Lightning flame dragon

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Natsu growls at hades, gray sat up in anticipation "i've never seen anything like this before!" erza stood up "this is just like the time he ate a shard of etherion.."
Natsu charged at hades sending him flying with a punch to the face, as i said before natsu can be scary when he's angry but boy is he attractive when he's fighting for something.
Natsu followed up his attack with a kick to the head and electrocuted hades, grays jaw dropped "so now natsus able to use laxus' power and his attacks?" "that's awesome!" i looked at natsu in awe "talk about a major power up.."
"THIS IS WHAT HAPPENS TO ANYONE WHO MESSES WITH FAIRY TAIL!" natsu sent his fist into hades cheek making hades roll across the wooden floor "yikes.. splinters" i mumbled to myself "i'll make you pay! Now say goodbye!" natsu focused a lot of magic power into an attack but hades was completely unaffected by it, he jumped up and sent his chains of light, making natsu unable to use his hands, i swear this guy only has like max 3 attacks. "Try hitting me with your hands tied!" natsu used all his strength and broke the chains apart, hades jaw dropped all the way to the ground "AW RIGHT!" i yelled "LIGHTNING FLAME DRAGON .. ROAR" a direct hit yes! the attack natsu sent at hades was so strong that it took hades to the floor and carried on through the ship for around a mile or two!
After his crazy attack natsu was breathing rather heavily, i smiled proudly at the boy, hades was on the floor and natsu fell backwards , OH CRAP HES GONNA FALL, i scrambled my way over to where he was standing and grabbed his hand "thanks y/n.. that was a close one, i don't suppose you have any more food laying around do ya?" i smiled stupidly at the boy "you really know how to go all out don't ya?" i helped the boy up "another one bites the dust!" gray spoke confidently "we won!" wendy yelled with a smile on her face, i giggled "i guess we have" i looked at natsu, and it's all thanks to him..
"You may have knocked me down but i'm not out, well done makarov, you've raised some truly remarkable children despite your flawed philosophy. I can't remember the last time someone left me tattered and torn after a good brawl" he's still standing.. how? this can't be real.
A cape appeared around his beaten up body "I appreciate the entertainment but i must get back to work, i'll be obliterating you now, believe me you'll wish i'd done so sooner" erza took a step back "what kind of monster could survive such a powerful attack?" hades removed the eye patch that once lived on his right eye "Devils eye.. open" dark magic surrounded his body as his eye glowed red "you will now witness something you've never seen before. The abyss of sorcery, from here extends an endless realm that surpasses your feeble imaginations" everyone's eyes widened in fear "do you feel that?" wendy started crying "it's not real, NO IT CANT BE" "i've never sensed this much power in one place before!" "and it's getting bigger by the second!"
"I am the harbinger of Fairy Tails last breath" natsu started wincing, worried i looked at him "are you okay?!" he punched the ground "no, i've used up all my strength.. that last attack did me in" i held his arm in support.
Hades hovered in the sky, boy was he scary, he was glaring at us with his weird red eye and emitting the doggiest of auras "the abyss of sorcery?" gray asked "Yes, It's power is overwhelming" erza answered, natsu dropped to the ground "natsu you gotta get up please.." i whispered "no i can't.. i'm out of power"
"In order to walk the path of sorcery one must sink into its abyss of eternal darkness, wishing that darkness lies primordial magic that shines like the heavens. The purest of magic power! Can you feel it? The primordial magic is so close it's palpable, yet it's so far in the depths it may as well be out of reach, within those depths is a lost world, the grand magic world!and zeref is the key to reaching it. Tonight, zeref will awaken and history will forever be altered and then at long last the primordial magics will find their rightful place with me!" erza got into a stance "we cannot allow that to happen" "but you will be ostracised, only the strong will be allowed to live and you lack the resolve necessary to reach into the abyss" "things are about to get way worse" gray spoke in fear "Chapter 4, Verse 12 from the book of Zeref: Arcane Magic. NEMESIS!" Hades raised his arms and monsters raised from out of the debris "with the magic power of the abyss at my command, i can create nightmares from the tiniest speck of dust, devilish dancers and heavenly arbiters. Such is the supremacy of Arcane magic!"
Each monster hades created was made of pure magic power, natsu spoke to everyone "don't worry.. we've got everything we need to beat this guy right here with us. There's nothing wrong with fear, after all that's how we come to know our own weakness and you need to know them to become a stronger and gentler person" everyone looked at natsu "today we learned just how weak we really are" he stood up using my shoulder to lean on "so what do we do next? i'll tell you, we grow stronger!" natsu.. he's right "on our own we might be too afraid to stand up to him but right now we have our friends by our side. I still have courage because you're all here with me! There's no reason to be afraid! when we're together we can accomplish anything!" A smile appeared on my face as i stood up "still holding onto the light? YOU FOOLS! Your future is nothing but darkness" erza stood up "our friends are by our side" then gray "there's no reason to be afraid" the lucy "you've given me hope natsu!" then wendy "even if we have no magic power left" "we'll keep fighting until our last breath because that's the fairy tail way!" i put my hand back to everyone "thanks natsu.. you've given me the confidence i needed to take on these monsters.. you guys have no magic power right? then stay back! ANGEL SLAYER: PURGE!"blinding lights surrounded 5 of the monsters and they disappeared and turned to light, i fell to my knees as one of them hit me "we're not watching you fight all these by yourself!" erza yelled "right! We're doing this together!"
gray grinned "whether you like it or not!" lucy yelled "let's go!" natsu grinned "you're one of us now remember?!" they ran towards the monsters behind me and sent natsu flying for hades "i shall send you into the depths of darkness! It's time for your sun to set! Fairy tail!" The ship exploded as hades sent off another magic attack, i covered my eyes as debris flew around us, natsus scarf was about to fly away as he punched hades! I jumped off the ship "y/n!" gray yelled, i fell down the ship but got caught, i looked up APOLLO! "you're back! Perfect timing buddy!" he smiled "I couldn't have left you for too long!" i gasped "where are the other exceeds?" i asked apollo "they're dealing with soldiers" apollo placed by down "i need to go back and help them! We'll come back up here once we're done" i smiled happily at my exceed as he flew away, hugging natsus scarf.
Natsu ran at hades and punched him in the face making the other monsters disappear "they're disintegrating!" gray shouted, we looked outside of the shop and the tenrou tree started to regrow "the tenrou tree.." wendy spoke with admiration "how'd it go back to normal?!" lucy gasped, bright lights started shining out of our guild marks "our magic power.. it's fully back" erza gasped "well it's about time!" gray spoke smugly, natsu faces off with hades again "this is what you get for hurting our master you jerk!" natsu went to punch hades but instead got pushed away in the. face "stay back!" hades then kicked natsu in the face "until i stand above all others who follow the path of sorcery, the devil within me will never sleep!" laxus punched hades..i looked back to where he was resting, when did he even move?! "attack!" he yelled, i grinned as we all took our place, running towards hades "this might be our last chance, so let's make it count!" "we gotta blast this geezer with everything we have!" "if you come any closer you shall feel my wrath!" "we don't have a contract yet but.. open gate of the sea goat: Capricorn!" a goat man appeared by lucy's side "at your service my lady.. do you need assistance?" "take him down!" "right!" Capricorn ran at hades "how dare you?!" hades yelled "I have rid myself of Sir Zordio! I am now Lady Lucy's celestial spirit.. Caaapricorn!" capricorn hit hades, wendy jumped up behind hades "i wanna get a hit in too! SKY DRAGON WING ATTACK" hades for sent into the sky "ICE MAKE ICE BRINGER" "REQUIP: HEAVENS WHEEL! PENTAGRAM SWORD!" "ANGEL SLAYER: HEAVENLY CANON!!" "ADVANCED DRAGON SLAYER SECRET ART: FLAME LOTUS EXPLODING LIGHTNING BLADE!" after all those attacks hades fell to his defeat "we did it!" i yelled joyfully "we actually did it!" i smiled at everyone, natsu screams "YEAHHHHH.. FAIRY TAIL IS THE GREATEST!" gray sighed "i'm glad that's over" erza nodded "yeah" i walked over to natsu holding his scarf "here.. i believe this belongs to you" he flashed me a toothy grin "thanks y/n!" "please!" "you gotta save me natsu!" carla and happy came running at us all, panther lily and apollo follows behind them as they were being chase by soldiers , i chuckled at the scared kitty cats "stay right where you are!" master? i turned around and everyone was there! they were all okay! "hey gramps!" "everyone's here!" "masters better!" "and so is gajeel!" "good to see you guys!" the exceeds laughed gratefully "juvia!" i yelled happily "gray!" she yelled, this whole time she was nowhere to be found but of course when grays around she makes an appearance, laxus sat on the floor taking to gramps and after master stopped i walked over to him and sat down infront of him "you're the one who stopped hades spell from hitting me right?" i nodded "thanks.." he smiled "call it repaying the favour, you saved me first remember? anyways forget that now.. are you okay? You looked really hurt after fighting him" he shook his head "yeah i'm good, happy that monsters finished if anything!" i smiled "and me!" natsu stuck his fist in the air "now let's get back to the trial!" "ARE YOU KIDDING ME?!" i sulked "i think our 6 hours are over.." natsu fell to the ground "fainting must be a side effect of consuming non- flame magic" erza spoke "i think it's time we go back to base camp" everyone left me with happy, nasty and apollo, i sat on the ground with him "angel slayer: recovery and angel slayer: cloud!" a cloud appeared below him and apollo and happy joined him on there "why don't you sit up here with us?" apollo asked "nah, i could use the walk, i need to stretch my legs after that battle.."
We got back to the camp and i fell asleep, mind you it was well needed, after all we've all been fighting our asses off for the last few hours.

The Deity of FairyTail || Natsu x Reader||Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon