Allied Forces? Pt 1

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After coming back from my first job I was exhausted. That crazy man had us doing around 60 plays altogether, as fun as it was. NEVER AGAIN. I arrived at the guild the day after we came home and once again had an unpleasant greeting. Grays bare arse to the face."GRAY YOU BETTER HAVE A GOOD EXPLANATION AS TO WHY YOUR BUM JUST HIT ME IN THE FACE" I surrounded myself with magic power, he answered  "NATSUS FAULT" "IS THATS TRUE" I looked at natsu "WHATS GOING ON IN HERE" Erza yells "Natsu threw a naked gray at y/n and his bum was in her face" lucy sighed "GRAY" erza shouted "NATSU" at the same time we both shouted at them.
A few minutes later:
"THIS CAKE IS SO GOOD" I said while scoffing down fairy tails cheesecake specialty "AND THIS ONE IS" screamed Erza in delight.

Lucy's Pov
"you'd never think they were just shouting and going nuts a few minutes ago would you" lucy sighed talking to Gray. "she's like a softer more smiley version of erza!" Gray says in disbelief "you're telling me" Natsu moans in pain "she got you good huh" happy giggled "DONT LAUGH" Natsu yelled "are you shouting at me, because if you are y/ns right over there" Happy grinned "NO PLEASE NOT AGAIN!" Natsu yelled

Y/Ns Pov
"TRY THIS ERZA TRY IT RIGHT NOW" i yelled while holding a spoonful of cheesecake to her mouth, she nibbles it and smiles in pleasure "SO GOOD, NOW TRY MINE" she holds a fork up to my mouth full of strawberry short cake and i bite it "AMAZING" we were both going nuts over the cakes when happy flew over with another job request "this is from one of the former council members he wants us too help out in his cafe!" "sounds like fun!" i yelled.
Me and Erza were with Natsu, Happy and Gray waiting for lucy to lock up her house because she 'needed somethings if she was gonna be a servant"
We arrived at the cafe and he made the boys wear suits and the girls wear shirt orange dresses, they were very cute "what would you like to order" i heard lucy ask one of the customers so i had to do my part too i walked over to the table and slipped falling right on my stomach, my dress flipped up and they could see everything. I quickly got up "i'm really sorry about that, is there anything you would like to order?" i asked slightly bending over the table ready to right down what they wanted, they all blushed and asked for 'one of everything' i frowned "are you sure that's a lot" i asked causing them to blush even more "yes infact double that we'll take 2 of everything!" i smiled "if that's what you want sirs" i walked over to the chefs and gave them the orders and heard lucy complaining " lucy, you're working a job for crying out loud" Natsu states "since when does waiting tables qualify as officials wizarding work and why do I have to wear this horrible outfit!" she carried on "not my idea" he sighed. Natsu, happy and lucy started talking as multiple men asked if i could take their order, I smiled and obliged i took loads of orders "she's aced this just by being herself that's nuts" lucy shouts "no lucy unlike you some people are just likeable" happy shrugged "shut up cat" lucy replied.
"top notch job today kids, i've got to say i'm pleasantly surprised by all your hard work, you're welcome here any time" the former council members replied. After talking for awhile we all waved goodbye and started walking back home. After the last 2 jobs we did I finally had enough to get a cute place for myself I somehow already had a lot money and this weird necklace in the clothes i was wearing when i first came here, i used the money to pay back to lucy for the clothes and got myself a cute place. I hung up the necklace on the side of my mirror, something was telling me it was that important right now.  When we got home i went to the guild then went to my new place and it already had lots of furniture in there. "hey y/n!" shouted Natsu "oh hi natsu!" i smiled "are you not tired?" i asked "no why" he replied "well we've been working all day i'm surprised you're not fast asleep" i smiled "i'm not but he is" he points to my bed and we see a sleeping happy "aw he's so adorable" i squealed "how come you're so obsessed with cats?" he asked "well when i was 3 i met this stray cat outside and started to look after it and then it died while trying to save me from a magical beast in the woods" i looked down "and from that day ive loved cats, they're so kind and caring if brought up correct" i smile, he grinned back at me. We started talking about our child hood for awhile, he'd told me about igneel and the year 777 and how he'd grown up in the guild. "hey natsu, do you want to stay over tonight?" i asked him "where would i sleep?" "in my bed i'll sleep in the spare room" i replied "no i can't do that, that's your bed" "don't be an idiot happy sun my bed it makes more sense" i rolled my eyes he smiled "thank you y/n" i smiled and nodded, i went into the spare room changed and fell asleep. I woke up too a grinning natsu and happy drawing on my face "DO YOU HAVE A DEATH WISH" i kicked them into the wall "we're sorry" they groaned "hey natsu! i'm off to the guild" happy yelled "okay little buddy be there soon!" i furrowed my eyebrows and natsu started laughing "don't laugh!" i moaned "here" he grabbed a towel and started wiping it off "why do it do you're gonna wipe it off" i grumbled "i can leave it there if you want" he smirked "no no wipe it off" i moaned.
We showed up at the guild and i sat far away from him. Hmph. Thats what he gets for drawing on my face. Mira started explaining dark guilds and Master makarov came through the doors and discussed the Oracion Seis and forming an alliance to defeat them, "Fairy Tail will join a coalition of magical guilds" "A coalition?!" people yelled "Fairy tail, blue pegasus, lamia scale and cait shelter, these 4 guilds will select members to represent them in the allied force. Together we will work to bring down the enemy!" Master Makarov yelled "but we can handle them ourselves gramps in fact i could even probably do it alone" Natsu grinned "don't be an idiot" i said and glared at him "woah hold on a second you guys, we're only taking about 6 people aren't we?! i mean are they seriously all that scary?!" lucy yelled "Lucy, Erza, Natsu, Gray, Happy and y/n will go and accompany the members of the other guilds" Master said "me? are sure I haven't been here that long I-" "don't be an idiot" Natsu says mimicking me "your prefect y/n now go pack!" erza shouts

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