The date!

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I woke up and stretched my arms "so tired .." i yawned and exited my bed.
I went downstairs to make some breakfast "it's oddly quiet down here" i muttered to myself, "wendy?" i called and looked into her room but she wasn't there.. huh she's probably at the guild.
I was making myself some breakfast when i glanced over at the calendar in the kitchen.. may 3rd? "it's may third!THE DATES TODAY!" i yelled "the what?" someone asked i turned around and was greeted with a small cat "hi happy! The date I have with hibiki is today" "today?" i nodded "not to be rude but why are you here?" "wendy asked me to come and tell you that she's going on a job with freed and carla" " she has?" the cat nodded "remember that guy with the theatre?" he asked "NO DONT REMIND ME.. how could i forget" i sulked "Y/N" some yelled from outside "who's that?" happy asked i shook my head "i don't know, i'll go check" i looked outside and found a certain scarlet haired mage "erza? why are you here?" "WHY AM I HERE? YOU HAVE A DATE TODAY! WITH HIBIKI?" i nodded "right?" " IM HERE TO HELP YOU GET READY" i grinned "really? you are? thank you!" i yelled "we need to go shopping asap! let's go" i struggled "but erza!" "no buts" "but happys in there!" " he'll be fine!" she yelled dragging me away to the shops.
We looked around town "how about this one?" erza asked, i looked in the shop window and seen gorgeous dresses "yeah!" she pulled me into the shop "ooo look at this one" i admired "try it on!" i smiled and walked into the changing room with it and changed into the gorgeous dress, i walked out with the dress on "YOU LOOK FABULOUS" erza yelled i blushed "you think?" she asked, she nodded "i've already bought it, now we need to go to the guild lucy's agreed to help with your hair!" "YOU ALREADY BOUGHT IT?" i asked "yep now come on!" she dragged me to the guild in my dress, i sighed i should have never told about the date obviously she should know but she can be so commanding, it's not that bad i guess atleast with her helping i know i'm gonna look good.
In the guild erza didn't even let me say hi to anyone, she just zoomed me too the back, by now it was already 5pm i had too meet hibiki outside my house by 6:30, which shouldn't be a problem.
"LUCY SHES HERE" erza yelled "THAT DRESS LOOKS SO GOOD" lucy yelled "thank you lucy!" erza say be down on the chair "erza wai" "she needs her hair done pronto!" lucy nodded "open gate of the crab: cancer!" one of lucy's spirits, cancer appeared by her side "cancer, you need to fix her hair" "baby! What happened to you hair?" the crab man asked, i sulked "i woke up then was dragged around shops.." i glared at her and she looked away with a whistle.
Cancer tried a few styles on my hair "done, baby!" be yelled, i took a look in the mirror, i looked good, like model good! erza tears up "our work here is complete" i chuckled "thanks guys!" i looked outside the window and has noticed it was getting dark "SHOOT I GOTTA GO" i zoomed out of the guild "ANGEL SLAYER: cloud!" my famous cloud took me home with 5 minutes to spare "whew that was close" i sat down and looked at the sorcer weekly magazine for five minutes till a soft knock sounded at the door.. must be hibiki, i stood up from the couch i was currently sat on, positioned my dress, added some perfume and opened the door, infront of me was hibiki, dressed up in a suit, holding some nicely wrapped daisies, i smiled so cute although my favourite flower was peonies, but he barely knew me so i respected the effort he put in " hi.." i spoke softly hibikis jaw dropped "you look.." i looked down to the floor "good" i smiled "thank you.. so ..hibiki where are you taking me" i grinned "that's a surprise" he held a blindfold and wrapped it around me head, surrendering my sight, i laughed "serious?" "very serious! now come on" he held my arm slowly taking me to the place where our date was to be held.. finally after what felt like hours we had arrived "you can take it off now.." i opened my eyes and we were in a fancy restaurant "this is elegant" i announced, he nodded "they do absolutely delicious food" i smiled "great!" a waiter came over to take our order and we started talking "so.. y/n i want to know more about you" i look down"there's really not much too tell.. i only have about 4 years 4 weeks of memories and most of my childhood i can't even remember" his face saddened "that must be so tough.. i can't imagine what that must be like" i shook my head "it's not that bad, it's hard to be sad about it when i'm constantly surrounded by natsu and the others.. but sometimes regardless of that i do wonder if i have any family or friends out there.. somewhere searching for me.. hoping that one day i'll show up up" hibiki held my hand "if there is i'm sure they'll find you one day, your memories won't be gone forever" i nodded "i know.. now let's stop talking about this ,it's depressing. Tell me about you.. what's one of your favourite memories?" i asked, he chuckled "that would easily be the day i joined the guild.." he told me the story about the day he joined the guild.. he was funny and charming, i'm really starting too fall for this guy "i'm really stating to like you" hibiki announced as if he was reading my mind "me too" i smiled, we had finished food and was about to order a dessert s new waitress came up to us "can i get any desserts for you? wait- HIBIKI WHY ARE YOU HERE ON A DATE WITH THIS.. tramp" i lowered my head "so you're going on dates with other girls now? What a great boyfriend!" that's it "i think i should go.." i stood up "no y/n you've got the wrong idea!" "yes leave you tramp! stay away from my man!" i ran out of the restaurant, tears falling for my eyes.. is this what i deserve, is the universe punishing me for trusting him and liking him so easily. AH I CANT BELIEVE HE HAS A GIRLFRIEND.. he has a girlfriend, i sat down by the oak tree in the middle of town and just cried "y/n?" i looked up "gr-gray?" i squeaked out between cries, gray started panicking "are you okay?" he says down besides me "yes.. no" i cried on his shoulder "hibiki.. don't worry the date didn't go very well.. at first it was great he brought me daisies.. they weren't peonies but the gesture was cute, then he blindfolded me and took me too a nice restaurant , we spoke for a bit and i really started to like him, then this girl came over to take our order and called me names, claiming she was his girlfriend" telling the story again just made me bawl my eyes out even more. Gray didn't know what to do he just sat there caressing my back "hey.. imma head home" i sniffed finally finished with crying, he nodded "will you be okay?" "i'll be fine" he pulled me into a hug and waved goodbye to me.. i sighed and walked back home, man am i happy that wendy's on a job, i'd hate for her to see me like this.
I arrived home and went straight to bed, I changed my clothes and laid in bed.
Eventually i cried my self to sleep.
The next morning I woke up to loud knocking on my bedroom window and someone shouting my name "y/n! y/n!" so loud.. so early.. i wiped my eyes and opened my curtains.. it was natsu, he was covered in dirt and holding.. peonies? "natsu?" i asked "can you open your window please?" "what are you doing here so early?" i questioned yawning "gray told me about hibiki last night and i wanted to cheer you up.. so i got you flowers" i gasped "did gray tell you what my favourite ones were?" he nodded "it took me awhile to find them though.. apparently they don't grow around this time" "you spent all night looking for flowers just to cheer me up?" he nodded and scratched the back of his head "hibikis an idiot.. he should have never done that to you. You deserve more than him" i smiled softly at the salamander that stood before me, i took the flowers off him, placed them on my bed side table and hugged him, we stayed in a hugging position for a while "are you okay?" he whispered in my ear "i will be.. thank you.. so much" i chuckled "your duty has been fulfilled" "so you've been cheered up?" "yeah and it's all thanks to you.. screw hibiki" he nodded "yeah screw him!" i frowned thinking again about the events of last night, natsu face was pained and he outstretched his hand "let's go to the guild, that should cheer you up, there's suppose to be a huge race thing with everyone in the guild today" My eyes go starry "that's today?! what are we waiting for!" i dragged the salmon haired boy out of my house all the way to the guild, maintaining a huge grin on my face the whole journey there all thanks to.. Natsu.

The Deity of FairyTail || Natsu x Reader||Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon