A guild for one

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I changed into the outfit erza gave me (anything similar to the image above but as a two piece so like bottom half and a top half ) and looked into the mirror on the far side of the room, i turned around looking at every angle of myself "damn i look good!" i left the room i was in and found sherry, wendy, carla, lucy and erza, lucy's look down at her outfit "ooo THIS is adorable" sherry was posing "yeah, yeah you look cute and all but you're not as nearly as sexy as me" i coughed, lucy's eyes sparkle "you look gorgeous!" i blush "so do you! pinks really your colour!" she smiles "and sherry you look great!" she smiles and looks away "really?! i mean yeah of course i do. You look pretty sexy" "sexy?" erza chuckled "she's not wrong, you're gonna make all the boys drop dead, hibikis a lucky man" my face went red "hi-hibiki?" erza nodded "you're going on a date with him right?" i bowed my head "yes but just as friends, i-it doesn't mean anything.. i mean maybe AH I DONT KNOW" the girls all laughed and wendy spoke "everyone in the village is a member of the guild. Cait shelter is pretty famous for its textiles and clothes" lucy looked at wendy "so are these traditional nirvit styles?" "i never really thought about that before but i guess that would make the most sense huh" sherry stops checking herself out "i can't believe that you had no idea that everyone in this guild except you is a descendantof the nirvit"
I ignored the rest of them and went to sit down by erza, she was looking down, completely spaced out "erza?" she didn't answer me "erz!" she shook her head and faked a smile "yeah?" i didn't even say nothing, i just hugged her i obviously didn't know what had happened with her and jellal but it was obviously effecting her mental state, while hugging her i whispered in her ear "hey.. when we get back you promise to tell me all about jellal okay?" she looked up at me with a smile "yeah okay" "now go get changed erzy!" she nodded, "erzy?" lucy asked, i grinned "yep" i looked around the room and locked eyes with carla "kitty-cat" i went towards her but she put her hand out to block me "stop right there, tomcat may like you fussing over him, but i however do not" aw man, i sat in the corner of the room and sulked until erza came out of the room, she was in a gorgeous purple two piece "erza! you look gorgeous!" "me? thank you y/n but i look nowhere near as good as you" i giggled and we linked arms and walked out the room, the other four had already left so we went to join the others, the master of cait shelter wanted to thank us all for our help and he started talking as soon as me and erza joined everyone "fairy tail. Blue pegasus. Lamia scale, not to mention wendy and carla, I commend your efforts in not only defeating the oracion seis but saving our village from nirvanas wrath. Speaking as a representative of our regional guild league, I, Robaul offer my deepest gratitude. Thank you. Nabura we are in your debt" ichiya jumps infront of Robaul "we were happy to help you! Master Robaul! it was a hard won victory against a ferocious opponent but from the deepest darkest depths of despair a light  shined down on us it was the bright and warming glow of true friendship. We followed it all the way to victory" the three play boys clapped "well said master" i swear the only terms and conditions me and hibiki had were that he stopped calling ichiya weird names, gray have him a death stare "the bright and warming glow is probably coming from the spotlight he's hogging" i sighed "literally and i never seen him the whole time i was on the battlefield" lucy joined in "did he even fight anyone?" sherry stood with leon and jura "i suppose it's over now" jura stood behind her and leon "you two should know, i'm proud of you."
Leon looked at up the wizard saint with gratefulness "thank you sir" natsu got in the middle everyone and stuck his fist in the air "hey! we deserve a victory party!" "aye sir!" ichiya started dancing "yes, yes, yes, yes! it's time" the three boys started echoing him "it's time" "to get down" "to get down!" "and party" "oh yes! oh yes! oh yes! oh yes!"
gray strips "a party sounds great" Erza still looked down, i hugged her again "hey, you can't be upset we're having a party" ... "erza, hey please don't be upset, i know he meant a lot to you but you'll see him again soon, i have a good feeling about it, i promise no matter what it takes i'm gonna put a smile on your face" and just with those words she flashes a small smile "see there it is" she looked forward and everyone was jumping and saying "oh yes!" i shook my head "they're all idiots" she chuckles "but they're our idiots" they all stop and look at the chief "i'm truly sorry, but i've neglected my duty to tell you about the nirvit people. Please accept my sincere apology" "well it's not like that's gonna stop us from partying" happy yelled "but we'll listen to whatever you might have to say, right?" natsu yelled "aye sir" "it's alright master you don't have to tell us if you don't want to" wendy reassured "it is important. I ask that everyone please listen closely to the tale i am about to tell.. first let me clear the air about something, the truth is we are not descendants of the nirvit people. Indeed we are the nirvits themselves and many years ago, 400 to be exact, nirvana was created, fashioned by my hands" "by you?" leon asked "no way" i mumbled, happy tilted his head "400 years ago?" "i thought if my dream of nirvana was made a reality, i could end the vastly wars tearing the world apart, i would do so by reversing the morality of those whose mind were sat on the destruction of others, we made our home there. We took great joy in what we'd accomplished through peace, we were a shining beacon of light in a once dark and shadowy world. However, despite our best intentions we could not change the fact that for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction. Nirvana had brought light to what was once a terrible darkness, not by chasing it away but absorbing it, so to speak. The world yearns for balance and order. The light serves no purpose without the darkness and vice versa. Light is born from darkness and darkness if born from light, the two are forever intertwined" gray rested his chin in between his thumb and index finger "yeah, that's exactly how it played out for us" "All the worlds evil taken from those whose hearts were once consumed with it was transferred to the peace loving nirvit. It was a nightmare. Engulfed in rage and hatred, we slaughtered each other until no one was left standing, that's not quite true, for i am the only survivor. Then again in this particular situation, the word survivor is a little misleading, in truth, my body ceased to function many years ago. What you see before you now is a projection of the man i once was. As punishment for my sins, i, this powerless spirit have stood as sentinel over my creation for 400 years keeping my weary eyes open for the one who could, at last destroy nirvana and consign it to the pages of history and now my post can be vacated for that person has been found" wendy started crying "no. Why don't you tell me?" "Mmm" people from the village all started disappearing, wendy looked scared "what's happening? don't go!" carla looked around "you can't just leave us!" "MAGUNA PEPEL" hibikis eyes widened "everyone's disappearing right in front of our eyes" I stepped forward to the master Robaul "mind telling us what's going on? why's everyone disappearing?" he looked into my eyes "they were never really there, i'm sorry wendy i have deceived you, all your following guild members were specters, they were nothing but illusions" "are you kidding me?" natsu yelled "illusions with their own personalities?" leon questioned "that takes powerful creation magic" jura admired him as people disappeared "for many years i lived alone in this deserted village, always keeping a watchful eye over nirvana until one day when a boy came to me with a companion needing help, his eyes burnt with such intensity and sincerity that i simply had no choice but to take the little girl in, i had resigned myself to a solitary existence but there she was, i filled the village with apparitions so she wouldn't be alone" "you did this all for her?" i asked, wendy cried "no one i care for is a real person? how could you do something so cruel to me master?!" "don't fret my dear, calm down neither you or carla need those imaginary friends, you're surrounded by real friends who care for you hahahaha a great future awaits you, embrace it with open arms" he starts disappearing "master!!" wendy tan towards the fading man " to each and everyone one of you, i owe my greatest gratitude, i know i can leave wendy and carla in your hands" the man and wendy's guild mark had completely vanished, she dropped to her knees crying, i knelt down beside her "hey.. it'll be alright" she embraced me in a hug "ya know 2 weeks ago i randomly appeared at a church with no memories, no loved ones or no belongings but i looked around and found a guild, this guild made me feel at home, regardless of the fact that they'd never met me or knew who i was, they welcomed me with open arms and gave me friendship, a place to call home, i went from having nothing to everything, that guild is fairy tail i know you've just lost all your guild mates but how would you feel about making new ones and coming to join us. Join fairy tail" she cried in my arms "i'd love that" i stood up offering her a hand "so let's go!" she softly smiled.
We made our way to a boat that would take us back to fairy tail.
Lamia scale, Blue Pegasus and fairy tail all boarded the ship and took off, hibiki approached me "hey! are you okay?" i waved slightly "yeah i'm fine.. are you alright?" he nodded "you look good by the way" he said confidently, i smiled "thank you! so do you" "hey.. when we get back promise me you'll keep our deal and have a date with me" i nodded "of course" he walked away from me and i headed to natsu who was about to throw up "need a hand" i giggled "yes AGH please.." "ANGEL SLAYER: RECOVERY" "Hey! i feel all better" he stood up and rested his arms on the edge of the ship "so this is what it's like to sail the seas without puking your brains out" "feels pretty good doesn't it" i spoke feeling the cool breeze brush softly across my cheeks, natsu looked at me and lightly blushed "hey.. ya know you look good" his statement made me go bright red "what'd you say?" i asked making sure i didn't mishear him "don't worry" he smiled walking away "you look good too" i whispered.
Y/n might never know that he heard what she said, but when she whispered those 4 words, his  heart danced and he had the biggest grin on his face.
Wendy tapped my back "i'm- i'm sorry for interrupting you but i ah i just wanted to thank you for your invite to join the guild, i also wanted to ask something of you" she stopped and squirmished "hm?" i hummed softly "if you'd help me train, me and you have similar magic so i'd thought that maybe you'd help me improve my magic. I wanna get stronger, i barely did anything to protect my guild, i need to get stronger so i can protect everyone in fairy tail" i lightly laughed "i'm sorry was that stupid never mind" wendy went to walk away "no no no i didn't mean it like that, it's just you're a good person that's all, it's cute" she blushed "t-thank you" "you'll make a great addition to our guild, also if you need a place to stay for awhile, until you have enough money I have a spare room in my house if you'd like to use it" wendy's face lit up and she tackled me into another hug "really? Thank you! you're the best!" i smiled brightly "anytime, it's the least i could do, i'm sorry to leave but i'm going to go check on happy" she nodded "don't worry about it. Thank you again!" i walk around the ship and tried to find happy but instead i bumped into gray "oh sorry!" "don't worry y/n are you feeling okay?" he asked me "i'm great! i still have a few scratches but they'll heal" out of nowhere gray hit me on the head "what were you thinking leaving me and lucy" "let me stop you there buddy erza has already had this discussion with me, also i'm good i'm stronger than i look" he smiles "yeah i know you, miss i took down midnight" "IS THAT HIS NAME? NOW THE WHOLE CRAZY POWER AT MIDNIGHT MAKES SENSE" gray looks at me and chuckles "ya weird you know that" "am not, he had this weird power and oh don't worry about it idiot" i walked away from him annoyed, carrying on my mission to find happy "happy!" i yelled he ran into me hugging me "it's good to see you!" "aye!" "i've so missed you" "aye! and i missed your ear scratches, please can we have a sleepover when we get home" i nodded "yes of course!" "DID I HEAR EAR SCRATCH" natsu yelled "no natsu!" yelled happy "she's all mine!" he carried on "but i want her" natsu argued making me blush "i'm the one who's going on a date with her!" hibiki yelled, i sighed this is gonna be a long journey.
We arrived at the docks in magnolia "bye guys!" sherry waved "stop by the guild any time" eve waved "don't forget our date!" hibiki yelled, lucy frowned "like he's gonna remember that with all the other girls he has" my eyebrows knitted "other girls?" erza shot her a death stare "what it's just that he's a playboy" i sulked "i thought he genuinely liked me" "he does he brings up the date every 3 seconds" erza comforted shooting lucy another stare.. if looks could kill.
We finally arrived at the guild and introduced wendy and carla to the guild, explaining what happened to everyone.
"it's a pleasure to meet you all" all the men one the guild surrounded her "how adorable" "it's a female happy" "i bet your mom is really pretty!"
me and erza walked over to mira "i'm so glad you made it back safely" i welcomed mira with a hug "feels like it's been ages!" i moaned "hello master" erza greeted he nodded at her "great work erza. Im sure things will quieten down now that the oracion seis are out of the picture and thanks for bringing two powerful yet precious additions back to the guild with you!" "she's wonderful" i spoke "she'll fit in nicely here!" I went up to juvia "how've you been?" i asked "I MISSED GRAYYY" she started crying and ran away "ooookay" i scooted away.
I sat down with erza "now tell me everything about jellal" she smiled sweetly at me and told me about their childhood and the tower of heaven, listening to her story made me tear up. "Hey what's wrong?" lucy asked "you both look upset" i nodded "just speaking about pasts that all" lucy lowered her head "i'll be right back" i looked to the scarlet haired mage and hugged her "i never knew that you've been through so much, i promise i'll never let you go through that much pain ever again.." "y/n.." "i'm backkkk and i have" me and erza turned our heads towards lucy immediately brightening the mood "CAKE!" i turned to her "i bet i can eat mine quicker than you" "OH YOURE ON" after our cake competition we decided neither of us won and went to join the rest of the guild "alright everyone! let's welcome our new members the way only fairy tail can! NOW LETS EAT AND DRINK AND MAKE MERRY!" Natsu balled his fist "OH YEAH NOW WHO WANTS TO BRAWL" i grinned "i could take you on!" "she could easily beat your ass natsu!" yelled gray "no way!" he argued, erza glared at both of them "she could beat both your asses now shut the hell up" "yes ma'am" everyone had a party, mira and gajeel preformed and everyone else either fought or drank.
Hours had passed by super quick and me, carla and wendy were on our way home, "Y/n wait!" happy yelled, he flew towards us with natsu running by his side "you said we could have a sleepover" "we? i meant just you not natsu" natsu sulked "please" i looked back at wendy and she nodded "okay fine" he picked me up at my waist and spun me around "you're the best!" he ran to me house with happy "race ya!" "as if i have to put up with tomcat all night" carla mumbled, i laughed "come on guys! we can't let them win" we all raced there and by the time me, wendy and carla got there natsu and happy had already changed into some pajamas and gotten out the snacks, i took  a minute to catch my breath "oh they beat us" wendy pouted "it's okay they won't beat us at the board games i got!" i pulled out a bunch of board games and we played them for awhile.
"wendy are you tired?" carla asked, wendy yawned "just a little" carla stood up "let's go to bed" "but carla" "no buts child come on let's go!" "goodnight wendy!" i yelled "goodnight carlaaaa" happy smiled "goodnight guys!" natsu yelled, i sighed i guess it's just the 3 of us now "time for scratches?" i grinned "yeah but you have to do something for me" natsu frowned "what's that" "tell me about that S class mission pretty please you said you would!" happy and natsu both smiled at eachother and shouted "aye" "quieten down they're trying to sleep" i shushed them they both nodded and started telling me about the S class mission as i scratched their ears both at once.
"shh" i said to natsu pointing at a sleeping happy, i picked him up and placed him on the end of my bed and went back into the living room, natsu looked at me and smiled "i'm really glad i met you" i looked at him confused "why's that?" he shook his head "that's for me to know" i jumped on him "you can't just say that.. tell me!" he shook me off him "no.. maybe another time" natsu yawned "i think i'm gonna sleep" i yawned also "yeah me too goodnight!" i go to leave the living room but he pulled me in by the waist "thank you.." "what for?" i asked blushing "saving me" "saving you?" "you're what made me get up that day when we were fighting the oracion seis and i feel the same way i can't wait to make more memories with you.." i turned around and hugged him and stuck my pinkie finger out "too more memories?" he grinned "too more memories!" i walked out of the room and turned back to smile at him, he was sleeping on the sofa while i slept on my bed with happy who didn't want to sleep with natsu because of his 'deadly snores' i giggled thinking about how over dramatic happy was being and got into bed, happy came up the top of the bed and got comfy in my arms "goodnight happy" i said softly "goodnight

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