "how can i miss him at such a close range" the person laughed and jellal walked forward, erza stepped forward after him "please stop this right now, you're in no condition to fight him let me do it" jella put his hand back and erza nodded "aw man i was getting excited, everyone's had one oracion seis fight and i barely helped gray earlier, i was so ready to fight" erza pulled me a little further back "we should be grateful" "i know i know" we stepped back and watched the fight.
Jellal created a magic circle and sent multiple yellow beams out towards the man, the man stepped out of the smoke completely unscathed while jella seemed to be in pain, the man moved his arm and jellal was in the sky with some red and black beams surrounding him then he fell to the ground, the man turned and looked at jellal "this is boring, you're the fearsome jellal i keep hearing about. Talk about a waste of time" Jellal grunts on the ground, i stepped forward "that's it" erza stepped forward with me right beside her"let's do this, together for jellal" i nodded, the man walks closer to me and erza causing jellal to struggle, erza shot a punch at the man but again she missed "if erza scarlet wants a fight then who am i too keep her waiting" she jumped back with a sword now in hand, i grinned "oh so we're using swords ANGEL SLAYER: SWORDS OF JUDGEMENT!" two light swords appeared in my hands "are you ready erza!" she nodded with a smile "let's do this!" she summoned another sword, now wielding 2 swords like me, jellal shook his head "you mustn't fight him! he's too dangerous!" me and erza completely ignored his words she slashed him from the front and i went around him and slashed him from the back but we missed and he sent both of us backwards. Erza got covered in some sort of metal straight jacket and he sent a spell at me making me hit the wall. "LET HER GO!" the pained man on the floor yelled, erza struggled and requipped. "y/n are you okay!?" she yelled, i slowly helped myself up "i'm fine!." "now i get it, you use reflector magic!" erza yelled "yes and whatever kind of attack you throw at me, i'll be able to twist and manipulate it beside my flawless defence, my magic allows me to dominate my opponents, even light itself bends to my will" i grin "we'll see about that ANGEL SLAYER: PURE FURY" white light surrounds him then disappears i looked around "where did it go?" "BEHIND YOU" erza yelled, i turned around and got his by my own light, i fell to the ground, that's not the end of me "nice try ANGEL SLAYER: RECOVERY" i healed myself then stood back up with ease "he's tougher than he looks" i mumbled to myself.
Erza faced off with him "every opponent has their flaws you're no different, i will be your end" erza flew at him and nodded, i took the hint and prepared a spell "that's it rush towards your doom, i can't wait to see your face as i twist your body apart" the man devilishly grinned, erza sent swords at him but none of them even scratched him "you can throw a thousand but they still won't hit me" he sent them all back at her "they might not but i will, ANGEL SLAYER: HEAVENLY CANON" light zooms into his back, too quick for him to deflect causing him too finally take damage, he dodged some of the spell therefore he only harboured a few scratches but atleast it was something.
The man completely ignored me and focused on erza, making her armour into a straight jacket again she screamed as he licked his lips, i gagged in disgust "WHAT A PERV ANGEL SLAYER: CANCELLATION" erzas armour went back to normal "what a pest" he whispered turning towards me "STOP IGNORING ME YOU CREEP" i stomped my foot "tsk, remember you asked for this SPIRAL GLADE" fast winds engulfed my body making cuts all over me "AGH AHH" i yelled and collapsed to the ground "Y/N" erza yelled "finished already?" i groaned and rose back to my feet  and collapsed again "stop this" jellal requested as he tried to get up "you can't die on me i still wanna play i need entertainment.. atleast until we arrive at cait shelter" jellal firmed himself in a doggy position "what is this cait shelter?" i gasped "isn't that the guild wendy belongs too?" erzas eyes widened "it is" "her guild and our first target, long ago some peaceful tribe, the nirvits created nirvana hoping to end a cataclysmic war but the tool they'd created was far more dangerous than the war they sought to end, so they sealed it away hoping it would never be used again, they were so afraid of it they swore to keep watch over the burial sight. Their descendants have taken up that task through the ages and they make up a guild that still remains today cait shelter. You'd have to be insane to let an incredible power like this go to waste, we will utilise it and will send the world screaming down the path to sweet chaos and we'll start by making cait shelter an example. The nirvits wanted to stay neutral? we'll force them into bloody war, nirvana will turn their hearts into the blackest pitch imaginable and then they'll slaughter each other. OH WHAT A LULLABY IT'LL BE" "ANGEL SLAYER: PUNCH OF THE ANGEL. YOU CANT DO THAT, NOT TO WENDY OR ANY OF HER GUILD MATES WE WONT LET YOU" he sent me flying back with my punch instead hitting me "do me a solid and drop the goody, goody act already it's kind of a drag" erza ran to me "are you good?" i shook my head "not this time with the spell he threw at me before and that punch i'm seriously in pain" i groaned "STOP YOU HEARTLESS MONSTER" jellal yelled, the man chuckled "your hearts so black that mine shines next to yours one could say you're the very embodiment of darkness" "that's a lie!" "be proud of yourself you forced children into slave labour, murdered your closest friend and even tried to kill sweet erza in your mad rise for the greatest power in existence, do you have any idea how many innocent people you've brought sorrow upon? they've all feared you, trembled at your name an entire ocean of tears was shed from the suffering you caused. You inspire me" "i what?" the man offers jellal a hand "so why don't you join us? you are destined to become the newest member of the oracion seis" erza stood firmly "don't listen to him" she requipped "the light inside you is brighter than ever before" i barely stood up next to her "she's right i mean i'm not quite sure who you are, but i'm good at judging peoples character and i can tell you're a good person" i sweetly smiled "wow i'm surprised you can stand" the man grinned at me "i get my real fight after all. Wonderful. Destroying you will be a treat!" erza readies her blade "i swear on this sacred blade that i wield we will end this chaos and your life" i got into a fighting stance "we will put an end to the oracion seis's plans even if we have to risk our lives to do so" me and erza sternly looked at each other and prepared ourselves to take this scruffy looking man down.

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