Catch up and alleys!

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So bright.. i woke up to the sun shining in my eyes "you're finally awake?" natsu asked, i sat up and yawned "we fell asleep up here?" he chuckled "you don't remember? you were the one who wanted too" i shook my head "we should get back, apollo and happy may get worried" "nah let's just go straight to the guild!" i shook my head "fine.. come on!"
Me and natsu walked into the guild together and apollo and happy were there anyways "guys!" apollo yelled "where were you all night?" happy asked "um.. we kind of fell asleep on the mountain.." apollo and happy started chuckling "so cute" they walked away mocking me "what was that about?" natsu asked- "Wonderful! It seems the rumours are true!" the doors swung open to reveal 5 figures "who are these bozos?" elfman asked, a girl with bright pink hair stepped forward, no way?! sherry! "hello my lovelies! I'm glad to hear your deaths were exaggerated" i ran up to her "sherry!" "y/n! it's been so long!" she hugged me "you're in great health!" jura said to me, i nodded "to us it felt like no time went by at all" a boy with blue hair and rather large eyebrows spoke "that would explain why they haven't aged in 7 years" "you've barely been back two days and you've already trashed the place!" "no way! it's leon!" lucy turned to look at them "Lamia Scale!" "Blue Pegasus and Lamia Scale helped us search for tenrou island longer than anyone else would" max announced "we appreciate it" erza said "well i guess we owe you one man" gray said to leon "i'd love to take you up on that but i've got seven years on you now and i'm not the kinda guy who takes advantage of children" "yeah, rub it in" the Lamia scale members started talking to some of the fairy tail members and sherry was talking to me and natsu "see things haven't been all bad in 7 years, in that time Lamia Scale climbed the ranks to diodes second best guild, no hard feelings?" "Is pegasus number one?" i asked "NO" one of the dog looking members of lamia scale yelled.. "okayyyy. ERZA! spa night tonight! you have no wha in the matter! and lisanna, mira. lucy, juvia, levy and wendy are going too!" "WE ARE?!" they yelled, "yep! 7pm sharp!" i giggled and left the guild, it was still pretty early "girlfriend!" .. laxus "hi laxus" i smiled "i thought i told you to stop calling me that!" "you're mine unless you're somebody else's" i sighed "you like cake right? cmon" he picked me up over his shoulder and took me too 'Jeans pastries' "i love this place!" "erza told me" "miss y/n?!" the shopkeeper seen me and teared up "it's been so long.. who's this" he gestured to the man who's shoulder i was over "her boyfriend" "he's lying.. he's delusional" he shook his head "one day" we sat down together and ordered some cake "how are you feeling after tenrou?" laxus asked me "its all so.. surreal, it's strange to think that for us no time passed but for all our friends it had been 7 years, i mean bisca and alzack got married and had a kid!" laxus chuckled "you're right, it's not much different to me because i was travelling alone before tenrou.." i frowned "i've been meaning to talk to you about the guild.. is master letting you join back?" "im not entirely sure, we haven't discussed it yet" "what did you do that was so awful to be kicked out in the first place?" he looked down ashamed "Please don't let what im about to tell you change your opinion on me.. how long have you been in the guild?" "since just before everything happened with the orcaion seis, i actually joined the night of a parade!" he sighed "a few days before that parade me and the thunder legion made soemthing called the battle of the fairies where members of fairy tail would all have to fight eachother or i'd strike the whole town with lightning.." "why.. why would you do that?" "i was an asshole back then.." he looked down "hey it's alright.. everyone in the guild seemed to have forgive you, you don't have to seem so guilty, even though you're not in fairy tail that doesn't mean we're not your family" laxus looked up and smiled "y/n!" a voice yelled, "do you know a skinny pretty boy with scruffy brown hair?" laxus asked.. oh no.. hibiki "you're back?! you never came by the guild" he came up to me and tried hugging me to which i backed away from "cmon, it's been 7 years now let's forgive and forget, i've realised i do love you.. every part of you" my eyes widened "creep!" "y/n! please!" hibiki gripped my arm "you let her go pal" laxus stood up, towering over hibiki "if you don't let her and go in the next 5 seconds i'll zap you into smithereens!" hibiki let go "i'm coming around later" i shuddered "who's he and why's he harassing you?" i sighed "it's a long story.." i explained to him what happened "he sounds like a bastard, maybe i should've taught him a lesson after all" i shook my head "not in here, you can't ruin this shop because then where would i get cake from.. speaking of cake let's take some back to the guild for erza!" "i guess that'll make her happy, come on then" he put me back over his shoulder "i can walk ya know?" "this is easier, can i have strawberry cake please" jean handed him a wrapped cake box and laxus left "explain to me how carrying me is easier than walking" "easier to hear ya, this way you're by my ear instead of being shorter than me" "yeah yeah, you're tall i'm aware" "less of the attitude or i'll drop ya!" he chuckled "please don't, that would hurt, also you could drop erzas cake and that wouldn't be a very good idea!" "here we are" laxus walked in with me still over his shoulder "erza! we've bright cake!" "cake? cake? did you say cake?!" laxus handed her the box and she blushed, walking away happily with her cake, laxus put me down "will you be okay later with that boy? do you want me to come over and keep you company?" laxus asked "i'll be fine, if it goes south i can show him what a fairy tail wizard is capable of!" he smiled "that my girl!" "not your girl!" i corrected him walking away, i sat down with apollo and panther lily "what's the deal with laxus?" lily asked "ever since i saved him on the ship, he's a soft spot for me, it's kinda cute" apollo shook her head "you call everything cute" i smiled "no one's as cute as you two" lily frowned "isn't call us that, we're classified as warriors in our world" "so cute" i mumbled.
After talking with the exceeds for awhile longer it was time to make my way to the spa.
It was exactly 6pm and no one was there yet, do they not know how to be on time? "y/n! sorry i'm late!" erza yelled catching her breath "i deeply apologise, i don't want there to be no bad air between us" i giggled "don't be silly you're only a minute late, the others on the other hand i will kill if they take too long" "we're here!" wendy, juvia, lisanna and mira run down the path to us "you're exactly 3.45 minutes late!" "eek, we're sorry erza, we got kept up at the guild!" "where's lucy and levy ?" mira asked "we're here!" lucy yelled "finally, we can go in!" i smiled, we all laughed together and walked in "hot springs first ladies, time to strip!" erza spoke, as i underrated lisanna came up behind me and played with my boobs "they're so nice!" i blushed "could you stop that?" "so shy" lisanna giggled "no fair" wendy complained after staring at all our boobs "you're still a kid wendy, you'll get some soon enough"lucy said to the sad girl "i hope so" We all went into the hot springs and talked "this is well deserved after everything that happened with the trial.." levy spoke "and the grimoire heart.." lucy followed and juvia finished "and the dragon" "girls we should do this more often!" they all looked at me "sure thing!" mira grinned "let's talk boys!" lucy groaned "not your ships again mira!" she giggled "levy what's happening with you and gajeel?" levy blushed "wha- i, nothing.. nothing at all.. he's a jerk" mira smiles knowingly "lucy, what about you and loki?" "there's nothing really going on between us, i'm not quite sure how that would work with the celestial spirit rules either" "obviously jellal and erza are end game" erza blushed "impossible, he's in jail" i poked her side "but you know you wanna see him rightttttt?" "that's preposterous!" "lis, what about you and bickslow, i think you'd make the cutest couple!" lisanna smiled "maybe, we do have some chemistry but i don't know if it's like that or not" then the girls grinned at me "what?" "for you i have two, you and laxus or you and natsu" "you have a thing with laxus? how scandalous!" juvia yelled "shut up you're obsessed with gray!" "like you wasn't clinging to laxus' arm earlier in the guild!" i frowned "i was on his shoulder and he wouldn't put me down!" wendy smiled "i'm team natsu" erza nodded "so am i" lucy chuckled "you likeeee him" i shivered "that was creepy" "i don't know girls her and laxus would be cute!" lisanna said with a smile "i agree!" smiled levy "i'm routing for either, you'd look cute with them both" i don't know where this laxus thing has come from, i wish i let him get hit by that spell now. joking! but still this is only happening because he keeps calling me his girlfriend "gray sama is mine so you all better back off!" we all looked at juvia "that won't be a problem" "he's all yours" "so cute!" "you're obsessed girl" "we know that juvs" "you get him girl!" we all looked at wendy, i smirked "so wendy.. how do you like romeo?" "he- he's alright i haven't had mu-uch of a chance to talk to him"
Me and the girls talked for a little while longer and then went home "that was fun, bye girls!" i walked home and got pulled into a lane "y/n! i finally found you, you weren't at your house" "hibiki?" he grabbed my waist and pushed me against a wall "how about we go for a drink sometime, i'd love to get you drunk maybe then you'd stop caring so much and let me have you" he pinned my arms up against the alley wall "we could skip the drink and have fun now" he smirked and sniffed my hair "ah how i've missed that" he strayed lifting my skirt up, tears started falling from my face, i couldn't fight back, he has me pinned, what do i do?! "your body is absolutely wonderful" he spoke tracing his fingers up my inner thigh, he then lead his fingers up to my top and ripped it off revealing my breasts. Tears slowly started flowing down my cheeks as i yelled "NATSU" hoping that wherever he was he'd come save me, hibiki put a hand over my mouth "no more of that? you really think he's gonna come for you. Natsu doesn't care about you!" he wrapped his hand around my breasts and was about to squeeze as a pink haired mage flew as quickly as he could around the corner "FIRE DRAGON: IRON FIST" a certian natsu dragneel appeared at the right time and punched hibiki in the jaw, i dropped to the floor in tears "Where did you get that information from?! I can tell you that they're an unreliable source!" natsu stood infront of me "you lay a hand on her again.." he punched hibiki again "and you'll never live to see daylight!" natsu continued on beating him "i warned you that if you ever came near her again i'd end you" natsu got angry and full force kicked him into a wall and came up to me"you heard me.." i smiled tears falling down my cheek "i was looking for you, i heard laxus talk about him with you in the guild, i couldn't chance it, i had to find you, then you screamed my name and i came as quick as i could. Come hefe" he helped me up and took off scarf letting me wrap it around myself covering my cleavage, the whole time i just cried, natsu looked back at hibiki "we should go" i nodded, natsu took me back home "what happened back there?" natsu spoke softly making me cry once again "if you- if you didn't come he- he could've-" i covered my mouth and gagged a tear fell down natsus face as he hugged me "i've got you, you're safe now" he caressed my cheek "when will he stop? why can't he just give it a rest?" i cried, natsus heartbeat rose and veins appeared on his forehead "i'll be back" "where are you going?" "clearly the message wasn't clear last time" i held his scarf "i don't care about him.. right now all i want is you.. please don't leave- don't leave me here alone"

Natsu shook his head and touched the girls hand but she shuddered, she'd never done that before to him ever, he came to the conclusion that what hibiki had done to her tonight was unforgivable.
However in the morning the girl was okay, she told herself she was being over dramatic because nothing really bad happened.. however to a certain fire mage hibiki now had a bounty on his head and if he ever even looked in the girls direction again that would be the end.
Y/n wasn't sure what to do when everything with hibiki happened, of course she could've fought him off but at that moment all her strength had disappeared however one thing was for sure that at the end of the night y/n was completely certain of the love she had held for natsu.

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