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I groggily woke up to the sound of natsus snoring "quit it!" i yelled "AGGH WHA Y/N?" he shouted at me waking up "i finally understand what happy was talking about" i sighed "y/n! come here!" lisanna yelled, i walked over to the sweet girl "hi lis!" she raised her hand to me for a high five which i went through with "you guys did it!" she smiled "did ya have any doubt!" i grinned, she shook her head no "i know you haven't known me for very long but i was i'm hoping we could become best friends!" i smiled brightly "yes of course!"

We were all talking and checking up on eachother when gramps asked if he could have a word with us "I have an announcement that i need to make. Once we leave tenrou island and return to the guild, all female members will be required to wear uniforms! Nurse outfits and school swimsuits galore!" erza requipped and gave me a swimsuit "oh yeah! it's been awhile since i wore this!" i looked down checking myself out "i reckon we look kinda good"
Mira glared at master "get serious! If you don't then i'll have to"
"cant an old man have some fun? Party pooper, anyways i'm sorry to break it to you all but after everything that's happened this year i've decided to cancel the trial" WHAT DID HE SAY "IS THIS A FREAKING JOKE?" me, natsu, gray, elfman and gajeel yelled
"No joke, now deal with it" "but we can still compete, cmon!" "YEAH, we've been through worse so let us finish!" "I ain't leaving this island till i'm S-class!" i glared at gajeel "it wasn't even your trial idiot!" "what did you say pipsqueak?" "it's levy's trial so i think you'll be waiting a pretty long time.."
"i don't want to cancel it but try putting yourself in my shoes" "first a council member manipulated our memories and snuck in, then grimoire heart interrupted everything" mira added, levy sighed "yeah when you consider all that it really can't be helped" gajeel ran over to her "cmon! are you gonna take this crap lyin down?!" panther lily looked at gajeel sternly "if your partners decided not to compete, you should respect her wishes"
i fell to the floor "aw man.. i really wanted to become S-Class.." erza sat down by me "i'm sure you'll get the chance next year, besides that you put up a good fight against me earlier, you're definitely way stronger than that girl who first arrived at the guild a few weeks ago who didn't even know how to sense magic power" she chuckled "i remember it like it was yesterday" i rested my head on her shoulder "we've come along way since then huh?" she softly smiled at me "you mean a lot to me ya know?" i got up "erz-" "sorry i'm taking her off your hands" laxus came and picked me up "what are you doing ya big idiot?" i asked him as he carried me away "where are you going?" gray asked, laxus ignored him and placed me down "you're my girlfriend now" i looked him with a face as red as beetroot "girlfriend? what?" he nodded multiple times "you saved me, i love a strong girl!" he grinned "that's not how it works! you didn't even ask me!" "too late" "you can't have her" natsu spoke walking up to us "why not? she's single isn't she" natsu panicked "yeah i-um" i giggled at the pair, i pointed a finger out to laxus "no and natsu i can't take care of this myself buddy, i'm not looking for a man right now" i walked away leaving the two men baffled "y/n, here change into these" wendy gave me clothes too change into, i looked down at my current outfit in shreds and decided to take the clothes "thanks wendy!" i looked for some place to change "none of you look at my girl ya here?" laxus threatened "but laxus" freed cried "no" i shook my head "i'm gonna change over here" i spoke to myself walking in the forest and changing.
(outfit at the top)
I returned back to the others and immediately lily came up to me "good job princess" he flew up and i put my hands out for him to sit in "you guys did great too" i smiled "i'm sure prince jellal would be so proud if his little sister was as strong as you are" i blushed "you think i'm strong? I guess i am" i smirked "now you've done it" happy sighed "yeah that's right guys! i'm strong" i rubbed my nose and chuckled "i'll take any of you on!" gray karate chopped my head "you should be resting not offering people on" "owie.. i know just got ahead of myself that's all" what is this intense magic power? it's just came out of nowhere.. "woah can you feel that?" gray asked looking around, everyone looked up to the sky "ROAR" a loud screech sounded killing our eardrums "what was that?!" evergreen yelled, wendy stepped forward "that was definitely a dragons roar!""a dragon?!" "are you sure it's not a thunderstorm?" the loud roar was heard again echoing through the woods, lucy, natsu, happy, guildarts and cana came back to the camp "are you guys alright?!" lucy asked followed by happy "do you guys hear that crazy noise?" guildarts stopped and winced "are you okay?" cana asked him "my wounds are startin to burn like hell, there's no doubt, that dragon he's getting real close" lily pointed upwards "look up in the sky! Somethings coming this way!" I done what he asked and seen a black dragon, what the hell? it roared again and flew closer to the island sending waves of strong winds in our direction "i'm afraid that's acnologia" i followed the voice to master makarov "the black dragon of the apocalypse" "yeah it's definitely him" "hey dragon! you know where i can find igneel? Tell me! Grandeena and Metallicana too!" my eyes shot to natsu "stop it! You don't wanna provoke him! Did you forget what happened to me? How i lost my arm and leg? Hell, i'm lucky i didn't lose my life that day!" natsu looked at the ground "guys it's coming!" i yelled, he landed right in front of us "are we gonna fight it or what?" "we can't natsu, you don't understand the situation. It's not about winning or losing a fight, this is about getting away with our lives and i'm not sure that all of us are even gonna be lucky enough to do that" "whaddya mean?! Are you trying to say that this things gonna kill some of us?" someone's gonna die? No this can't be happening! "COME ON! EVERYONE RUN NOW!" The dragon once again roared but this time pieces of rubble and rocks broke out of the ground and headed straight towards us, i didn't know what to do, i stood looking at the dragon in fear, never have i ever come across something this scary, after the dragon had finished its roar, the entire forest had been wiped away, the dragon was now in the sky eyeing us up but all i could do was stare at it scared, we're gonna die.. "that just now was nothing more than his way of getting warmed up, Listen up! If you wanna stay alive you can't waste time freaking out, pull yourselves together and let's get outta here!" once again the dragon roared "HURRY EVERYONE GET TO THE SHIP!" "it's this way" erza pointed, natsu gripped my arm "COME ON DONT JUST STAND THERE, IM NOT LOSING YOU TODAY YA HERE?" natsu.. he was right we couldn't lose anyone, i need to snap out of it, the dragon started catching up to us and my eyes widened "QUICKER Y/N! I WONT LET IT HURT YOU JUST RUN!" natsu pulled my arm making me run quicker, everyone stopped "he's attacking!" elfman yelled, i looked back and seen the dragon had roared at them "FREED, BICKSLOW!" evergreen yelled in fear, the dragon then landed infront of us "HE CUT OFF OUR ESCAPE ROUTE!" "but why us? why are you doing this? ANSWER ME" wendy yelled talking to acnologia, the dragon started attacking us "we're trapped what so we do?" i fell to the floor " this can't.. this can't be happening" apollo held my arms tears streaming down his face, i enveloped him in a hug "we're not gonna survive this are we?" i frowned "don't think like that.."
gramps stood infront of us all and took of us stylish button up and enlarged himself "GET TO THE SHIP!" gramps tried wrestling the dragon but got sent back "GRAMPS YOU GOTTA COME WITH US!" i yelled "NO YOU GOTTA GET OUT OF HERE!" he yelled, i looked down "if you're not going then neither am i! You could probably use the help" i stood forward to show my support, freed confidently stood "I'm with y/n, i'm gonna stay and fight by masters side" bickslow rose to his feet "no lizard is gonna tear this guild apart!" evergreen next "i'll stay with you till the bitter end!" "ME TOO!" elfman yelled, everyone agreed "WILL YOU BRATS JUST SHUT UP AND HONOUR YOUR MASTERS FINAL WISH? GET OUR OF HERE NOW!" i frowned "don't be foolish, if we all stay here you won't have to have a final wish, we're not leaving you whether you like it or not, that just wouldn't be fairy tail" laxus grabbed the back of my collar "not today.. we're leaving" tears? he was crying? "but why laxus he needs our help!" everyone started turning around and running, tears poured out of my eyes, master.. natsu turned back "natsu!" i yelled, i fell out of laxus' grip and followed him, he grinned back at me "you couldn't leave him either huh? You defend gramps, i'll show him what a real dragon slayer can do!" "aye!" i smiled and as we planned i went to gramps "LEAVE YOU FOOLS" i shook my head "we couldn't, you're our master.. the guild wouldn't be the same without you, ANGEL SLAYER: RECOVERY" i started healing master as natsu was being flung around by acnologia, the dragon hit his tail into me and gramps as i was healing him, red hair? ERZA "erza? you too?" "you keep healing him y/n we'll cover you!" the rest of fairy tail appeared protecting master, i smiled happily "you stupid bunch of kids" master whispered crying "ANGEL SLAYER: RECOVERY" i healed the master and stood up to join the others "ALRIGHT YOU GUYS! LETS HIT THIS OVER GROWN LIZARD WITH EVERYTHING WE GOT! IF YOU LET LOOSE ON HIM AND I BLAST HIM WITH A MILLION WATTS OF LIGHTNING HE'LL LEARN TO NEVER MESS WITH FAIRY TAIL AGAIN!" i grinned at laxus as he surrounded his body with lightning "RAGING BOLT!" "HEAVENS WHEEL! SCATTERED PETALS!""ANGEL SLAYER: HEAVENLY CANON!" "SUPER FREEZING ARROW!" "WATER NEBULA!" "SOLID SCRIPT: FIRE!" "NOW SAGITTARIUS, GET HIM!" "EVIL EXPLOSION!" "well use the full power of the thunder legion!" "COME ON BABIES! TIME TO ROCK!" our magic power surrounded acnologia but he was still smiling "LETS SEE WHAT YOU DRAGON SLAYERS CAN DO! YOU HEAR ME NATSU?" laxus shouted, natsu, gajeel and wendy flew closer to the dragon with the help of their exceeds, so cute "IRON DRAGON ROAR!" "SKY DRAGON ROAR!" "FIRE DRAGON ROAR!" the dragon had disappeared? "did that work?" i asked "of course not!" gray looked at guildarts "what do you mean?" "he's not even using half as much power as the time he fought me, he's playing with us" and as if on queue acnologia flew out of the water "he's back in the air!" "our attacks didn't even put a single scratch on him" "his power is unbelievable" " we have given it everything we had, three dragon slayers all at the same time. Our whole guild went against him and it still wasn't enough" "This shouldn't happen, i'm suppose to be a freakin dragon slayer so why the hell couldn't i beat him!?" i touched natsus back "none of us can natsu, he's stronger than all of us, don't blame yourself" the dragon then started consuming water "BREATH ATTACK!" "is he gonna try and wipe out the whole island?" "my god! he's that strong?" i started crying "this can't be the end for us all.." natsu looked at me sadly "defence magic users bring out your most powerful spells" erza spoke urgently "but i don't have time to write an enchantment!" "script magic has plenty of other defensive spells that we can use right now!" "yes you're right levy!" "think of one real quick" "everyone concentrate your magic power on freed and levy!" "let's hold hands!" natsu out stretched his hand to me "come on ya idiot, we're not going down without a fight" i grabbed his hand "fairy tail can do this, we got this guys, this bastard needs to be shown that fairy tail won't go down easily!" i yelled through tears, gray grabbed my other hand "we've all gotta face our fears together! we'll show him we have a bond that can never be broken!" everyone started holding hands and master started crying "okay kids! let us all go home together!" i smiled proudly at my guild as we all channeled our magic power "BACK HOME TO FAIRY TAIL" we yelled in unison, this, this was my guild and i couldn't be happier to call fairy tail my one and only home!

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