Team natsu!

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We all regained our consciousness "all right we're getting nowhere fast.." lucy was the first one to speak "natsu could you carry me on your back the rest of the way?" happy asked "sorry i've for a passenger and i'm afraid he's not looking too good either, this sucks. Are we really stuck here like this? I hope it's just us, if not we're all totally screwed" i looked down "if i'm right then every member of fairy tail should be feeling weak right now" apollo frowned "if that's true i really hope that no one's fighting a member of the skin right now" "guildarts.." happy whispered, then out of nowhere our magic power started to surge "im stating to feel it again!" natsu yelled "did something happen just now?" "my magic power is coming back?" "yeah it's back alright, so that means let's get back to work!" i smiled "we're coming guys!" we all started running to base camp once again "i can't believe we all felt so horrible and weak" wendy spoke " yeah speaking of, are you guys sure that we're totally back to normal right now, i mean we don't wanna rush into anything we're not ready for" lucy said , i shook my head "that's not important, our top priority right now is getting gramps to safety" "plus we won't have any idea what's going on with the guys back at camp until we can see em for ourselves!" happy stopped "i don't know if i can make it, i might die of starvation before we even get there" "get over it cat, it's not like the rest of us have been resting" "maybe i'll just die from a sympathy overdose instead" natsu liked at natsu "actually im pretty hungry too, i haven't eaten any kind of fire since i had to swallow that nasty stuff that god slayer was serving up" lucy nodded "a bite of something would really help me out" i put down my bag and opened it infront if everyone revealing snacks "here guys, take what you want" i smiled "really?" asked wendy, i nodded "thanks y/n!" lucy smiled and reached for the foil wrapper "NOT THAT" i yelled and grabbed it "my cake" i smiled as i rubbed it "you're safe now" natsu groaned "you're strange" i glared at him "say that again" "i was gonna summon sariel and ask him to summon some fire for ya but i've changed my mind" "what? no pleaseee" i shook my head "you should've thought of that before you called me strange" apollo sighed "he's not wrong, you can be strange" i pouted "i hate all of you guys" carla flew up "in ready to go!" happy yelled "and me that was great y/n" lucy yelled "yeah thanks y/n!" wendy smiled "don't mention it" "now that we have some grub in our stomach let's carry on to base camp!" "aye!" we all started running to the rendezvous point and eventually we came across a little shelter.
"it's a whole lot worse than what i thought it'd be" natsu spoke "this is awful" gajeel, mira, elfman and evergreen were in pretty bad shape "stand back, angel slayer: eden" a magic circle appeared under them all and started to heal their physical wounds "they should wake up soon but tell me what happened here?" i asked, lisanna stepped forward "that man over there attacked us" she looked over to a silver haired man with some black rimmed glasses "and then all of a sudden we lost all our magic power, like we were all drained at the same time. It was strange, freed and bickslow fought as hard as they could but with everyone injured, we were already at such a major disadvantage. This is bad, i don't know what we're gonna do" she started crying, i hugged her "aw lisanna please don't cry, we're gonna figure this out, i promise you" i stepped out of the hug "happys right we're fairy tail after all" lisanna wiped her tears "i know, i'm sorry you guys" natsu cracked his knuckles "they're gonna pay, i'll make damn sure of that" wendy nodded "we have to try atleast" freed looked down "and now we can count master and cana among the injured" bickslow rested his head on his hand "how'd they get the upper hand like this?" panther lily looked serious towards us "grimoire heart's ship is stationed right off the shoreline, just east of here. I propose this strategy, that we split our group into two separate teams" levy stood firm "one team will be offence and the other will be defence" everyone spilt up and started talking, i was with natsu and happy and everyone else was together "how ya feeling?" natsu asked me "i'm feeling weirdly confident" i didn't know why, the odds are completely stacked against us "i'm not surprised, all you have ever known is fairy tail and the most confident out of the bunch are the ones you're closest with" i looked at happy "what do you mean?" "well you're the closest with natsu, erza and gray in the guild right now, they've been at the guild for years and for the whole time you've been there have you known any of them to give up" he was right i have been heavily influenced by them "not really, except that whole incident with natsu in the dragon" natsu glared at me "that wasn't even my fault, it was grays" "speaking of which where is gray?" i shook my head "no clue but i'm really worried about him" natsu frowned "he probably ended up running into that cross dresser, AH even if he does i'm not helping him" i frowned at his words "don't be rude" "all i'm saying is i kneo the guy and he'll wanna kick her butt by himself without a bunch of people getting in the way" happy giggled "you guys have known each other a long time and it's pretty obvious that you two share a special connection" "don't try to make it sound dirty!"
natsu stood up from the rock he was previously sat on "offence or defence? we gotta pick one so what our strategy guys?" i shook my head "i'm not too sure" happy shook his head "it's obvious natsu will go on the defence but you can go with any side, you have healing and protection magic but you also possess strong attack magic" "i'll decide after we discuss it with everyone and speaking of let's head back" we went back and pantherlily was covering his ears to stop the puns of thunder "you okay there little guy?" i asked him "i think he's scared of thunder and lightning" happy spoke "so precious" i shook my head "dont listen to them come here" i picked him up and stroked the top of his head to ease his stress "that feel good?" he nodded "yeah thanks, you can stop now" another lightning bolt struck with that sky booming with the sounds of thunder "uh i'll just stay here for a bit actually" lily spoke making me giggle.
"we need to discuss teams now" levy spoke "i reckon we take on good ol hades" natsu said to lucy and happy "just the three of us?" "hey! we're a team remember?" she nodded "i know that but wouldn't freed be a better choice?" freed looked at the girl "thanks but i need to stay here and write and enchantment" "we'll stick around and make sure that the others are okay" natsu poked me "you coming or what?" apollo held my leg "you should go, if freeds writing an enchantment and you've already healed the others to the best of your ability you're not needed here" "rude, but i see what you mean" natsu grinned "cmon you'd be useful in our right with him" i sighed "fine i'll go with you but it's because i wanna go not because you asked me ya here?" happy covered his mouth "whatever you say" wendy stepped forward to me and natsu "i won't be useful here either so i would like to go" carla easier her law "you'll do no such thing!" wendy looked at her exceed "they're gonna need every bit of support they can get in this fight!" "oh, i'll come too i owe him a beating for gajeels sake" lily spoke "are you sure it's not just to stay with y/n?" carla asked "no!" "stay away from her she's my princess" apollo stood infront of me protectively "i'll stay behind and help freed with his enchantment" levy spoke "i wouldn't be much help against hades so i'll keep an eye on the wounded" lisanna added, freed and bickslow stood up to join the rest of us in conversation "it would appear we have a plan of action" "we'll hold down the fort while you guys go kick some butt" "be careful lu, come back safe and sound" lucy balled her fists "now that my powers back i'm ready to rumble" "hades is the last opponent, teach him a lesson" "let's show him why you shouldn't mess with fairy tail!" wendy exclaimed, happy put one paw in the air "if we do our very best we always win!" "now don't be over confident" "we gotta do this for fairy tail!" "exceed squad move out!" "let's go!" natsu yelled "yeah!" we all started to leave "you guys better stay safe!" i yelled "y/n wait a second!" i turned around lisanna? "Stay by natsus side for me okay? When he has friends close by he becomes even fiercer, stick with him and he'll be unstoppable" i grinned "yeah! protect everyone for us okay?" she nodded "now go or you'll lose them!" "bye lis, hopefully the next time i see you is when we've won!" i ran after the others.
In this distance there was two figures.. erza and gray "ERZA GRAY" i ran ahead of everyone else "i was so worried about you guys" i smiled "hey y/n.. i was worried about you too" erza replied hugging me, we broke apart from the hug and i hugged gray "i'm sorry" tears felll from my eyes "when i was fighting one of the sims earlier she connected our sense and you had to feel all my pain and injuries, i'm so sorry" he stroked my head "hey.. don't cry, i'm fine aren't i, they barely hurt me" i pushed myself off him "so i was worried for nothing! jerk!" i walked back to the others, gray sweat dropped "so you wanted me to be hurt?" "i do now ya stripper!" "where are you guys going?" erza asked, natsu grinned "feel like getting some pay back?" gray smiled "hell yeah" lucy smiled "we're heading to hades ship right now, cmon" we now started running to the ship with all of team natsu and lily, as we headed to his ship i couldn't help but stupidly grin to myself, man i feel sorry for hades because he's in for a world of hurt!

The Deity of FairyTail || Natsu x Reader||Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz