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"y/n i was thinking we start training soo, if that's okay?" i looked down at wendy "sure thing! I know there's a few books about godly magic in the guilds library, we can look when we get there!" "sounds good!" "make sure not too push yourself too hard wendy and you y/n better keep her in check" i salute carla "yes ma'am" it had been 4 days since the race with everyone and me and wendy were making our way too the guild, me and natsu only came from from a job yesterday so i was pretty exhausted but i was still gonna help wendy train, helping her will help me improve my magic, i'm gonna start training her by reading, finding out what she's capable of.
We got to the guild and immediately went to the library "how does this sound? Dragon Slayers: Magic Depth" carla asked "sounds perfect" "and this one?" wendy showed me a book 'godly magic: dragons, angels, gods and more' "that's great!" i also picked one up "heavenly arts, this will work too" all of us took a book each back to the guild and sat down on a bench in a row, we placed our books down "so any of you want a drink before we get started?" i asked "i'll take a cup of matcha tea please" wendy asked "could i get a glass of lemonade? please" wendy requested, i nodded and smiled, i walked over to the bar "hi mira!" "hi y/n, can i get you anything?" "yes please, one cup of matcha tea for carla, a glass of lemonade for wendy and a cappuccino for me" mira nodded "coming right up" i went to sit back down and seen the girls already started reading so i pulled out my glasses and placed them on my head "i didn't know you needed glasses!" exclaimed wendy, i nodded embarrassed "yeah.. only for reading, my eyes hurt otherwise" "you really suit them" wendy smiled, carla nodded "i agree, they make you look quite sophisticated" i blushed "aww thanks you guys" mira brought over our drinks and placed them in front of us "thanks mir!" i said "no worries, what are you guys reading?" she asked "well y/n said she'd help me with my magic and training but first we're reading about it!" wendy replied "that's wonderful! I'm so proud of you three, you'll be the most powerful members of the guild before we know it" i smiled "shush mira we all know that spot belongs to you" i smirked "i didn't know you were that powerful" states carla "i used to be, i don't really use my magic anymore.." mira replies "i got to get back to the bar now, good luck reading" "thank you mira" we all said in unison "back to the books" smiled carla.
"BIG NEWS" huh i turned around a bell started chiming, gasps were heard from outside "bells?" i questioned "yeah!" "that's awesome!" "gildarts is back!" everyone cheered "huh? guildarts?" i looked at lucy "don't ask me i have no clue" i sulked "me either, another thing i wasn't informed about" mira appeared beside me and lucy "he's the strongest wizard in fairy tail" "no way i thought erza was" lucy replied, i pulled erzas shirt "is she telling the truth, you're really not the strongest erza? DAMN WHO IS THIS GUY" "i don't even hold a candle to guildarts" erza admitted, "look how happy everyone looks!" wendy smiles "well they are certainly more out of control than usual" carla sighed "it's only natural everyone's excited, he's been gone for quite awhile. 3 years infact" mira spoke "3 YEARS? WHATS HE BEEN DOING THAT LONG?" i yelled "well we have regular jobs and S class quests but above those are SS class quests and those kind of jobs are called decade quests" lucy's eyes widened "decade quests?" "they're jobs that no one has been able to complete in less than ten years hence the name decade quest, actually guildarts took on a even high level job than that 'a century quest'" erza stated "FIRST DECADE NOW A CENTURY, WHO WANTS TO DO A QUEST THAT LASTS A 100 YEARS.. hold on he's doing a century quest but he's only been gone 3 years! no way" i was going insane, o hadn't even seen this guy but i would've taken any bet that he was scary, an announcement happen outside " prepare to commence magnolias guildarts shift, citizens please get into your designated positions immediately" carla spread her winds "i'm all for festive but this is just ririsculous" wendy gave her a slight smile "they sure are excited" "hey erza? what's a magnolia guildarts shift?" i asked the scarlet haired lady "step outside and see for yourself" i followed her advice and went and looked what was happening outside on fairy tails balcony and was greeted by natsu and happy, happy flew onto my head "y/n! are you excited?" he asked "for what? guildarts i don't even know who he is" Natsu turned around and was all excited about him "only the most powerful wizard ever, I CANT WAIT TO FIGHT HIM AGAIN" the builds outside all started rising "y/n come look" natsu pulled me to the banister on the balcony "WHATS HAPPENING?" happy stood up on my head "this is what the town has in place for when guildarts leaves or enters the guild, it's so prevent anything from being destroyed" "HES THAT STRONG?" i asked "yes!"both happy and natsu replied "come on let's go back down!" natsu dragged me down the stairs with him and happy ready to greet guildarts, the strong man walked through the guild doors and huffed, natsu was the first to speak up "come on you old geezer, let's throw down" "welcome home" mira greeted him , guildarts looked confused "sorry miss but i'm looking for a guild that used to be around these parts called fairy tail" mira smiled "this is it- rmember me, mirajane" "mira? WOW you sure have grown up a lot little girl, did you change some stuff around the hall too?" "he didn't notice that from outside?" lucy whispered to me, i laughed and whispered back "there's literally a sign saying fairy tail outside, did he seriously not see it?" natsu pops up again " GUILDARTS!" "natsu! hey pal! now there's someone i recognise" natsu chuckled and jumped infront of guildarts and tried punching him "good too see ya now let's party!" guildarts caught natsu, swirled him around his arm and flung him into the ceiling "not now kid" "oh yeah he's still so awesome" natsu admired "natsu deserved that, who greets someone with a lunch anyways" i whispered to happy " natsu" he sighed "WHAT?" natsu came storming over to us, we just turned away whistling pretending we didn't see him "i see a few new faces around here, a lot happened when i was gone" the strongest mage announced, the master called him over and they started chatting then walked away, before he left he spoke to natsu "oh natsu, stop by later, i brought something back for you" he laughed "well i'm outta here you guys" he said blasting a large hole through the guild wall "i wonder what he brought back for me, i'm getting fired up just thinking about it" natsu copies guildarts and punched the wall "come on happy we're out of here too" happy stayed there and explained to me natsu and guildarts past bringing up a girl called Lisanna "who's that i asked?" happy bowed his head "she's mira and elfmans little sister, her and natsu were extremely close when they were little but one day she went on a S class job with mira and elfman and she didn't make it back alive" "oh.. that's so sad" i frowned he continued the story "i'm gonna to find him now" i held his tiny paw "could i join you?" "aye sir!" we left the guild and found natsu
"y/n? why are you here?" i slapped the back of his head "rude.. i just wanted to join you, happy told me about your past with him and i was just curious that's all" he smiled "wow maybe he brought me back some rare fire from another kingdom or something" "aye! i wonder what it is" "aye? don't encourage him happy i doubt that he's been to another kingdom nevermind being you back some weird fire" natsu grumbled "party pooper"
We had arrived at guildarts house and natsu kicked open the doors "yo!" "what's up man!" i stayed quiet behind them "hey! good too see you, who's that behind you?" i stepped forward "hi! i'm y/n" i shyly waved "are you his girlfriend" i blushed "no" happy giggled "basically" guildarts chuckled "i'm kidding, you're new huh? welcome to the guild!" i smiled "been awhile since we been here" "seems like it's been forever" i noticed a fire under a pot in his hous, i giggled "natsu is that the super rare fire you were hoping for?" he growled "no shut up. So what you got for me pops?" "nevermind that how have you and lisanna been getting along since i've been gone huh?" "what?" my face fell, knowing what had happened "you don't have to play coy" guildarts laughed, natsus face went serious "lisanna died 2 years ago" "you serious? i see, that explains why mira ah my condolences" "if that's all you wanna talk about.. i'm out" natsu turned around and started walking, i grabbed his scarf "natsu wait" "don't go yet!" happy added "listen, while i was gone i met a dragon" natsu immediately turned around "it's not the one you're looking for though, it was as black as a moonless night" "where was it?" "sacred Mount zonia he's the real reason why i failed on my quest. So what are you gonna do?" "well obviously i'll ask him if he knows where igneel is" "think again kid, that black one is long gone by now, he's out flying in the wild blue yonder" "I don't care i can track him down if i put my mind to it" "natsu look at me" guildarts takes off his clothes and has bandages all over him "it was over before i knew what hit me, it ripped off my arm, my leg and then it gutted me, igneel may be the same type of creature but i'm telling you this black one is no friend to anyone" i walk closer to the shirtless man "sit down" "what for?" he asked "sit" i yelled natsu nods "you better do what she says man" guildarts sighed and then sat "now i can't bring back your arm or leg but let me heal your scars and injuries ANGEL SLAYER: RECOVERY" a gold beam emitted from my hands healing his body "woah? angel slayer?" he asked to which i nodded "who taught you that?" happy stepped forward "she doesn't know she lost her memories she can't remember anything after the age of 4" "NO WAY" he yelled "so you don't know" i shook my head "i've stopped thinking about that, there's nothing i can do about it right now so im just living life one day at a time with fairy tail by my side!" "that's the way kid" guildarts ruffled my hair "look natsu if you want to try and find that dragon i'm not gonna stand in your way" "good!" natsu stormed out of guildarts house "y/n, happy make sure you have his back alright" "aye" "you may not stand in his way but i certainly will, i swear that boy is so rash" i mumble walking out after the salmon haired pyro "happy go back to mine, i'll handle this, i looked around for a bit and eventually found natsu, he was sat on the edge of a river "nats-"
"dont" "dont what?" i asked "lecture me about going to find the dragon" "natsu don't be rash, you seen what he did to guildarts, it wouldn't be safe for you to go!" "i'm a dragon slayer arent i? if i can't take that dragon down who can!" "it's not your job to defeat that dragon just because your a dragon slayer" "y/n.. you don't understand, if he could lead me to igneel i'll do whatever it takes" i rested my head on his shoulder "i know i know, but what if he doesn't i don't want to risk losing you to some dragon, it would break me. Look one day we'll find igneel and i promise i'll held you follow any other lead that comes up, just not this one okay? it's too dangerous" the salmon haired mage looked down at me "you better keep your word" i smiled "i will, now let's go, carla may hit me if we leave her with happy for too long" natsu chuckled "she probably has locked herself in the bathroom to protect herself from him"
that's it the laughy, cheery natsu everyone knows and loves..
I smiled and looked up at the stars one day. wherever you are we'll find you igneel then we'll get my memories back i can promise you that!

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