A guild?

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Next thing i knew i was awake. Where am i? I cautiously wondered around. I looked down and was greeted with huge boobies, WHAT WHEN DID THEY GET THERE. So last thing I remember was being in the church but a lot has changed since then, my appearance has changed a lot, it seems i've got.. older? but how? One second i was a kid and now i'm a teen. I looked around "hello is anyone here?" no answer, i shrugged and continued to looked around the church. There happened to be a change of clothes, i took the clothes and changed in the churches bathroom, for an abandoned church it was pretty upkept.

I stayed in the church for a week, living off water from the stream nearby and animals until i decided to go looking for any towns close by, i somehow managed to make my way onto the roof of the church and spotted a town "it's a town!" i spoke to myself excitedly,
I climbed down from the roof and  started walking to the town, it didn't appear to be too far away so it shouldn't take me too long.

As i arrived at the village i had assumed that there was a festival going on because people had gathered in bunches around one road. I started trying to jump and push through the crowd to see what everyone was looking at. A parade? SO COO- i got hit to the ground by people trying to watch the concert, i huffed 'okay so that's how it is' "ANGEL SLAYER: FLYING CLOUD" suddenly a cloud appeared under my feet and lifted me up so i had a perfect view of the parade. It was so pretty the floats were everything and the people on the floats seemed to have magic power. Fun.

I sat down on the cloud and watched all the floats in awe.

After the parade was over I went down to one of the girls i seen on the floats "Hi! you were great up there" i smiled she grinned and enthusiastically replied "thank you!"
"sorry but you're so pretty you look like an actual goddess what's your name" the girl in front of me blushed.
"thank you so much! my names mira" "Hi mira! nice to meet you i'm y/n" after that we talked a bit about the parade and then someone else showed up "Mira! come on the master wants to see us" a blue haired mage ushered her over, mira turned and looked at me "do you want to come?" "where are you going?" i asked "to our guild!" she said happily 'guild?' i thought i don't know what that is but what's the harm in going "sure!"

We walked to the 'guild', it was HUGE, as I walked in the large building a chair came flying straight at my face but I stopped it with my bare hands. Damn i was strong okay. They all looked at me "No dont, don't look at me surprised when I was the one who just got attacked by a flying chair" Mira giggled "welcome to the guild y/n" I didn't know what a guild was but it seemed loving. A salmon haired boy came up to me "hey! i'm Natsu are you joining the guild?" he asked "all of you keep saying this word 'guild' what's a guild?" i asked.

" A guild? A guild is where we all share happy moments and sad moments, we can't share all of them. But whenever possible we will shoulder it together. That's the true meaning of a guild. An individual's happiness is everyone's happiness. An individual's wrath is everyone's wrath. And an individual's tears are everyone's tears" I smiled and looked over to the short, old man who'd answered my question "that's beautiful so a guild is sort of like a family?" I asked and Natsu turned to me "you're getting it now!" I turned to the small man "thank you sir! who are you?" "i'm the master of this guild"
"Aww you're so cute" I squished him in a hug, he's so tiny and adorable, he coughed "it's nice too meet you too.. stop it your suffocating me child!" "i'm so sorry, I didn't mean to!" i bowed to the master.

"It's okay, i have to experience this childish behaviour from everyone in the guild"

"you're the master? if it's no trouble, would I be able to join the guild please? I have no home so being able to join the guild would mean the world to me, i'm not that weak either, i actually have angel slayer magic so please can i join!" he laughs "of course child it's no trouble at all, we'd be honoured to have you, something tells me you'll fit right in" I smiled brightly as Mira draped her arm around me "welcome to Fairy tail y/n! but for real this time" and everyone started cheering and celebrating the arrival of their newest member y/n l/n!

The Deity of FairyTail || Natsu x Reader||Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя