Lord Natsu!

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"is that lucy and apollo?" i yelled pointing over to some big octopus thing on the ground, natsu surrounds himself in flames "it's my turn now dragon slayer! ANGEL SLAYER: HEAVENLY CANON" the octopus gets surrounded in light as a shot goes right through it "y/n!" "natsu!" "what's this huge blob?" asked natsu "and who's on ground there?" i got in a fighting position "it's you!" coco was on the ground clutching a key "you know this girl?" asked lucy "she's the one who called the guards on me, sending me to the dungeon!" "i'm sorry! I got scared, here fairy tail is an illegal guild i thought you were tricking the king! i talked with him and this is what he wants!" she lifts up the key "it'll turn on a machine that will kill all of your friends!" natsus eyes widened "what did you say?" "are you saying that key will make the lacrimal crash into extalia?" pollo questioned "why are you running around the castle with it?" asked lucy, coco started shivering "they said we could have everlasting power.. but i decided i wanted everlasting peace instead. So please, please help me destroy it for good! i'm begging you" she started crying "woah don't cry! you're telling us all we have to do to save our friends is destroy this key?" "that's amazing!" added lucy "all right, i got this!" natsu goes to grab the key when it got snatched from out of his hand by butt chin "stop right there my dear coco, even you have better sense than to hand something this important to an enemy of the kingdom, this key belongs to his majesty!" coco stretched out her hand "sugar boy! give it back!" gray came out on another magi-cycle "STOP RIGHT THERE YOU HEAR ME?" "of course i hear you, i just don't care" "you're only gonna make this worse" i grinned "GRAY!" "listen to guys there's no need for you to worry about mister big chin here this one's all mine, everything else is up to you" "you're like a persistent rash you just keep on coming back don't you?" gray and sugar boy? left the amusement park "what else are we suppose to do, sit around? we got to go after him!" i yelled, we all started running "whatever it takes to get that key back!" then we started sinking into the floor "now what?" "this stuff again" "i'm getting sick and tired of getting stuck like this" i huffed "this sucks i can't move my legs!" i struggled trying to get out "APOLLO GO HELP GRAY!" "i'm not leaving you!" "please do it, it's the only way we can save our friends!" apollo teared up "make sure you find us!" i nodded "of course!" apollo flew after gray leaving me, lucy and natsu, "so what now!" lucy cried "leave this to me. ANGEL SLAYER: CANCELLATION!" the magic stopped letting us all out of the floor but we had big problems deal with, literally, the floor caused the octopus to move and land us causing it to fall on top of us "someone get this thing off of me!" yelled lucy, natsu punched the thing off of us and sped after gray "he's really just leaving us?" i asked "apparently so" "hey you look after coco, i'm going after them! Angel slayer: cloud GO" the cloud zoomed me through the corridors, there they are, the cloud isn't stopping, this is gonna hurt, the cloud went straight into gray making us both fall "WATCH WHERE YA GOING" i sulked "it wasn't my fault.." "you left lucy?" natsu asked "not till after you left us! anyways no she's helping coco" gray got up of the floor "as i was saying, the king of edolas wants to fire the dragon chain cannon at the floating island that the lacrimas on so it'll crash into extalia. No good, but if we can hit the lacrima directly with the dragon and angel slayer magic that that canon fires, we can then turn everyone back to normal" apollo threw his hand in the air "sounds like a plan!" "why do you want to help us so bad lil buddy?" natsu asked the exceed "well obviously i was edolas y/ns exceed but she's been gone for over a decade so when your y/n came and had fun with me, it was the first time i'd smiled in years so if i can make her smile by getting her friends back i'll stop at nothing!" "i like your enthusiasm" gray spoke, i engulfed the little cat into a hug "you really mean that?" he nodded making me blush, i finally have an exceed of my own, i'm overjoyed! "no time for lovey dovey stuff, this is the second time you've done that now y/n! we need to head to that canon" grays eyebrows raised "second?" "YEAH I KNOW RIGHT, i was all like, seduce him so we can defeat him and she started asking for his name and flirting with him!" gray shook his head "she done a similar thing when we fought racer so i am not surprised" "no whatever guys it feels nicer than just beating them up" "yeah yeah whatever you say, we should head for the canon, i think it's just up ahead of us" gray started walking, i got up and joined apollo and natsu in following him, "guys we have one problem" stated apollo, we turned to look at him "what's that?" "we can't get inside the chamber where they're keeping it, i've heard from guards around the castle that it's made of some kind of wizard canceller anti magic lacrima so it's not gonna be that easy" natsu balled his fist "we should go give it a try anyways" "if it doesn't work, then what?" gray asked, "so i found you" erza said walking behind us, but it didn't appear to be our erza "and it seems you have the key" natsu looked scared "its erza!" "hang on something's not right, she's from edolas" my eyes widened " then that means.. our erza lost.. impossible she'd never lose!" erza grinned "like i'd ever lose in a battle with myself!" i grinned "erza!" i ran into her throwing myself into a hug with the scarlet haired woman "hey
y/n, been awhile" she smiled "too long" we stopped hugging and walked back to the others, her face goes stern " i heard everything you said and i have a plan, i'll have pretended to knock you guys out, tie you up and take you the canon room, where gray will remake the key to activate the canon, while everyone is in awe me, y/n and natsu will take out the guards and anyone else vacating the room" natsus eyes shined " more fighting? i'm so down!" "what should i do?" asked apollo, erza thought for awhile and then spoke "you should hide outside the room, then come in once we've taken everybody out, they want to destroy the exceeds so we can't risk them capturing you and turning you into a lacrima" apollo nodded.
The plan was in action, gray had destroyed his key and we all faked being knocked out, we approached the canon room and the guards spoke to erza a.k.a knightwalker "glad to see you're unharmed captain knightwalker" "you idiot she's obviously harmed" "do you need assistance captain?" "don't trouble yourself" erza spoke, two men stepped forward "may i ask who these men are?" "keys to the dragon chain canon" "i don't understand" "his majesty's inside?" "of course captain!" the men stepped aside letting erza into the room "we're very close men, everlasting power is within reach"
Immediately the king spoke to erza "i've heard you've successfully retrieved the key, is this true? "not entirely your majesty, it was destroyed" "explain yourself" erza threw us forward "is that y/n?" the king asked "yes sire" "bring her to me" erza brought me to the king, not breaking character, the kings gave went sour and he kicked me "take her to my prison chambers men, i want to deal with her myself" two men took me away, natsu painfully looked at me as they carried me out of the room, still in ropes.
They walked into some fancy room and tied me up, some of the guards escorting me there stayed "you're a pretty one aren't you?" he said securing the magic cancellation hand cuffs, "such a skimpy outfit you're wearing, it's like you're trying to tempt us" one of them started licking my arms making me shiver "leave her alone perverts!" apollo flew in head butting them both and turned human like with swords (like panther lily) "WHAT" i was so confused "the exceeds that live in the castle all have the ability to change into a human like form, and i'm no exception" he takes out the guards and takes off my handcuffs "come on princess we got to go" i giggled, he spread his wings and flew to the lacrima in the sky "you really have the best timings you know that" he smiled, he carried me bridal style "so you think we'll make it?" he asked, we arrived and all of extalia and fairy tail was using all their might to save our friends and their home, i teared up "this is beautiful" i heard natsu yell "it still isn't enough!" "hey look who it is!" yelled gray "y/n and apollo!" lucy smiled, i grin "NOW OPEN GATES OF THE ANGELS: SARIEL, CASSIEL AND CAMUEL! WE NEED YOUR HELP!" "yes ma'am!" they all yelled, the three angels, apollo and i joined everyone in pushing the island the lacrima was on and it worked "WHAT NOW!" blue and green lights appeared to be coming from the lacrima pushing everyone away "did we win?" "i have no idea" everyone was standing around the island, the lacrima.. was GONE, and the island started to disappear "it disappeared, what does that mean?" "all of our friends.. do you think they're-"
the mysterious man i met before i came to edolas appeared "don't worry, they're all safe and sound" "Mystogan" erza muttered, he's mystogan, then in this world he's.. my big brother?? "sorry, but finding an adequate anima vestige to restore everything took a bit longer than i thought, without your efforts i would have never made it in time, you have my gratitude" "y/n! we did it!" yelled apollo "EVERYBODY'S BACK TO NORMAL?" "by passing through the anima again the lacrima will return to its original form in earth land, it's finally over" everyone started cheering and crying, mystogan locked eyes with me and started tearing up, he took of his mask "i knew i remembered you, lil sis" " i- i'm not" he nodded "i know, my real sister.. she died a long time ago.. it's just crazy, she would've grown up to be a beautiful young woman like yourself.. thank you" he smiled "for what?" i asked "living the life she never got too" i smiled and blushed.. such a gentleman, mystogan turned too a exceed with an appearance that  closely resembled apollos current self "lily once ago you saved my life, i'm glad that i could return the favour today" "yes, and i couldn't begin to thank you, my prince" all the exceeds rejoiced until the exceed lily got pierced by some light, we turned around and some weird flying beasts were there "were not done here! destroy every last one of them" edolas erza yelled riding one of the beasts, "not my cat!" yelled gajeel "lily!" "we have to do something to help lily!" i smiled "i got him! apollo take me down!" Apollo flew down to lily, "lily!" apollo yelled "ap-ollo?" apollo nodded "you're safe now, angel slayer: cloud!" a cloud appeared below lily to stop him from falling "here apollo, put us down on the cloud, you need to save your remaining energy" he nodded and placed us down "what are you gonna to do me" he grunts "you can trust her lily, y/n has healing magic" his eyes widened "she does?" i nodded "angel slayer: recovery" a gold magic circle appeared above lily's body and healed his wound "WOW i feel better than i did before, thanks
y/n" i grinned "thanks kitty!" tackling the cat into a hug "why are you saying thank you?" lily asked, apollo sighed "she just really loves animals" "you'd love extalia then, it's full of em" my eyes sparkled "you gotta take me!" "we will after this is over" i nodded "you're right! cloud take us back up!" "we gotta protect the exceeds, they're completely defenceless right now!" mystogan yelled "leave that to us mystogan!" we came soaring through the sky on the cloud "i'll protect the kitties, Angel slayer: divine protection!" a barrier surrounded the exceeds "we'll take you home!" apollo yelled, i moved taking the barrier and the exceeds with me "thank you princess!" "our saviour!" "almighty y/n" i smiled "thanks but i'm not your princess" the queen of exceeds stepped forward "you saved us all didn't you? you might as well be our princess, y/n" i softly smiled and lowered them down to extalia "apollo, protect them, i need to go and rejoin the fight and i need you to stay safe!" i flew back to where the fight was and seen many fairy tail wizards fighting guards "i thought you all got sent back to magnolia!" i yelled, "they're edolas' fairy tail!" happy yelled "happy!" i opened my arms for a hug "i've missed you, you've been leaving me with whiny lucy" he yelled making me giggle "i'm sorry, but i do have a new friend that i think you'll like" "who are they?"" he smiled, i looked up "he's up there fighting with lily somewhere but you'll get your chance to meet him" we need to help them fight, i looked over and seen wendy, natsu and gajeel fighting a dragon? "they look like they need help!" i yelled "go, we've got everything covered over here!" i nodded and flew to them "ANGEL SLAYER: SPIRITUAL PIERCE" a piercing light went through the dragon but it did no damage "y/n is that you again my dear?" he grabbed me in his hand and sent magic out towards the three dragon slayers "natsu, gajeel, wendy!" i yelled, they were all on the floor, struggling to get up " oh you can still speak my beloved daughter?" he squeezed his hand shut causing me to feel irreparable pain "AGHHH" the three dragon slayers rose to their feet "LEAVE Y/N ALONE" wendy screamed "i see there's still some fight in you, your power is truly remarkable! I shall savour every ounce of it. PREPARE YOURSELVES DRAGON SLAYERS!" 3 beams appeared beneath them "GUYS!" "y/n.." natsu mumbled as faust, my dad in this world who was controlling the dragon further closed his hand once again, it felt like my insides were going to burst "I need more, i call to thee oh heaven and earth, i ask that you relinquish all your magic power to the dorma anim, I FEEL IT.. the last remnants of edolas' power are vanishing. That means your time is up, i must harvest your power immediately, starting with you, you ugly piece of trash" he said turning the robotic dragon head to me, gajeel struggled "salamander you got to roar! kid you too!" he said looking at wendy "all of us at the same time?" she asked "there's no sense holding back, we got to take down this walking scrap heap and save y/n, are you ready?" he replied "you bet i am!" "yeah!" they all inhaled "fire dragon""iron dragon" "sky dragon" "ROAR!" they shot a joint attack at faust but he only laughed jumping into the sky "our three on one attack didn't even touch him!" exclaimed wendy, natsu closed his fists in anger "WE GOTTA TRY IT AGAIN" "you fools! dragon knight diffusion cannon!" they all screamed "leave them alone!" i yelled "PLEASE, TAKE MY MAGIC, ALL OF IT, JUST DONT HURT THEM ANYMORE" faust laughs "you'll get your turn you worm! you deserve worse than them so i'm gonna force you to watch their defeat then once your spirit has gone i'll take all your powers too"
"no.." natsu mumbled "i'm out of power.." gajeel mumbled "finally reached your limit have you?" natsu panted and tried getting up, breathing heavily "you may be powerful wizards but i imagine it takes time for you to recover the magic power you've exhausted, if you wish this is your chance. Agree to supply my world with magic power and i will compensate you accordingly" a tear pricked my face "I WONT LET TOU HURT THEM" i summoned all my magic power "ANGEL SLAYER: EDEN" i focused the healing on natsu, gajeel and wendy "WHAT A NUISANCE" faust squeezed me "AGHHH" i think my arm broke, faust dropped my limp less body to the ground "guys this is up to you.." i whispered knowing they could hear me due to their dragon abilities, they all stood, natsu worked over to me and raised my head "thanks y/n.."he whispered, he took of his t-shirt, i smiled softly "and i'm the one who flirts, look at you flashing your abs" she smiled slightly shaking his head "your arms broken right?" i nodded, he tied his t shirt around me arm and shoulder keeping it in a secure position making me wince "you okay?" i nodded "just hurt slightly" natsu tilted his head "im gonna take him down not just for fairy tail.. but for you" natsu said making me blush, he walked back to the others "THIS ISNT OVER YET, WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR, HIT ME WITH YOUR BEST SHOT! DO IT, IM STANDING RIGHT HERE!" "with pleasure i've let you pests scurry around long enough" he went to step on natsu but natsu stopped it "y/n might've healed us, but you're all out of power!" yelled gajeel "IM NOT LETTING HER MAGIC GO TO WASTE" natsu lifted him up and threw him like he was nothing "DONT EVER UNDERESTIMATE US GOT IT?" "you need to learn your place you piece of filth" he zapped natsu again "I AM THE KING OF EDOLAS BOW DOWN BEFORE ME" gajeel jumped "you're the one who's gonna learn your place old man because in the end it'll be on your knees!" he punches the so called dragon "COME ON SALAMANDER YOUR OUR ONLY HOPE LEFT! ITS ALL UP TO YOU NOW" "WENDY ROAR AT ME WITH EVERYTHING YOUVE GOT"
"Okay: SKY DRAGON: ROAR!" she sends it to natsu, he rides her attack and sends an attack at the king "FIRE DRAGON: SWORD HORN. You claim to be a king, you're a liar! y/n may not be your daughter but how could you treat someone who resembles your daughter that way! YOURE NOTHING BUT A MONSTER" he shoots through the dragon leaving a hole through its abdomen, taking faust with him, the fake dragon fell and combusted, faust tried running away from natsu "SOMEONE PLEASE HELP ME" faust yelled and fell to the ground in fear, natsu, gajeel and wendy all laughed happily "we totally took down the king!" the island started shaking "up there look!" wendy yelled "the floating islands are falling! what the heck?" the islands started crashing down and magic power floated to the sky "it's pure magic power!" wendy yelled "are you sure?" asked natsu "this ain't good, what will happen when it all disappears"
wendy spoke "i think we should head back to the royal city" "any particular reason?" asked natsu "if citizens start panicking lots of people could get hurt. We need to go out there and see if there's some way that we could help!" "yeah and if we can find this worlds me he might know what to do" "all right let's go, i'll get y/n" natsu came up to me and picked me up bridal style and they headed back to the royal capital "natsu.. good job" i smiled "i wouldn't have been able to do it without you" he grinned "no you would've, you're natsu after all, you saved me" he frowned "i didn't, look how badly injured you are" i shook my head "it could be worse, my arms broke but that's it" i chuckled "you look awful though" he chuckled "you don't look so hot yourself" we smiled at eachother and i rested in his arms .
We arrived at the royal capital and everyone started panicking "we need to do something" wendy cried "take her for me a sec?" natsu asked gajeel "for what?" natsu passed me over to gajeel "i have an idea" natsu walked away and appeared on a wall, with a cape and horns and started laughing maniacally "I am the demon they call dragneel and i've come here to this world to steal all of your magic power!" citizens started to panick"oh no this is horrible" "have you gone insane other me?" our natsu started laughing crazily making me giggle "what's funny?" asked wendy "look how stupid he looks!" chuckled gajeel "Faust ain't your king anymore! cause i kicked his sorry, old butt" he pointed to the side of him where faust was tied him, no okay seriously when did he do that? he started laughing again "but i decided to spare his life, for now!" "your majesty!" "oh no!" "poor king faust" "how dare he hurt him!" everyone else's reactions were priceless, natsu nodded to us making gajeel cover us in cloaks "come on redfox, marvel, L/N, now my faithful servants! It's time to trash the city!" gajeel sent his iron first towards buildings knocking them down me still in one arm, gajeel started laughing "he's got a sword for an arm" "it's another demon!" "somebody stop them""we're doomed!" "these villains won't stop until they've destroyed everything in sight! The city is under attack by demons from another world! Just look at them they're an unstoppable force of evil!" gajeel chuckled "now my loyal servants of lord dragneel, don't stop destroying stuff!" gajeel looked up at natsu "keep going on with this servant crap and i'm coming up there first" i giggled "just do what i tell you! SLAVE" "guess i should've been more specific" "let him have his five minute glory gaj" i smiled "call me gaj again and i'll seriously drop you" "please don't" i cried,
"they're the ones who stole edolas' magic power" "it's all that dragneels fault" "that's right, the dark lord dragneels the brains behind the whole operation" "unforgivable!" "give us our magic back now!" "better be careful cause you know what happens when you play with fire?" natsu starts breathing flames "oh no!" "he really is a demon!" "NATSU STOP THIS NOW!" mystogan yelled "huh?" natsu replied, apollo flew over to me and gajeel "what are you guys doing?" he asked "saving the city" i smiled "are you telling me what to do? you little punk!" natsu spoke to him "STOP THIS FOOLISHNESS! THE KING HAS BEEN DEFEATED, THERES NO NEED TO ATTACK INNOCENT PEOPLE" "OH YEAH?" natsu breathed fire at them "if you're trying to scare me, it's not gonna work. I don't care if you are the prince!" "he's the prince?" "could it really be him?" "but the prince mysteriously vanished years ago with the princess!" "prince jellal is back!" "i don't believe it!" "he's returned?" "what about the princess?" "just in time!" "it's a miracle!"
"let's fight or your precious city is gonna get burned to the ground!" natsu yelled "why isn't the army doing anything" "someone has to save the king or they'll kill him" "is anybody sure that guy is really the prince""i don't care who he is as long as he can defeat that monster!" i giggled at the scenes unfolding before me "this is brilliant" i laughed, gajeel chuckled "i can't believe they're falling for this"apollo smiled "he's amazing" "NATSU STAY RIGHT THERE" yelled mystogan/ prince jellal, he jumped off the tower he was standing on "didn't you hear me? I am the great and powerful lord dragneel!" "There goes the prince, is he really gonna fight that the monster himself? What unbelievable courage he has!" "he's so brave" prince jellal pointed his spear at me, gajeel and wendy "now sleep" purple beams get sent towards us then get sucked towards the sky "what's the matter? you're scared without your magic huh? well you should be cause check this out! IVE GOT PLENTY!" he sent fire towards a building causing it to crumble "i said stop!" prince jellal yelled, wendy panicked "natsu you're going too far!" "no he's not" gajeel spoke, i nodded "he needs to do this because the more power the villain shows, the more stronger the hero will look when he beats him without using any magic at all" i grinned, we watched prince jellal and natsu from afar, natsu punched prince jellal "watch out he's dangerous!" "you fool! you can't bring the people together like this, through evil!" prince jellal rose to his feet, goes to punch natsu but is stopped by the pinkettes fist "fight me for real" prince jellal turned his body and kicked natsu in the face "yeah!" "you got him prince!" "we know you can do it! you're our only hope!" natsu makes two fists "yeah! now they're really getting into it!" prince jellal smirked "idiot, you should have stayed down so we wouldn't have to stretch this out further" "not my style!" natsu punched prince jellal int he stomach "how dare he strike the prince like that!" prince jellal punched him back and they continued going back and fourth, till everyone chanted "go prince!" natsu then whispered something to prince jellal, i looked up at gajeel "what's he saying?" gajeel shrugged "something about a fairy tail send off" they continued swinging shots at eachother, the crowd gasped as they hit each other at the same time and natsu fell, the crowd clapped and cheered "THE PRINCE WON!" "HE BEAT HIM!" "YOURE MY HERO!" natsu started glowing "what? what's that?" jellal asked "natsu?" i questioned me, wendy and gajeel also started to glow "its starting" wendy smiled "what is?" i asked "we're going home" smiled wendy apollo looked at me "you can't leave me!" then apollo started glowing, he looked at his body "i'm glowing? IM GLOWING" he yelled "i'd never have left you anyways!" i smiled, i left gajeel arms as we floated into the sky, apollo teared up and hugged me, i was taken aback "little buddy" i smiled as we exited through the sky.

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