Earth land

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I was out with erza doing some cake shopping "this one looks really tasty" "THAT ONE? ERZA LOOK AT THAT!" she shot her head over to where i was pointing "YES SIR 2 OF THOSE PLEASE" the shop keeper gave us a box of cake each and we gave him change to pay for it, we get our cakes and take them to the guild.
We entered the guild and sat down "3..2..1 go.. SO GOOD" we said in unison, chuckling at our same reactions, me and erza finished up and threw our boxes in the bin "no way natsus sleeping!" i yelled "ya know what that means" gray grinned at me, i pulled out markers from my bag "let's do it" we started drawing around his eyes and on his forehead and high-fived "that looks great!" i giggled "good work y/n" gray smiled "not as good as yours" we stepped back as the pyromaniac woke up and swung for lucy "WHOS READY TO BRAWL I WILL TAKE EVERYBODY ON" "wow shocker i should've known it'd be good or fighting" elfman makes two fists "you know what i see? a couple of lap dogs begging for a bone! and you call yourselves men" he was gesturing to jet and droy simping over levy, lucy held a mirror up to natsus face " Okay who's the moron dumb enough to draw on my face? HOPE YOURE HUNGRY SNOWFLAKE" "listen panda boy if you don't like the graffiti you shouldn't have harassed my eardrums with your obnoxious bear snore! besides it was y/n too" "TRAITOR" i yelled and ran away from natsu "why you! come back here" he chased me around the guild with an iron fist "ANGEL SLAYER: SWORDS OF JUDGEMENT" i turn around and gave him with my dual swords "that's my girl!" erza yelled "you want a piece of me, come on then!" i yelled fighting him till he was flat on the floor "natsu that's wasn't manly at all!" natsu jumped back up "i'll show you manly bonehead!" i sat by gray and laid my head on the desk "he's a jerk" he nodded "he's a real flamebrain!" "WHAT DID YOU SAY!" natsu yelled i shushed gray laughing "don't you'll start him off again" "i know right he never stops" me and gray laughed while talking about how crazy natsu was, i looked outside "man the weather is awful" lucy nods her head in agreement "i know right, it looks like some sort of storm"
I'm not quite sure what happened next, everyone blacked out and when i was awake again i was all alone surrounded by clouds "where am i?" i walked around for a bit and found no one, i sat down and contemplated what i should do when i heard a voice "you there!" i turned around and there was a man standing there in a cloak with his face hidden "are you a member of fairy tail?" he asked "yeah i am actually, my names y/n" "weird" he mumbled "are you a dragon slayer?" he asked "no i'm an angel slayer" "do you know what's happening here?" he asked me, i shook my head no "this might sound crazy but to our world there's another version, all the same people but different ways of livings, you see this world is called edolas" "edolas?" i said and he nodded "yes, in edolas they have a short supply of magic power and if i had to guess they stole magnolia and the magic power of your guild mates to use as magic" "so they stole the whole town, just to use them for magic?" "that's right " "but why do they do that" "for weapons, vehicles, anything really" "so how can we get them back?" "well i need to stay here and look around for anymore people who may have been left behind, however you need to go into that hole in the sky and save your guild mates" "alone?" he nodded "but how am i suppose to do that?" "in edolas there's a main city, your friends should be there kept as large blue crystals, you'll need to use all your magic to destroy the crystals and they'll be set free" i nodded "angel slayer: cloud" i hopped on, he thee a small red thing into my mouth, which i accidentally swallowed "what was that?" "you'll need it to use your magic in edolas.. also before you go have we met before?" he asked "you don't look familiar sorry" the strange man shook his head "good luck!" i smiled down at him "thank you" "take me through that hole!" i yelled to the cloud, my cloud raced me through the hole "woah" it was so pretty until the cloud started speeding up and i almost fell off "be careful!" i fell off the cloud onto my butt in some random town "is this edolas?" i asked myself, my cloud disappeared, random townspeople looked at me funny, avoiding my presence, i walked around for a bit checking out what edolas was like.
Wow there was a big castle, i looked up and there seemed to be three layers of town before the castle "angel slayer: cloud!" my cloud appeared once again as i floated above everyone "SHES USING MAGIC" "THATS FORBIDDEN" "GUARDS GUARDS!" 5 guards sent light beams at me restraining me "what's wrong? what have i done?" i asked "don't act dumb! everyone who lived here knows magic is forbidden" "it is?" i asked he nodded, "we're taking you in, you can face the kings judgement" ah sheesh what have i gotten myself into now, i knew they were short on magic but i didn't realise it's be forbidden to use full stop.
We arrived at the castle and they pulled me along using the hand cuffs they used to restrain me "if you're lucky you'll be sent to kill in a few days" "kill?" i got scared, they'd really kill me for using magic? they threw me into the throne room "bring her closer" the man sat on the throne at the far end of the room demanded, i slowly walked closer to the intimidating man "y/n?" the man spoke, who was this guy "let her go at once idiots, this is our princess!" i'm a princess here "dad!" i fake yelled, is do anything right now not to be killed "it's been years my child.. any idea on where mystogan is?" he asked maliciously "no sorry.." i spoke "it's been 15 years.. where have you been" i shook my head "i don't know my memories have been wiped, i randomly woke up here, i used my magic to summon a cloud and your guards attacked me" the man gets angry "king faust" a red haired women walked in.. erza! "erza!" i yelled and hugged her, she just stood there emotionlessly "you've returned i see" she spoke, oh so she's not my erza damn this is confusing "yeah i don't know what's happened since i left her with mystogan" i said in more of a questioning tone, i didn't know if that was right or not but i took a wild guess "that mystogan!" faust gets frustrated "sir, calm down we have business to discuss" "coco!" a short brown haired girl walked in "yes sir?" she saluted "please take princess y/n to her room. We've upkept it just incase you returned" "yes sir" i walked out behind coco "i've heard a lot about you princess" i smiled, 'princess' i could get used to that "like what, miss?" i asked her "prince mystogan kidnapped you from the castle when you were young" i tried to not show my shock and out on a act "he didn't 'kidnap' me he just wanted to protect me and he couldn't do that if i wasn't with him" damn all those shows with that theatre guy has turned me into a professional, coco turned around "then where is he now?" i went speechless "i-i don't know" we walked for a little more "we're here, there's clothes in the wardrobe for you too change into, those clothes you're wearing now" she looked at my outfit "is completely unacceptable" there was nothing wrong with my outfit, i mocked her quietly as i walked into my room, wow it was a room fit for a princess, which made sense. I sat on my bed "what do i do?" i broke down, tears fell from my eyes "if i don't do something soon everyone will die and be used for weapons and vehicles, i won't let that happen!" i spoke to myself "i can't let that happen" i looked down, i laid back and stared at the ceiling of the prefect room i was in, i stayed in that position for a while that was until i heard the door creak, i looked to the door but there was no one there, the door shut so i scrambled to the edge of the bed and seen a grey cat "kitty cat!" i screamed and tackled the cat into a hug, the cat started shaking "what's wrong i-" i backed away from the cat and it started crying "y/n!" he hugged me "y/n.. you're back" he cried more "you left me" i looked at him confused "i'm sorry, i don't know who you are.." "that doesn't matter, you were young" the cat took a deep breath "hi i'm your exceed, apollo" i smiled "hi apollo" me and apollo sat on my bed and he started talking about story from when my edolas self was a kid "um.. hey, apollo i'm sorry.." "for what?" he asked "i'm not your
y/n" i looked down, he place his paw on my arm "yeah i know.. i knew ever since you called me kitty cat" "how?" "no one calls exceeds kitty cats here, regardless of where your from, you're still y/n" he smiled "please don't tell anyone, i need to keep the act up to save my friends" "your friends, what the people stuck in the crystals?" i nodded "do you know where they are?" he shook his head no "there's a show in town tomorrow that i think has something to do with them though" "really? you're the best apollo! thank you. Do you not have any loyalties to tell anyone here about me?" he shook his head "my y/ns gone, you're my y/n now i won't tell anyone i promise" i smiled "thank you apollo" "hey.. it's late change and then we can sleep, the king usually has breakfast in the morning so he'll probably invite you to eat with him so i'll wake up up at 9am sharp, you can ask him about the crystal thing in town then!" i nodded "right, i'll go change now" i walked into the walk in closet attached to my room, picked out some lacey pjs, changed into them, turned off the light and crawled into bed "hey
y/n? you're exactly like my y/n.. you have the same bubbly personality.. i know my y/n was just a kid but if she grew up to be like you i know she'd be proud of herself" i grinned "oh apollo.." i hugged him, i had barely known this cat for 2 hours and it felt like i'd known him my whole life.

I woke up the next morning, apollo was still asleep, i looked at the clock on my wall 8:5. I walked into the on suite, washed my face, brushed my teeth and combed my hair by the time i had done that apollo had woken up " y/n?" he asked "hm?" "you're already awake?" the door opened and three ladies came through it "lady y/n, king faust requests your presence in the the dining room" "princess, we have brought you a most suitable outfit" "it will look gorgeous on you, now undress" "what? i can change myself" they shake their heads "we insist" i grumble "fine but apollo look away" "yes y/n!"
When they'd done the ladies had made me princess worthy, the dress i was wearing was gorgeous (picture above) "you look stunning" apollos jaw dropped, "you really do ma'am, low let me escort you to the dining room" she said "come on apollo let's go" one of the ladies lightly coughed "no cats allowed only yourself madam" "i am your princess and i'm telling you apollo will join us for breakfast" i spoke the three ladies coward in fear and gestured us to follow them.
They stopped outside a 12 foot wooden door with engravings on it "step inside miss" one of the ladies said, me and apollo entered the room, inside there was a long dining table accompanied by chairs, a chandelier and many decorations, chefs and servants were leaving and exiting the room from the side door attached and placed multiple dishes on the table "how did you sleep y/n?" i smiled "i slept fine thank you, i forget how comfy that bed was" i lied he chuckled "will you be accompanying me to the event today?" "what event?" i asked "we're revealing the magic crystals we have to the people of edolas and i want you to accompany me, it's at 12am" if i join him, i can see where the guild is, i nodded "it would be a pleasure"
me and my 'dad' talked for a while longer about things i 'missed' until we'd finished our meals" i stood up and curtsied "thanks for the meal, may i be excused?" i requested, my 'dad' nodded "it was great to have a conversation with you" he spoke, i bowed and elegantly lefty the room, i have an hour before we go to town "that went well" apollo smiled "i guess.. i don't know how long i can keep them fool though" "well your saving your friends today right? so it doesn't matter" i smiled at apollo "what?" he asked "thank you.. for being here with me, without you i genuinely don't think i'd have been able to do this" the exceed grins "that means a lot" a knock sounded at my door "princess?" a woman opened the door "i've come to change you into a new outfit" she came in and opened the door to my closet and picked a dress on the hanger "her princess" she handed it to me and i stepped into the bathroom and changed into a new dress

 for being here with me, without you i genuinely don't think i'd have been able to do this" the exceed grins "that means a lot" a knock sounded at my door "princess?" a woman opened the door "i've come to change you into a new outfit" she came in ...

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i loved it, it was beautiful, "master faust wanted you to match him" the lad outside announced "it's beautiful" i exited the door "you're beautiful princess" the last spoke "let's get moving" "hey i'm gonna say here okay?" apollo announced "okay apollo i'll see you when i get back" i smiled.
The lady kindly escorted me to mine and the kings ride to the even which was horses and a carriage, THIS IS THE LIFE.
I entered the carriage "hi dad!" hi princess, your outfit is lovely" i curtsied "so is yours" it really wasn't he was dressed like a priest.
We pulled up to the event and seen many people crowded around the blue crystals "stay back here until i announce you okay?" the king said, i nodded.
I stood at the back behind the large crystal "children of edolas, it brings great joy to my heart to tell you that the anema programme has produced enough magic power to last another decade! Let us rejoice together, let us sing and dance! Let laughter roar through our sacred kingdom! The power within this lacrima belongs to all loyal subjects of our fare home land and today we hold our future in our hands to ensure its prosperity into tomorrow and beyond, therefore we must swear to protect this gift from heaven with our very lives! My dear children, today i must make a most solemn pledge to you as your benevolent ruler" the king stabbed the crystal "I will bring you more power, so much more than you could possible imagine" everyone started chanting 'edolas'"that's not even it m, i have one last announcement, it appears our princess has made her way back home y/n, come out here!" i made an appearance doing a shy wave to the crowd.
"y/n!" natsu, lucy, wendy and happy yelled.

The Deity of FairyTail || Natsu x Reader||Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt