I give her a kiss and when I pull back I throw her a wink. I turn and head to the senior hall. I am all smiles as I head to my locker but my smile fades when I see someone very familiar. No, my eyes were playing tricks on me. What the hell was she doing here?

Walking in my direction was an old flame. We were together on and off for three years but I wouldn’t even call her a girlfriend; friends with benefits was the box I would put Noelle Martin in. She travelled a lot due to her getting a teen modeling contract at thirteen which she easily got with her exotic looks due to her French and Chinese heritage.

She was chatting with Toby Springer; I’m guessing he was assigned as her ‘tour guide’. I gulped when she looked away from Toby and her eyes landed on me.

“EMERY?!” she yells so loud that some people look in her direction.

She rushed to me and jumped on me. I had no choice but to grab her because her arms flew around my neck. It definitely caused more looks our way.

“You go here?” she asked when she pulled away.

You go here?” I asked back still in complete shock that she was standing before me.

Toby came over before she could answer. “How do you two know each other?”

“We met about four years ago in our home state of Georgia.” Noelle stated and I pulled her away before she spilled the beans that we had been together.

“What are you doing here?” I ask her still astonished.

“Aren’t you happy to see me?” she smiles up at me.

I pinch the bridge of my nose. “What are you doing here?” I ask once again.

“I was hired for a five month campaign for this hot new designer here in Florida. I didn’t want to be homeschooled anymore so I enrolled here. This is a sweet coincidence that you go here to! And here I thought this school would be boring.”

She licked her lips at me as she spoke. I sighed with relief when the bell rung; saved by the bell. I told Noelle we would talk later and I jetted off to my first class.

As I sat down I nearly shit my pants when Noelle entered the room. Of course she would have a few classes with me! She nearly ran to the seat once possessed by Felix; which was right next to me.

She smiled and waved to me as our teacher came in. She announced we had a new student and asked Noelle to stand and introduce herself.

This girl loved the spotlight so she stood and told everyone her name and her job-which fascinated the girls and the guys when she told them she would be modeling swimwear while here in Florida.

When she sat down she winked at me and I said a silent prayer that her arrival would not affect what Amber and I had.


I was pissed as the last bell rang. Everyone was talking about this chick who had been hanging on Emery all damn day! I heard she was pretty and had the ‘Asian persuasion’.  Who was this girl and I hoped Emery told her he had a girlfriend.

I gathered my things and told Shannon I would call her later that night as I left the building. I went into the parking lot and got to Emery’s car. He wasn’t there so I leaned against the passenger side.

Five minutes later Emery came waltzing out of the building with a girl on his arm. My eyes widened as she was looking at him like he was her long lost love. What the fudge?

Emery met my eyes with a sad expression and he removed his arm from this girl’s grasp. She shouldn’t have been touching him in the first damn place.

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