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Ouch boy did my head kill, i slowly rose to my feet and seen everyone, they were all safe, i smiled happily knowing we didn't lose anybody, all of us woke up at the same time and started crying and smiling at eachother, fairy tail lives to see another day, natsu draped his arm around me "We're alive" i put my head on his chest and hugged him, "GUYS, GUYS!" what? who's that.. DROY?! "what's going on?" i asked "what are you guys doing on the island?" natsu added "how did they all get so old!" happy freaked out, max, droy, jet, bisca and alzack started tearing up "we're so glad you're all okay!"
"it's feels like we were only just hit with acnologia" lucy whispered "i'm so confused" mira spoke, a young girl wearing pink gathered us altogether, who is this chick? "When the dragon attacked, i was able to convert the bonds of trust and friendship into pure magic power, your bonds were so strong that fairy sphere was activated; one of the three grand fairy spells, It is an absolute defence spell capable of protecting the guild from all manner of evil. Those inside the impenetrable sphere were in a suspended state, it's been seven long years but the spell has finally been lifted" "my word to think we were saved by Fairy Tails founding master!" this girl is mavis vermillion, so adorable.. WAIT HOLD ON A SECOND 7 YEARS "did you just say 7 years!?" everyone started freaking out "come on guys, everyone back at the guild is waiting for ya!" max said tearing up, we all boarded their boat and headed home.
Everyone at the guild was surprised and over the moon at our return, for them it had been a long 7 years.. i can't imagine how they must've felt.
The guild had completely changed and there wasn't as much members.. after we celebrated i finally headed home "it's been 7 years since i've had a shower" i cried "it's been 7 years since i've had something to eat!" apollo cried along with me, you see wendy and carla had told me they were moving out to live in fairy tails girl dorms before the whole 7 years she had finally saved enough money to move out so her and carla did so "i can't wait to go to bed!" i smiled in pleasure, we were finally home and there was a letter that looked like it had been slid under my door way, i picked it up and investigated "a letter?" apollo asked "it says, dear y/n.." "open it see who it's from!" i unfolded the letter and it read,
"Dear y/n, you've been gone for a year now, I don't know if you'll ever come back and I miss you, i was wrong to have kissed other women while i was with you but i'm begging you give me one final last chance to do right by you, if you ever come back to the guild please stop by blue pegasus.
Love Hibiki" "what's that?" a voice asked, happy "oh nothing" i spoke quickly shoving the letter behind my back once i seen natsu "yo
y/n!" natsu went in for a hug "AHA.. a letter?" he asked, i looked in my hand and it had disappeared "give it back!" i said to natsu jumping as he held it higher than i could reach, as natsu read the letter his fist balled and he burnt it "don't go" "but why?" i asked him "did you see yourself last time it happened? I'm not letting you go through that again i swear" "but it's been 7 years natsu" natsu shivered "that means he's way older than you now, thatd just be weird, you're not even 18 yet and he's in his 20s now!" "he probably has kids" happy added "kids?" happy sighed "when a girl and a boy love eachother very muc-" "i know how kids are made happy but do you think?" apollo nodded "it's possible" natsu got angry "why would you even want to see that jerk again?" i shook my head "i never said i did, what i said on the island was true, i'm not looking for a man right now but it would be nice to see how everyone from the other guilds are doing" i'm not looking for a man i said to myself as the most attractive man i've ever seen was standing suddenly infront of me, what i said was correct, i didnt want a man right now but i had a soft spot for natsu "i guess, i actually came here to ask if you wanted to look around town with me tonight, ya know to see what's new and what's changed?" i blushed at his question, i wasn't used to forwardness from natsu, not like this anyways "i'd love too" he grinned "i'll pick you up at 8!" and him and happy left "you like him don't you?" i smiled at apollo "he's hard not to like" "no but in a romantic way" i looked at the floor "i don't know, i mean he's always been there for me, given me hope, the confidence i need to get through a battle and he always manages to make me smile, i've never experienced this before, of course everyone in the guild is supporting as well but not on the same level as he is.." apollo chuckled "you have a crushhhh" "quiet pollo, now i'm going for a bath, i won't be too long okay?"
I went to the upstairs bathroom and ran myself a hot bath, did i like natsu romantically? My relationship with him was certainly different from that with everyone else's but i wasn't sure.. either way i wasn't ready for another man right now.
I washed my hair and got dressed ready to go out "you ready?" natsu asked as i was getting changed "YA JERK, ANGEL SLAYER: PUNCH OF THE ANGEL!" i punched him out of my window, jeez who does he think he is, i finished changing and happy flew to my window "hi y/n! you really showed natsu who's boss didn't ya?" "happy? why are you here?" "me! me and happy decided to have a fishing trip with you and natsu are out" apollo answered "so cute! I think i should probably go check on natsu, be careful you guys!" i ran out of my house and seen natsu sat on the floor rubbing the back of his head "what was that for?!" i frowned "you scared me, i was changing you know?" he stood up "and what?" i blushed "i don't want you to see me like that!" "you didn't need to go all angel demon on me!" i giggled "angel demon?" he nodded "that's right, now we need to get on moving, get on" he lowered himself down "on where? what?" he sighed "get on my shoulderss" "ohhh righttt okay yes okay" i climbed onto his shoulders and he started running "natsu slow down! you're going to fast!" i yelled clinging to his head, where's he going? "natsu we passed the town!" he slowed down "i wasn't actually taking you out" i frowned "fine then can i go home or what?" he shook his head "i didn't mean that! When me and happy went home earlier we came across these.." he walked around the corner and there was a field of peonies, how does he still remember after all this time? "you remember?" i asked "of course i do, they're your favourite aren't they?" i jumped off natsus shoulders and took in the beauty of them "apparently it's the right season for them to grow now.. why couldn't it have been this season when i needed them 7 years ago" i tackled him into a hug "you really always go above and beyond, whether it's in a fight or with your friends, you truly are amazing" he hugged me back "ya know, i really admired you when we were fighting hades, we were all out of magic power and you were prepared to take on those horrible monsters by yourself" i looked up at him "that's only because you gave me the courage to" we stared at eachother before breaking eye contact "there's more.." natsu said as he led me to a picnic blanket on a cliff that looks over the flower field "natsu.. this is beautiful" he chuckled "well i haven't spent time with my favourite person in 7 years so i wanted to talk to you" i smiled "you're so sweet!" "yeah yeah i know.. do you wanna hear stories about igneel?!" he asked and i nodded with a soft smile.

For the rest of the night they talked and laughed about anything and everything until they fell asleep under the stars. To y/n it was clear that she had fallen for natsu, how could she not have when he treats her like a true princess..

The Deity of FairyTail || Natsu x Reader||Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant