The second trial!

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I looked around suspiciously "what are you doing?" apollo asked me "is anyone around?" "no why?" i let out a deep sigh "i desperately need to change my clothes!" "ohhh do you want me to turn around?" he asked "yes please" i opened my bag and got out a change of clothes (picture above) "phew that's better!" "is that new?" apollo asked, i turned around showing off my new outfit "it is actually, i went and bought some new clothes with the money from the jobs we took before the trial!" apollo smiled "it looks good on you!" "thanks pollo, now we need to go, we only have 6 hours!" "aye!" i shook my head at  the phrase he copied off happy.

Me and apollo came across some dead trees "what's happened here?" i asked to no one, we wondered through the dead trees and found a dark haired man sat by a pond "hi there! who are you?" the man turned around with a look of fear on his face, not answering my question, me and apollo walked closer to him "it's rude to ignore people ya know?" he stuck his hands out "no! don't come any closer!" he yelled emitting a black aura of magical power, killing the plants around him "mister! move, don't stay there you could get in some serious danger!" i ran over to him and tried pulling his arm, at this point i was in the black aura, his eyes widened "your- you're not affected by it? how?" suddenly the aura dropped "what were you saying sir?" i asked, apollo flew over to me "you shouldn't have done that! it could've been dangerous!" he scolded, i giggled "i'm fine, see. Now, excuse me but could you repeat what you said?" "how? how did you? that usually kills everything it touches" i grinned "i'm just too strong" "who are you?" the strange man asked "i asked you that first!" i frowned "oh sorry.. i'm zeref" his name didn't ring a bell, i stuck my hand out with a smile "well zeref, i'm y/n! and that's apollo, nice to meet ya!" a gust of wind flew past us, making his hair fly up, his eyes softened and his eyes started tearing up "what have you done?" apollo asked "i'm not sure! i'm sorry if i said something to offend you!" i yelled in a panick, the man shook his head "it's just.. it's  been awhile since someone's been nice to me like this" i frowned "why's that? you seem wonderful" i smiled brightly, zerefs eyes widened, "you think i'm.. wonderful?" "of course you are! why would you think otherwise?" "people don't see me as a good person, the truth is i actually really love nature and animals but all i do is kill everything" "zeref.. is there nothing you could do to stop that?" he turned to me and placed his hands on my shoulders "i've tried everything!.. it's a life long curse.." i shook my head "don't be silly.. here look" i placed my hand on the ground next to him "angel slayer: eden" a large magic circle appeared and made plants grow around us, zeref looked at the flowers i had grown in awe "they-they're beautiful" he smiled "aren't they? ya know i didn't even know i could do that, i just hoped for the best!" apollo rolled his eyes "and how embarrassed would you've been if it didn't work?" "let's net talk about that!" i giggled awkwardly "thank you.." zeref had a tear rolling down his face "would
you like to come for a walk with me?" zeref asked, my face lit up "of course!" "y/n! we can't stay here too long! we're on a time limit remember?" i gasped "oh crap! sorry mister we have to go! maybe another time, it was nice meeting you!"

Zerefs eyes focused on the pair as they walked away, she wasn't affected by his magic nor was scared of him, she treated him with kindness which was something he'd forgotten the feeling of, one thing was for sure zeref wanted to meet her again no matter what and for the first time in years he had something to look forward too.

"he was weird" apollo frowned as we walked away from zeref "don't be so rude pollo! i thought he was nice, the crying was strange but i think he hasn't been in contact with people in awhile" apollo looked down and sighed " you're right"

"any idea on where we should go?" my exceed asked "let's go this way!" i smiled "any reason why?" "no, it just looks scenic" apollo lowered his head with a deep sigh "of course.." we walked in the direction i suggested.
Suddenly our vision got averted to a red signal that had been shot of into the sky "a red flare?" apollo questioned "doesn't that mean enemies are near by? OH MAN WE WERE DOING SO WELL TOO" i exclaimed "do you think it has anything to do with that zeref boy?" i shook my head "he didn't give off negative vibes" apollo furrowed his eyebrows "what are you talking about? he quite literally gave off negative vibes!" i laughed "he just didn't seem so bad.. forget about that we need to head the the emergency rendezvous point!" "okay cmon" we headed towards the direction of the rendezvous point, on our way i fell and cut my knee "ouch!" i yelled "hey, maybe we should rest for now, we're getting close" i stood up "no time for that! enemies are here apollo, people may be fighting right now!" i stood up "angel slayer: recovery" "you need to be careful, your fight with erza took a lot out of you, if you encountered one of the enemies you may not be able to take them on" "we don't even know who they are yet pollo plus i'm not that weak i'll be okay! let's carry on!" i stated running with apollo following quickly behind me, blue orbs? CRAP THERES SOLIDERS IN THERE! "pollo! watch out!" they took him out
"y/n.." he whispered "YOULL PAY FOR THAT.. you can rest now lil guy" i put apollo in my bad so he'd be safe "ANGEL SLAYER: PURE FURY!" i yelled sending golden beams towards the soldiers, taking 6 out, only 7 more to go "ANGEL SLAYER: AH" a soldier hit me with his sword "HEAVENLY CANON!" i yelled taking out the rest, as the soldiers were all on the floor i took my chance and observed them closely, an emblem? i looked closer and it appeared that the people invading us were.. GRIMOIRE HEART NO WAY, IT CANT BE, "i need to get to the rendezvous point now!" i said to myself.
Almost there now "i have encountered the enemy during the mission, i will destroy them immediately. Ending her life is now my highest priority, commencing combat operations" she seems young, a similar age to myself, no y/n you can't let your guard down, you've learnt not to underestimate people no matter what they look like "y/n l/n, angel slayer" "how did you know that? you been stalking me or something! who are you?" "Answer has been deemed unnecessary, commencing combat operations. Maguilty Sodom!" light blue blades of magic power surrounded the pink haired mystery girl "not another sword fight! you gotta be kidding me!" "GO" she sent hundreds of swords towards me, i moved swiftly barely dodging all of her magic blades "what are you doing here?!" i asked sternly "i was not sent here to answer questions, just eliminate the enemy. That is the mission i was given" "although i don't have much magic energy left after the S-Class trials, i swear i'll take you down!" "the wizard y/n l/n number 7" "and just what do these numbers mean?" "your priority. It is the order in which you should be eliminated!" she sent magical blades towards me again "angel slayer: swords of judgement!" i used my dual swords to fend off any swords flying directly for me "that's crazy!" i yelled "it is necessary, numbrr 6 is natsu which i am yer to locate, number 5 is mira who's been taken care of, number 4 is erza, but i am yet to come across her, 3 is guildarts but he appears to have left the island, number 2 is makarov but hades has already defeated him" "masters only second? then who's top priority!?" i asked still defending myself from her blades "number one, is that man Gray Fullbuster!" "gray? why gray?" the pink haired girl started giving off strong magic energy "because he has her blood on his hands, ultears mother died.. because of him! that man can never be forgiven for the pain he caused ultear! When i find him i'll tear him limb from limb!" she started randomly firing blades in different directions "you're insane! angel slayer: cancellation" "huh?" she questioned "grays one of my best friends, he wouldn't hurt a fly nevermind another person! i won't let you hurt him! ANGEL SLAYER: SPIRITUAL PIERCE" the mysterious girl got sent into a tree "angel slayer: angel kick" "AGH" my magic sent her flying into the swamp, i walked into the pool of water to join her "maguilty rays!" the girl sent 6 golden beams of light towards me, so if natsu, wendy and gajeel can eat they're magic when it comes from someone else then i should give it a try too!, i opened my mouth and consumed her golden beams "i know it boosts my magic temporarily but that tasted awful!" "what did you just do?!" she yelled "i don't even know, i just tried eating magic similar to mine and it worked!" i smiled "in the words of my friend, i've got a fire in my belly that's raging to get out, ANGEL SLAYER: THRUSTING LIGHT!" the girl screamed and landed in the water "crap! i might've overdone it" i ran over to check on the girl "i find it strange.." she coughed "we both speak of the same gray and yet, one is boiling with hate and the other is a blossoming friendship! Although it's the same person you'd think we were discussing two different men" i nodded shrugging "not everyone feels the same, that's a part of being human" "this is an amazing stroke of luck, i've come here on a mission to kill gray fullbuster and right away i've encountered a person who cares dearly for him" "what are you talking about?" "your friendship with gray.. WILL BE WHAT KILLS HIM! now y/n enjoy your brief journey to heaven.. before you descend into the depths of hell! think of gray and the time you've spent together" when she said that my mind flashed to when gray was there to support me with everything that happened with hibiki and our fight with racer "just like that! my sensory link will bind you!" she sent a pink light at me making me burn with heat "AGHH AH" as the pain stopped a love heart chain appeared on my wrist"This is lost magic.. Maguilty sense" "what have you done?" i asked the girl, standing up "i've linked your sensations to those of your friend gray, it can only be accomplished between those who have fond memories of eachother" " no please! take that off, i don't wanna feel the same sensations as the creep does. OH NO DOES THIS MEAN IM GONNA NEVER FEEL THE COLD SO I'LL START STRIPPING?" "it doesn't work like that, what you feel, he will also feel, your senses are completely intertwined.. so he can feel all the pain you can!" she sent another beam of light at me, however this time i didn't anticipate it and got struck by it "ANGEL SLAYER: PURE FURY!" i yelled sending beams into her stomach, she fell into the water once again and chuckled "i should have never under estimated you number 7, I'LL ADD ONE MORE THREE- SPREAD SENSORY LINK!" i have no clue what that means but who cares "angel slayer: angel kick!" she got sent flying, yet i felt the blast also, what's going on? "why did that hurt me too?" i asked myself in pain "damn do i pack a punch!" i stood up in agony "for ultears sake, i would gladly give my life..i would make that sacrifice, you are the link between me and gray.. you've allowed me to connect to my target, with the spell i've cast: me, you and gray are all one, all our senses have merged and if one of us were to die in this battle, gray will die as well" my eyes widened in fear "it'll be the end to all of our lives, no the end to all our suffering" she stood up "this is it.. death is all that is left for us, make peace" i got into my knees "god please forgive me for that one time i drew on natsus face in his sleep and the time i slapped gray, please forgive me for not getting closer with lucy and for not putting in as much effort with wendy and carla as i used too. That's about it" i stood back up " oh so you meant literally, i'm glad you're taking this seriously. I can sense grays connection, there's no need to fight you anymore, in fact i'm going to end this right now!" she summoned two magic blades infront of her "to do that.. i will die!" "YOU CANT!" i ran towards her "there is nothing you can do to stop me!" i closed my eyes, ready for the pain "angel slayer: angel punch!" i punched myself in the leg causing the girl to fall to one knee "urgg, you hurt yourself, for him?" i stepped forward "i'd gladly gave my life for anyone in fairy tail, hurting myself is nothing" "causing me pain won't help you, if you want to stop me, you'll have to kill me, however doing so will only aid my vengeance. Give up, you can't keep hurting yourself forever, eventually your body will fail, but that doesn't matter to you, does it? You'll fight till your last breath, don't you get it? Nothing will change our fate! All roads converge on death for us.. it's the only option!" i frown "you've got it all wrong, none of us have to die! not if you leave gray alone, if joining fairy tail has taught me anything it's that no matter who you are, everyone deserves to live!" "NONSENSE! I WILL KILL GRAY FULLBUSTER AND PUT ULTEARS HEART AT EASE!" she raises her blades once again "not while i'm alive! if u have to hurt both of us to stop it, then so be it!" I slowly walked towards the young girl "i have to kill him.. for her" i gasped as the young girl before me started crying, my face softened, in reality she just wanted her friend to feel better, i enveloped that sad girl into a hug "killing won't cause peace, it'll just cause more pain, i know the only reason you want to kill gray is because how dearly you love this ultear, she means the world to you right? You have to live for her! if she loves you as much as i can tell you love her, she'll be heartbroken to see you die, she's already lost someone right? SHE WOULDNT WANT TOO LOSE YOU TOO!" i yelled, tears flowed out of her eyes as she hugged me back, causing the links on our arms to disappear "i cant do it, you have to forgive me.." she smiled as she fell to the ground, she'll be okay this girl but i couldn't leave her in the water, i dragged her to the side and opened my bag, i moved aside the still asleep apollo and pulled out a blanket "you can sleep peacefully.." i covered the girl with the blanket and smiled softly at the girl "i need to keep on moving, more of her friends could be lurking.." i whispered to myself and slowly walked through the woods, after moving for awhile i fell too the ground, my energy was all gone "i-i cant move, i'm out of magic power.." i laid against a log and closed my eyes "please.. everyone be okay.."

The Deity of FairyTail || Natsu x Reader||Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora