Zerefs sweet

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natsu sighed "why do the bad guys always wanna take over the world? it sounds like such a huge pain in the neck if you ask me" happy jumped "if i took over the world i'd make sure there were yummy fishies everywhere!" "let's go find em! we gotta settle the score for what they did to gramps, when i get my hands on those scum bags.. they're gonna wish they never set foot on fairy tails secret ground" i shivered "you're scary when you're angry ya know? calm down.. let's think logically that woman from before said she was taking zeref back to her master didnt she? and they must've got here on some sort of boat or ship, wherever they're they gotta be somewhere around the island" i smiled proudly of how smart i was "we should head back and check on gramps and wendy, maybe carla and lily can check if there are any ships near by if happys all out of magic" "what exactly happened to gramps anyways?" i asked the fire boy "their master.. he beat gramps, he was seriously injured when i found him earlier" "they beat gramps?!" natsu nodded "how powerful is their master anyways?" "we don't know we never saw him" happy answered, we started walking back to meet the others "so y/n, wanna explain how much you love natsu for us?" happy chuckled "WHAT?" "what are you talking about?" "ya know! when you were saying you could never forget about him and all that, you were really passionate about it" "whatever cat, i was speaking the truth, i really appreciate natsu" natsu looked at me funny "idiot" "who you calling an idiot?" "no one! also what was that porkys deal with you calling you his girlfriend?" natsu asked, i shrugged "no clue, guess he liked me" happy giggled "i could name someone else who likes you too" someone else likes me? "who?" i asked clueless, he frowned "so dense!"
We approached, wendy, gramps, carla, lily, lisanna? and juvia? "you didn't tell me they were here too!" "we didn't know" replied happy
"how's gramps?" natsu asked "not so good.." wendy replied "although it seems his wounds are quite serious and for some reason i don't feel as though his life is truly in danger"" what are you guys doing here?" happy asked gray and lisanna "i was worried about my beloved gray.. have you seen him?" lisanna looks to the side guiltily "i just wanted to come see mira and elfman.." "we're glad you're safe" wendy smiled at me "but where on earths apollo?" lily questioned and before i could speak a little voice sounded "i'm here!" apollo flew out of my bag yawning "how'd you rest lil buddy?" i asked "you're okay!" he yelled hugging me "so you took those soldiers down by yourself?" i nodded "they weren't too hard too defeat, i took half of them out with a single spell" natsu chuckled "you're way stronger than when we met you, i remember the first mission we went on at the theatre when you tried using your magic and you couldn't even aim straight" my face went red with embarrassment "what? nooo that never happened.." "yes it did! you steered pouting behind the scenes like a child" happy added "and to think i almost forgave you for being rude earlier you've done it now" i turned away from both of them "silent treatment.. so cold" lily sighed, a man appeared out of nowhere, mest i believe, atleast that what gramps addressed him as. Lily looked at mest "i would seem that the traitors returned" natsu raised his hands to his hips "where'd you run off to whoever you are?" "isn't he mest, natsu you should now all your competition" i sighed "turns out he's actually a spy for the magic council" carla spoke, mest stepped forward and addressed us all "to be quite honest, my name is doranbolt" wendy moved from gramps side "what are you doing here?" "please don't be afraid wendy.. i guess you could say i'm on. a rescue mission" my face went confused "who needs saving? because it sure ain't us" "actually it is for you, i can use my magic to transport your guild members somewhere safe, i'll get you as far away from the island as possible, but first i need to know where everybody is in order to do that" "we don't need your help pal" "yeah fairy tails got this covered" i smiled "what makes you think we'd trust anyone who's acting in the interest of the magic council anyways?" carla said suspiciously, panther lily crossed his arms, so cute "this is our problem, not yours and we are more than capable of taking care of it by ourselves" doranbolts face went all serious "listen to me.. i guarantee once the council finds out what's going on here they'll do whatever it takes to neutralise the threat!" "you mean they'll blast us with etherion again!" happy screamed "what's etherion?" lily asked "that's what i was about to ask" carla raised her fingers and rested her head on her index and her thumb "apparently it's extremely powerful destruction magic" "yeah and the magic council used it on us before when we were in the tower of heaven" i whispered to lisanna "you have no idea what's going on either right?" she giggled "not a clue" "well atleast that makes both of us" "but if they decide to fire etherion while we're all on the island" juvias face dropped "who knows what kind of damage it might cause this time? I need to go find my beloved gray!!!" juvia ran off "juvia!" lisanna yelled trying to go after the water woman, i grabbed her hand "stay, juvia can protect herself and if she's with gray even better"
"we'll have to take care of grimoire heart before the magic council get a chance to use etherion again" natsu spoke seriously, doranbolt stepped to him "your masters been defeated and grimoire hearts got incredibly powerful wizards on their side! there's no way you can beat them" i sighed "as you said, they're extremely strong so even if you decided to blow up the whole island, they'd probably sense the magic of etherion and be able to save themselves in the nick of time, meaning the whole thing would just be pointless, you'd only end up hurting us and damaging the island" "we can't let that happen! our guild considers this sacred ground because our first master is buried here! we have to try and protect it!"
my eyebrows knitted "you can tell the council that they had better back off or they'll be sorry for messing with fairy tail!" happy raised one paw "yeah tell em fairy tail can always take care of itself" "are you threatening the magic council?! some lowly wizards?" "you've got a lot to learn man, whether it's grimoire heart or the magic council, fairy ti doesn't back down! you attack us, it's gonna be your last mistake! we'll put you deep in the ground!" natsu glared into his eyes "the sky.. it looks like there's a storm coming.." wendy spoke softly
I looked up at the sky when i felt a light droplet fall on my arm, then a few more until it started pouring down "we should take cover" lisanna spoke carefully, carla nodded "i agree, it wouldn't be good for master to catch a cold in his condition" are we gonna pretend like that whole thing didn't happen, yes apparently we are.
Natsu picked up gramps on his back and i pulled an umberella out for me and the exceeds "why did you even bring that?" natsu asked "it's just a bit of rain" i rolled my eyes "because my hair goes all frizzy when it gets wet, so if i'm carrying an umberella i have the decision to not let it get ruined" "well i appreciate it" carla smiled "that's only because you're under there" lisanna shivered "it's not big enough for us all, you should've been as smart as y/n and brought your own" i grinned at happy "you, you're getting back in my good books cat"wendy walked a head and pointed "hey i see a tunnel over there!" natsu tan to the tunnel "come on guys!" i giggled at his childishness to always want to win.
We'd sat down for a bit trying to dry off, for those who wasn't under the umberella anyways, this gave my time to regain my magic energy "lily, carla. Me, natsu and happy we're discussing grimoire heart earlier and came to the conclusion that they must have a ship docked around the island somewhere, would you be able to fly around and check please?" i asked kindly "it would be our pleasure" carla smiled "i wanted to stop at the rendezvous point anyways to check to see if gajeel there, so after we look for you i'll go there instead of coming back" lisanna got up from where she sat "could i come with you? i want to see if mira and big brother are there" carla nodded "we should be going now" "stay safe guys!" wendy yelled.
It was a quiet 10 minutes until lucy showed up.. "natsu? natsu!" "lucy?" he asked "thank god i found you guys!" "how come you were all alone out there?" i asked "well at first i was with cana, gray and loki until we ran into one of the kin caprico, loki stayed behind to fight him and won but he needed to return to the spirit world to rest and then cana suggested me and her should split up with gray just in case anybody was struggling with fighting but then everything went fuzzy, after we left gray i some how blacked out in the woods.. then i found you guys!" she looked down at my top "what happened with you?" i frowned "i happened to encounter 2 sins and obviously it did not go too well, first one i seen was a pink haired, young girl who was obsessed with trying to kill gray, we fought for a bit until she collapsed, that fight along with the S-Class one fighting erza previously drained my magic so it was hard to beat this tubby member of the sins called kain, i would've been done for if natsu hadn't shown up" "you took out one of them?" daronbolt asked in shock "well technically she took down 2, she took down the kain guy with natsus iron first!" "what?" wendy asked "there was this voodoo doll, it was totally creepy" "do you want a new change of clothes?" lucy asked "you have some?" "not technically, open gate of the maiden: virgo!" "yes princess? what can i do for you?" the pink haired maid asked "could you get us a change of clothes from your world please" "of course princess" she rested her hand out and 3 changes of clothes rested in her hand "i'm glad i could be of service to you princess" virgo handed the clothes to lucy and disappeared,
lucy changed and then i did, leaving wendy to change last.
(picture above)
"these outfits are so cute!" lucy smiled "i know right! they're the latest fashion in the celestial spirit world" "remind me to talk to virgo too see if she can get me some more clothes like this!" she grinned "of course!" i love lucy i genuinely should talk to her more often, carla arrived back with a lily pad on her head for shelter, natsu waved "hey carla!" "things aren't looking to good at the base camp, gajeel and mira are in pretty bad shape" carla landed and happy walked up to her "i hope they get better soon.." "me too, but the good news is we stopped grimoire hearts ship of the east coast of the island" "let's swim over and bust heads" i shook my head "not alone, remember this guy took down gramps, it would be good to have other people like gray or erza to help us, we'd have a better chance of victory" "she's right we should get back to camp" lucy stepped forward "we should go as soon as possible" natsu nodded "i'll carry gramps" mest bowed his head "what about me?" "keep the council from blowing us up" lucy walked over to him "listen we don't want their help, we can take down grimoire heart and that zeref freak ourselves!" wendy closed her hands "we can handle this ourselves, there's no need to fire an etherion blast" "i don't think they'll listen" "in that case just try to find a way to buy us some time, we're counting on you" "YOU CANT BEAT THEM, NO GUILD THATS FACED GRIMOIRE HEART HAS LIVED TO TALK ABOUT IT, DO YOU EVEN HAVE A PLAN?" "give em everything we got.. that's all" i stood there as they all started walking.. zeref, they want to take him down, but why? he was so sweet, anyone that cries can't be that bad, that means they feel sad emotions i don't believe he's that bad "come on y/n!" natsu yelled "yeah sorry i'm coming.." i slowly walked behind them "what's up.." apollo asked me sadly "zeref.. they want to defeat him, i don't understand why.." "just ask them?" i nodded "you're right" i jogged up to the others "guys? how do you all know zeref?" "The crybaby? he was the one who turned my scarf black the punk!!" natsu yelled spitting fire everywhere "careful natsu you have master" lucy looked at me "zerefs the worst of the worst, he created monsters and instruments of death and destruction that have cause hundreds maybe even thousands of people pain.." "oh..?" "why do you ask?" i frowned "i just.. i met up earlier.." natsu stopped and looked at me "you did? did he do anything to you!?" "no.. i thought he was actually sweet" "did you just call zeref sweet!?" happy yelled "no need to yell in my ear happy" i cried, apollo stepped forward "she's right.. though he sent out this dark aura" "no way.. that bastard did the same when me and happy found evergreen and elfman, it killed everything around him" i nodded "is he really as bad as you say he is?" i asked "way worse!" happy exclaimed "i see.. next time i meet him i'll ask what all the monsters are about!" carla sighed "don't be so stupid! they've just told you that he tried killing people and you want to meet him!" "y/n.. i know you think he's sweet, we weren't there too see what happened between you but every time his name has popped up it's always to do with evil guilds.. even now grimoire heart are here for him" lucy spoke softly "he could have a reason, no one knows why he created those, maybe he got forced" "y/n.. maybe he is a bad person" apollo pulled my jacket "maybe you're right.." i frowned, i need to see it for myself the man i met was not a bad person, i'm sure of it "we need to walk quicker, any minute now the ship could up and leave!" natsu said "then we better get a move on" "aye!"

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