Maiden of the sky?

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"these guys are way stronger than we thought" gray mumbles, I turn and look at Natsu who's restlessly trying to get up "natsu stop a second, that man seems to know wendy" he looks back at me and sighs in frustration "yeah fine but the second i get the chance to i'm destroying these guys" i smiled "sounds good." "So what's the matter Brain? you gonna cast the spell or what" the blonde one mocks "do you know her" snake guy asked. The man known as Brain looked sternly at Wendy "no doubt about it, that's Wendy. The maiden of the sky" gray looks at wendy "what? Maiden of the sky?" Erza looks over at 'Brain' eager to learn about the enemies knowledge of Wendy "to think we simply stumbled upon her here, we've made quite the find my friends, grab her" Brain commanded and sent out some green hand which held her firmly and sent her towards Brain, Carla swiftly ran after her friend "HELP ME" Wendy yelled "striking while we're down that isn't fair!" Natsu yelled "all is fair in money and war . OH YEAH" the huge ginger one proclaims and send large sandstorm towards us "OWW" everyone went flying including myself "ANGEL SLAYER: MAGIC CANCELLATION" the sandstorm stopped however Wendy was in the clutches of the enemy "i have no use for the rest of you. BEGONE" he sent his magic flying at us. Natsu jumped at me covering my head so i wouldn't get hurt "thank you" i smiled sweetly at him "anytime" he looked up sternly "but thank me later. Aw man this looks like it's gonna hurt" he puts his head on mine and we both wait for impact along with the rest of the group. Nothing. BOOM. We all look up and see Jura had cast a spell to stop Brains spell from hurting any of us, he stood there looking proudly. Everyone started praising him '"Just in the nick of time" Jura grinned.

Everyone slowly started standing up carefully ensuring that they weren't badly injured "You're the best wizard ever!" Eve, one of the blue pegasus playboys spoke joyfully, Hibiki nodded his head "yeah, we owe you one" Lucy rose to her feet with the help of hibiki "we were almost goners!"

I looked up at Natsu "are you okay? Were you hurt at all?" I ask him assessing his features and facial expressions to make sure the pinkette had not been injured "hey dont worry about me! Im fine" he flashed me a toothy grin "lets take them down" He jumped on his feet then kindly offered me his hand and helped me up, after getting hit during the fight I had been mildly injured, it wasn't too bad but bad enough for me too wince when i finally got up "hey are you okay?" Happys brows furrowed as he waited patiently for my response "yeah, its no biggy, i got hit during the fight a few seconds ago but it's nothing i cant handle" i smiled, making the blue cat smile in response.

As my conversation with the cat came to an end I overheard Gray talking to Natsu "Where'd they go?" The firemage asked Gray "theyve probably all gone by now" Gray answered lazily, Natsu's voice rose louder "why'd we let them get away!?"

I zoned out after that. Natsu and gray i sighed, both so gorgeous yet so weird. I looked at my wound annoyed and put all my attention into healing mine and everyone else's wounds "Angel slayer: Eden" i whispered causing a gigantic light beam to appear from under everyone, everyone visibly panicked "ARE THEY BACK?" Yelled Lucy "everyone brace yourselves!" yelled jura i loudly sighed "No need to brace yourselves im just healing you all, i'm not strong enough to fully heal you all yet but i can fix the minor pain, i could fully heal you one on one but i don't think we have enough time for that so this will have to do" the whole group turned to me "you can do that?" Leon questioned "well she is an angel slayer" Gray rolled his eyes "gray was that sarcasm?" Leon questioned "So what if it was?" they argued, i wasn't really bothered about listening to them, they're so much like brothers, Hibaki suddenly approached me "you're magic is so beautiful, just like yourself. Would you like to go on a date sometime?" I smiled an nodded "only if you stop being weird and calling ichiya 20 different names" he nodded "deal."
I was looking around for everyone and realised that Erza had gone so i started looking for her, "ERZA!" i yelled but, nothing. I then found her she was sat against a tree, she looked to be in immense pain, I walked up to her "Erz?"
A loud scream echoed through the forst right back to where the rest of the group were "Y/N!" Erza yelled. The other guilds piled through the forest to where the red head was sat "Erza what happened?" Lucy asked urgently "It's y/n they got her, i seen her she was looking for me and as soon as she looked at me the one with the scar took her she's go- AHHH" she screamed in pain "WHATS HAPPENING" Natsu yelled "The snake" she coughed "shes been bitten" Gray panicked "forgive me Lucy" erza closed her eyes "wha" Lucy skirt fell straight down after erza stole her belt to wrap around her arm to prevent the snakes posion from spreading throughout her body, the boys except for gray and natsu stared at her, they were used to this by now, Lucy, dignity out the window, pulled her skirt back up facing away from everyone upset.

Erza looked pained and straightened her arm "cut it off" gasps echoed the forest "please give us time to find an antidote, she starts shaking "I don't have time" Leon steps forward "i'll do it" he raises the sword to rest on his shoulder, sherry clasped her hands together "how kind of you" Gray steps out infront of the white haired mage "put down the sword" "NO DO IT!" Erza argued "no dont" Lucy taps Leon on the shoulder "um.. Leon are you really gonna do it?" He readys the sword "we can't lose one of our strongest when we're facing such a powerful foe" Lucy looks down "yeah..but" sherry shakes her head in disbelief "Oh come on, i cant believe we got stuck with you wimpy fairies, you're friend is gonna die if he doesn't do it" lucy gets in her face " yeah well your friends gonna die if he doesn't put down that sword" sherry closes her eyes the smiles "why is that? this is just his way of showing.. love" Erzas eyes squeeze shut "hurry up and cut it off! the venom is gonna spread to the rest of my body" Leon rasies the sword "put the sword down!" yelled gray, Hibiki joined in yelling "DONT DO IT MAN. You wanna be known as the guy who mained Erza?" Then eve "stop you dont have to do this! we can find a cure!" Eve runs to stop Leon but is further stopped by Jura "you have no right to interfere with her wishes" Leon raises the sword higher preparing to chop off the erza's arm "ready?" he announces, he swiftly swings the sword but gets stopped by Grays ice, Leon sternly looks at Gray "her arm is more important to you then her life? Where are your priorities!?" "this will effect her for the rest of her life, we can't just jump the gun here" "you're just as spineless as ever" Leon stared at him "and i thought you had changed but you're just as shady as ever"

Meanwhile the boys were arguing the poison was making erza sweat and suffer to the point where she finally passed out "erza!" shouted lucy and Natsu "oh no this is bad guys, we've got to stop the venom from spreading or she'll die" Natsu starts looking around counting how much people were there "7..8.. Hold on guys y/n is missing too" happy sighed "that's not new information natsu, the oracion seis got her as well probably in attempt to stop erza from healing" Natsu lights his fists on fire "we have to get her back!" carla steps forward "wendy too"
"either one of them could help erza!" yells carla "she can ease pain, heal wounds and cure fevers" ichiya steps in "i feel like my role in the group is being threatened" natsu laughs "it wasn't yours to begin with y/n was our healer" ichiya faints "Master!" the three playboys yelled, lucy sighed "they're never gonna stop" gray whispered too her "swear hibiki said he was gonna stop because of his date with y/n" "aye, he did say that" happy answers after eavesdropping, all 3 of them shake their heads. "How can she even use those spells i wasn't aware that anyone other than y/n could use healing spells, they're forbidden!" yells eve "you see that little girl is a dragon slayer, she's wendy the sky dragon slayer!" carla announces immediately causing natsu to gasp "she's a dragon slayer too?!" "i'll give you all the details later although to be honest there's isn't much more you need to know, however what magic does this y/n possess?" hibiki talks first "angel slaying magic right?" lucy nods "yeah it's really powerful" "aye she always busts out these really cool spells on bad guys then heals them when they've been caught" carla smiles "her and wendy would get along, now i think it's time we come up with a plan to save them and quickly or your friend here will die" "in that case there's only one thing for us to do" hibiki smiles "we're gonna have to rescue y/n and wendy!" eve says with confidence "we'll do it for erzas sake" gray yells looking at the scarlet haired woman, happy puts his paw in the air "and the girls too" Natsu adjusts his scarf "now are you with me!!" he throws his fist in the air making everyone follow in suit "YEAH" they all shout in unison.

"Ow my head" i groaned slowly lifting my upper half up while resting a hand on my, now sore head "so you're finally awake?" a voice questioned, i looked around but no one was there "huh who was that?" i asked standing up swiftly while getting into a fighting position, the person who was talking to me laughed "i don't want to hurt you. Let's just say i have an interest in you" i found that funny "well i have an interest in a few people but that doesn't mean i kidnap them and throw them on the dirty floor" "oh, so you have a sense of humour, this was the only way i could talk to you" finally the figure emerged from their hiding spot, it was the dodgy man with the scar and the snake "it's you!" i yelled "my names cobra, i wanted to ask why'd you get excited so see my snake" are you serious this guy kidnapped me because i like his snake "i have a soft spot for animals i guess i don't know. On that note is she here?!" i asked i really hoped she was "her?" he asked me "duh obviously she's a girl you can tell by the way her scales shine" i smiled "anyways boss said i should capture you so you can't heal erza" this guy, he literally just contradicted what he said before but whatever i guess "what's wrong with her?" "my snake bit her but as long as you or that little girl gets too her soon she'll be okay" "and if we don't?" "she'll die" my blood boiled "ANGEL SLAYER:PURGE" i yelled sending an attack at him, i'm not sure what happened next because i passed out, i assume he's okay which means i lost that fight. I then woke up next to Wendy, she looked awful the only thing that came out of her was "jellal."

The Deity of FairyTail || Natsu x Reader||Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora