Call of the dragon

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It's been a few days now since wendy and carla joined the guild, they still lived with me at my place, so we hadn't been going to the guild much. After a few talks we discussed her staying with me for a few months, she'd go to the guild often but i'd stay off and look around for things to decorate the house with, i was in a shop looking for things for wendy's room, i picked up bedding, some pictures, a few clothes and a rug for her room to make it feel more roomy, i went back home and seen a note from wendy stating that she went to the guild, i smiled she's really fitting in here.
A loud sound echoed from the door "i'm coming!" i ran downstairs and answered the door "erza, lucy, levy hi!" "hi girl!" levy exclaimed "it's been awhile" lucy smiled "why haven't you been to the guild in so long?" asked erza "i've been helping wendy move in, she's staying with me for a few months so i've been focused on buying more stuff to make her feel more at home" my house was laid out weirdly the kitchen was downstairs with a bathroom and wendy's room and my room along with another bathroom and the living room was upstairs "can we help?" asked lucy "are sure?" i asked but erza just walked right in "so shall we get started?" asked erza.
All 3 of them helped me decorate wendy's room, we even painted it a light shade of blue and white for her. I took in a deep breath "and done!" "it looks great!" levy yelled "ya think?" i asked pleadingly "of course she'll love it" lucy nodded "now its getting dark, should we head to the guild for a bit? everyone misses you" erza said, i smiled "yes let's do it!"
We headed to the guild and wendy, gray and natsu was nowhere to be seen "hey guys, where's the rest of team natsu?" i asked, mira answered "gray told natsu about some dragon sighting , wendy wanted to go then gray disappeared after them" "where too?" lucy asked, mira informed us and me, erza and lucy headed to where they were whole levy decided to stay at the guild with team shadow gear.
We arrived at the place where mira told us to go but there was nothing there, lucy looked around "there should be an inn around here" "do you think we misheard what mira said?" i asked "no. something fishy is going on here stay sharp" erza stood wearily as a weird cloaked being appeared out of a magic circle "who's that?" i asked "more like what's that" lucy shivered "lucy, y/n stay behind me" we stepped back "you got it!" she requipped "tell me what you're planning here! are you the reason natsu and the others haven't come home? answer me!" she yelled the cloak fell off the being and he appeared to be some sort of crocodile man, him and erza fought and lucy summonsed a spirit "open gate of the maiden virgo" "is there someone you'd like me to spank for you princess?" "we got to work on your turn of phrase" "hey virgo!" i greeted her "hi miss y/n!" "stop chatting you need to help erza!" lucy yelled "i'll help you!" i smiled, another being came out of a magic circle by me, lucy and virgo and another, lucy and virgo fight one, erza fights another and i fight the last one.
"Angel slayer: swords of judgement" i summon 2 swords of light and prepare to fight him but then the weird monster copies my action and summoned 2 swords "stop copying me you freak!" we started sword fighting and he kept copying my moves "stop it!" i yelled "i understand now! guys they switch out with another one of their kind who has the same attributes as their opponents" erza requips too quick for the monster to copy her and destroys it "OH I GET IT" i grin "angel slayer: heavenly canon" "angel slayer: thrusting light" i yell one after another destroying the monster with my second spell i looked around and lucy and erza had defeated their monsters "we did it!" i yelled,
suddenly the wind started howling and caused a sand storm around us, then out of nowhere a lady riding a dragon? appeared "YES YES ITS ALIVE, CONCEALMENT MAGIC DISPERSED PREPARE RO ACTIVATE LACRIMA CORE! UNLOCKING ALL JOINT RESTRICTORS NEUROTRANSMITTER LACRIMA CONNECTION IS GOOD TO GO" erza, lucy and i dropped our jaws "THE HELL?!" "anything living that's not salamander get away from my precious baby! YES YES YES firing up this bad boy with a salamander heart LETS GET THIS PARTY STARTED!" she starts playing the piano and the dragons eyes flowed "salamander?"i asked and heard natsu scream "natsu?!" i yelled "YES YES LIKE A NEWBORN IT CRIES" "OH SHUT UP ANGEL SLAYER: PURE FURY" i sent my light towards the natsu powered dragon, wendy, carla and happy joined erza explaining that gray led them into a trap. "gray.." i whispered to myself "there better be a good reson for this!" erza yelled "i'm sorry i don't have a reason" gray answered smugly "so what now" mumbled lucy, natsu screamed again "NATSU! LET HIM GO!" i yelled punching the dragon "if you want to try and stop us be my guest then again considering how pathetically weak you all are i doubt you'd all survive to see the dragonoids true glory" erzas face scrunches "how could you!" i focused on trying to get natsu out by punching the stomach of the dragon i jumped back to the rest of them "we need to rescue him" i frowned "you've got some explaining to do!" someone yelled, i turned around macao! "and you better hope everyone at the guild likes your answers!" wakaba! i smiled " if you were a real man you'd never double cross your friends" elfman! he jumped of the car and punched gray "sorry i had to do this but gramps wants you back at the guild" "master sent you?" erza questioned "yeah when he got word of what daphne was up to, he told us to come out here " macao answered "he said he'll decide what to do about her oversized lizard once he gets to talk to gray one on one" wakaba adds, the dragon takes off using its wings "it's flying?!" i yelled "it had wings?!" lucy added "well what did you think the wings were for?" carla asked, "i don't know, design?" i yelled "oh no if it keeps going that way, it'll hit magnolia in no time" wendy complained "all right listen i need you all to return to the guild and get ready for action we have to protect magnolia no matter what" lucy replies first "okay what are you gonna do?" "i'm going dragon hunting now quit wasting time!" "let's head back to the guild" "aye sir!" everyone left and i stayed "i'm coming with you.." "no go back to the guild" i shook my head "you don't have to do everything alone ya know.. you have us now erza let me help" she shook her head "we need to be quick it's already gotten quite far" i nodded "ANGEL SLAYER: CLOUD" me and erza got on the cloud "follow that dragon!" the cloud started chasing the dragon, getting closer and closer to it. erza jumps at it but gets stopped by one of the bests from before "oh no you don't ANGEL SLAYER: SWORDS OF JUDGEMENT" i threw one like a boomerang taking out the monster and catching my sword "nice moves!" "thanks! now let's go" we land on the dragons back "let's run a test shall we" the woman 'daphne' spoke to us and 4 monsters appeared before us, 3 designed after erza and one after me "thanks to the data collected from your previous fights, i was able to improve their design. I wonder how you'll fare against the lizard men 2.5? Show me what you've got!" "erza step back, i've got this" i took a breath in and a breath out "ANGEL SLAYER: CANCELLATION" i canceled the woman's magic therefore making the beasts disappear, the dragon starts shaking and a large amount of smoke exists it's mouth "is it breaking down?" erza asks falling "i don't know, maybe it's malfunctioning" i replied trying to stay on my feet, "Natsu don't tell me you're laying down on the job!" erza yelled "yeah man we're all fighting our butts off out here trying to rescue you, you better be working just as hard in there you here me?" i added "we're all gonna walk away from this battle together!" erza yelled "as long as you keep on fighting down there! you can't give up now! that just wouldn't be natsu!" i smiled as more beasts were summoned me and erza fought them perilously "let's end this!" erza yelled as we defeated the last one "im afraid i have some bad news, you've run out of time" i turned too her "why does everyone tell us we've run out of time, we're still young it's not like we're in our 80s on our death beds it's getting annoying" erza chuckled and the dragon started shaking making us fall off,
the dragon towered over as as flames surrounded our bodies, the dragon was about to crush us but everyone from the guild fought to help us and sent all the spells they could towards the artificial dragon.
Lucy walked towards us "master said we have to destroy that thing and that it's top priority" "hold on that can't be right, what about natsu?" i asked "he said he's tough enough to survive this" " i see.. natsu we've been told by master makarov to destroy the dragonoid by any means necessary, but before that i need to know what you want us to do. Answer me" erza spoke, natsu laughed "sure, it's about time someone asked that. Now listen up i'm only gonna say this once so clear the gunk out of your ears. forget about me. DESTROY THIS THING NO MATTER WHAT!" he yelled "you gotta destroy that thing with me inside!" he yelled again "natsu.." happy landed on my head "i don't think that's a good idea if we do that what's gonna happen to you?" "just do it would ya? if magnolia were to end up getting flattened because of me i won't be able to live with myself" I assessed the dragon "where's its weakness!" i got frustrated with myself "AH I GOT IT GUYS DISTRACT THE LIZARDMEN FOR ME I KNOW HOW TO DEFEAT IT" lucy looked at me "are you sure?" "natsus still inside that thing" happy panicked, o turned and looked at them "we have to protect the city at all cost plus natsu will be fine you got to trust me" "LETS DO THIS" everyone yelled "ANGEL SLAYER: PURE FURY, ANGEL SLAYER: KICK OF THE ANGEL" i sent all my attacks at the red orb in the middle of the dragons chest, then gray and juvia shot attacks at the dragon too help me, "SHUT UP OH THIS IS MAKING ME SO MAD I SHOULD JUST CRUSH EVERYTHING, NO I SHOULDNT, YES I SHOULD. WHAT THE HECKS WRONG WITH ME?" natsu yelled "what's wrong with him?" i asked myself "listen up ya pink haired freak! are you seriously that helpless man, it's pathetic i should've known you were nothing but a bunch of hot air we're getting really tired of this lame comedy routine you're doing in there so man up already" gray yelled, the dragon looked at gray angrily "COOL IT FREEZER BURN" "you know a real fairy tail wizard never forgets a promise you're making the guild look like we're a bunch of liars you should show em how we really do it smash that thing into smithereens" i grinned "he's trying to get natsu fired up! NATSU WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR, YOURE TAKING YOUR TIME!"happy joins in "i'm super disappointed in you natsu" "what?" natsu shouted "i mean what's your problem i thought you were the kind of guy that's crushed whatever trouble you ran into no matter what" i nodded "i agree happy, he's getting bestest by a fake dragon, you're suppose to be a dragon slayer, how are you suppose to slay dragons if you can't take down this piece of trash!" lucy joined in "come on help us out! everyone in fairy tail needs you right now and you're just gonna give up?we all expected a whole lot more outta you but i guess you decided to take the easy way out and let this thing win!" "what! GIVE ME A BREAK GUYS YOU DONT HAVE TO GET SO PERSONAL" "they're right natsu i know you got caught off guard at first but you lost heart so quickly" erza pointed her sword at him "NO I DIDNT- YEAH I GIVE UP- NO NEVER" i shook my head "this guy needs therapy, natsu you told us to destroy this with you inside, you can't have lost that much heart that would just be embarrassing!" erza smiled at me.
The dragon shot fire out of its mouth "WHOA" natsu started laughing, "if you can't muster the confidence to value you your own life fairy tail has no need for you" erza spoke sternly "SAY WHAT" "i'm sure if your precious dragon ever saw you again he'd be ashamed of what you become if he had any kind of pride he'd beat you senseless for disgracing his legacy" i nodded "you tell him erza" "this ends now! YOU AND ME RED ITS TIME TO PARTY I HAVE BEEN WAITING FOR THIS DAY FOR SO LONG" natsu growled "that's it buddy you're staying to sound more like yourself again" happy grinned "GET HIM ERZA!" i yelled "YOU KNOW YOU'RE AFRAID OF ME NOW ERZA!" natsu chuckled "don't ever presume to be better than me" erza hit the orb, i used my cloud and joined her side "you're not alone remember angel slayer: swords of judgement" i sent my magic into the orb making the orb crack and break, inside the orb was natsu "natsu! you're alright" i smiled "thanks for breaking me out of there!" i hugged him "you know it's been awhile since i seen you last.. come around the guild more often okay?" he asked i laughed and nodded "i take a few days off and this is the trouble you get yourself into, i haven't got a choice but to go more often to keep you outta trouble" i sighed "you're right! anything to make you come more often!" "shush you, you still have a job to do!" he nodded he carried me bridal style and put me on the ground graceful "thank you now go!" "right" he went and devoured all the flames created by the dragon he once controlled " now i've got a fire in my belly. IM ALL FIRED UP. YOU SAY YOU WANNA SEE A DRAGON HUH? IM GONNA SHOW YOU WHAT AN ANGRY ONE LOOKS LIKE! LETS SEE YOU TRY TO PULL THAT LITTLE VANISHING ACT AGAIN FOUR EYES, MY SENSES ARE SHARPER NOW THAN THEY HAVE EVER BEEN AND I GOT SO MUCH POWER RUNNING THROUGH ME, I JUST MIGHT EXPLODE. YOU OWE IGNEEL A BIG APOLOGY, YOU STUPID DRAGON WANNABE" Natsu punched the dragon with all his might.
The light shined down on magnolia, it was now morning "wheats the big idea with you putting me through all that gray?!" "it's your own fault for going around and breaking promises" everyone started laughing, i smiled "hey wendy?" she turned around "yeah?" "i'm going to head home, i need some sleep" she nodded "you deserve it y/n" she smiled.
I got home and a certain salmon haired mage was already on my door step "and where do you think you're going?" he asked "back to bed, because of you i wasn't able to sleep idiot" "IT WASNT MY FAULT BLAME GRAY" i sighed "i'm glad you're alright but please can i go to bed i'm exhausted" "yeah sure thing.. i come to tell you that next time something like this happens i'll be the one saving you" what, i turned around and he had gone "what did he mean by that?" i whispered to myself, i shrugged it off and entered my house, i changed into some warm pjs and slid into bed falling slowly asleep.

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