24 hour endurance road race!

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We got to the guild and fireworks were be setting off. I went inside and changed into some shorter clothes, they consisted of some high waist shorts and a tight f/c sports bra, i walked outside and me and natsu made our way to the front of the lined up guild members while everyone was stretching.
Me and natsu walked over to happy, elfman and gray "hey guys!" i greeted "hey y/n!" happy smiled "hi y/n" said elfman "hey!" gray spoke enthusiastically, me and natsu joined them in on stretching, i stood by gray "are you okay?" he asked, i nodded "i'm fine now, but whatever happens please don't tell erza what happened" "yeah okay" we both shivered "imagine what she'd do to him if she ever found out" "i don't wanna imagine that" "y/n you better not come lastttt" happy teased "why what happens if i come last?" i asked "the punishment game" "PUNISHMENT GAME?" the master stepped in front of everyone "everyone quiet down, fairy tail wizards know that without the proper balance of intelligence and physical endurance they're doomed to fail, over the next 24 hours you'll use those attributes against eachother" "real man never uses his brain" "yeah physical strength is all that matters in a race like this" gray spoke "the rules of this race are simple, from starting like each of you will make your way along a predetermined course, ending at mount ibor. The summits been peppered with heavy wybern scales you are to grab on and bring it back, once it's across the finish line, you've completed the race and proven yourself a worthy fairy tail member. Never forget, forfeiting is not an option for any of you. Fairy tail wizards pride themselves on our willingness to go the extra mile, i've decided to put a new restriction in place for this years event, after numerous complaints, i've decided the use of flying magic is now forbidden! All other forms of magic are still permitted and whoever's unfortunate enough to come in last will face the most horrific punishment game i've ever devised" i sweat dropped, don't come in last. Noted. "it's on i'm not holding back this time, today me and you are rivals " natsu addressed happy "i won't hold back either okay? but this new no flying rule sucks kitty litter. Can we make a deal. i'd i win, y/n has to buy me fish and give me 100 scratches" "huh since when did i get brought into this deal?!" "since now" natsu said "you too?" "well if i win i want y/n to give me 100 ear scratches and to come on a job with me" "you want me to go on a job with you natsu?" he nodded, gray stepped forward "well if i win-" "guys i'm not the prize okay, i don't have to do what you say if you win.. also what about if i win, what happens then?" happy grins "someone can do something for you" master giggled "then it's decided y/na the prize" "WHAT?" a few men in the crowd cheered "woohoo" "now i wanna win" "i'll be taking home that prize!" "WHY ME" i cried, lucy patted my back "there, there" "there's been something i have wanted you to do for a while now" erza grinned, my shine shivered "NO ONE LET ERZA WIN" i yelled, erza glared at everyone.
Everyone prepared themselves at the starting line "ready! BANG!" Jet took off immediately leaving all of us in dust and i mean that literally, sand sent us all flying, we were all on the ground "i'm not getting merry behind" i got up and started running "you're not getting ahead of me y/n" natsu lights his hands on fire and uses them to propel himself forward "told you guys i had a secret weapon this year! This is my fire dragon, iron fist booster" elfman, gajeel, gray, erza, happy and alzack all chase after us, elfmans face went angry "you better hope i don't catch up to you cheated, you hear me?" i tried running quicker and kept a steady pace with natsu, behind jet and just infront of everyone else "aw man i thought i had a lead on you all" i sulked while speeding up "everyone's not that far behind us!" we both sped up "ICE MAKE: FLOOR" uh oh, i slowly started skating across the ice gray made, leaving me in 4th place, gray elegantly taking over me "gray!" "sorry every man for himself" he yelled, sighed as elfman too over me punching gray sending him backwards "that's what you get ice boy!" i chuckled, i ran quicker "elfman, slow down!" he turned behind "a true man would never lose!" he yelled "a true gentleman would let a lady go first!" i grinned knowing how to make elfman submit to my womanly ways, he looked flushed "YOURE RIGHT GO AHEAD" i chuckled and ran as quick as i could and saw gajeel infront of me "I WASNT 4th I WAS 5th!" gajeel punched something infront of him, i wasnt quite sure what or who it was till i seen a hot headed salamander run out behind him "oh no you don't natsu! ANGEL SLAYER: ANGEL KICK" i hit him in the back making him fall back to where he came from "y/n?" "sorry natsu, to quote gray, it's every man for themselves!" i ran on ahead "but you're not even a man!" he yelled, i finally reached the top along with gajeel, jet had sped ahead of us, we both picked up a wyvern scale each, i seen happy up there struggling to try and get a scale, so i helped him out and gave him one and left quickly, erza and jet were infront of me, i was now drawing with gajeel, gray and lucy, i took deep breathes in attempt to steady my breathing, luckily it worked.
After running for a bit longer, it was now morning, me and erza were drawing first after jet had mysteriously disappeared from the track, but natsu wasn't far off behind us, out of nowhere jet started running up behind gray and gajeel "i'm not letting him beat me! requip" yelled erza changing into a bunny suit "a bunny?" the bunny suit a lowered her down and now she was in fifth, first was me, then gray, then natsu, then gajeel and then erza "something off!" natsu yelled "what do you mean?" asked gray " isn't she a bit slow for a bunny" "maybe she likes the way it looks" gajeel laughed "she certainly doesn't look like someone who cares about her appearance" "shut up guys, i think she looks rather cute, i do think the suit may be slowing her down" jet sped up and all 6 of us were competing for 1st place "fire dragon: iron fist!" "requip!" natsus fire stopped making him fall behind but he started running quicker, all of us were putting our all in to coming first "this years title is gonna be mine!" we all yelled, then like a jerk natsu tripped into me, making me trip into erza, making erza trip into gray make him trip into gajeel, finally making gajeel trip into jet, we had all been wiped out just before the finishing line, i looked behind me and saw happy running towards the finish line "get em happy!" i yelled "doesn't he win you though" gajeel chuckled "oh crap i forgot about that" i sulked "no way" natsus eyes widened as happy walked past us all "cool! we may have a new champion" jason, the presenter yelled as happy crossed the finish line, all 6 of us looked at him in awe as we all just sat helplessly on the ground "how did this happen" "we lost this race to" "that freaking cat" "how could he, after i helped him" i sulked "now i have to buy him loads of fishies.." "you're not taking this as hard as i thought you would champ" erza said to jet "well the little guy did wake me up from my nap earlier, i'll let him win this year but next year i won't be as careless" wendy and carla approached the finish line, i tried getting up "come on guys, why are we just sitting here!" "uh oh" "what's going on?" "isn't it obvious?" "if we don't cross the finish line before they do we'll have to play the punishment game" everyone stomps over us crossing the finish line, gray and natsu had their arms over me so i wouldn't get trampled, erza some how snuck over with everyone else, leaving me, jet, gray, gajeel and natsu, "this is bad" announced gray "ya think?" gajeel said with sarcasm " this is bad, i barely have any strength how am i suppose to cross the finish line" complained natsu "enjoy your punishment game losers! high speed!" i looked over to the other four and whispered "let's catch a free ride" making them all grin as we all held on to jet making him carry us across the finish line "you guys are so petty" jet spoke, i walked over to jason, the announcer "so who won" he got excited "no one, this year we have our first five way tie for last place" "SAY WHAT?" we all yelled "never in a million years would i have ever dreamed of such a dramatic out come than what happened here to today, in last place is natsu, gray, y/n, gajeel and the previous champion jet! but it's not over for them, now it's time for the punishment game" the master laughed conspicuously "this turned out better than i'd hoped" natsu panicked "we all get punished?" "no way! we all finsihed before jet!" i yelled "as if you all rode me, so you four should be joint last!" "can't we just run another race as a fire breaker?" bargained gray "quit complaining! i expected better from you just like real work, wizards don't get any do overs when they mess up, you gotta learn to deal with the consequences. Painful consequences for you and fun for me! Five times the fun!" natsu jumped forward "fine! bring it on! i'm not afraid of your punishment game! i can take whatever you dish out" "that's it keep that resolve lad! believe it when i say you're gonna need it for what i've got in store" master pulls out a sorcer weekly magazine with mira on the front "sorcer weekly?" master nodded "sorcer weekly will print an issue of nothing but glamour shots and the models for these pin ups will be you boneheads. A deluxe 20 page spread, complete with up close and personal interviews" "WHAT?" the boys yelled "i don't know about you boys but i'll rock this" lucy sulks "you're telling me if i lost i'd get to be in sorcerer weekly" "THIS IS GOING TO BE SO COOL! LETS GET YOU MEASURED AS SOON AS POSSIBLE SO I CAN PICK OUT YOUR OUTFITS" All the boys run away "i guess not" i mumbled "y/n time for fishies!"
After the whole race was over and done with, we took our shots and me happy, carla and wendy went back to my place after buying happy plenty of raw fish , "y/n we're going straight to our room" i nodded "i'll make dinner in abit" she yelled a simple 'okay, thanks y/n' happy sat there eating fish "aw man you actually got what you wanted" natsu came through the door and moaned "aye sir! you should've won!" i giggled "i'll go on a job with you even though you lost" "REALLY! Come on! we'll have a look tomorrow" i nodded happily "sounds like a plan" he flopped and the floor and watched happy eat fish "man am i hungry" "these taste so good!" happy rubbed in his face "yeah whatever buddy" "guys i'll be right back" i went down my kitchen and got myself a drink but natsu followed me down there "what are you doing?" he asked "i wanted a drink, also" i went in my fridge and pulled out a box of chilled fish for him" his eyes sparkled "are they for me?" i nodded "i saved some for you" natsu got on his knees and started praising me "thank you, so kind, angel y/n"

Now with that statement natsu didn't know how right he truly was, y/n was an angel disguised as a angel slayer, ironic right..

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