
Start from the beginning

"You do?" He hummed, trailing his fingers up and down my back as everyone sauntered into the classroom, seeing Minnie wave them in as she headed down the corridor towards us, "Me too but we'll be finished soon....they won't leave you alone then and you'll want to get rid of them"

"I could never, I love them"

"'More than me?"

"Of course, they created you" I murmured, brushing my lips over the tip of his nose.

"Do you two need a minute?" Minnie queried, appearing beside us as we pulled out of the hug, shaking our heads.

"No, no, we're good to go" I told her, my pink locked with his as she smiled, walking into the classroom the both of us follow her in, unlocked our pinkies at the last minute to go to our separate desks, mine still with Sirius as it always was.

"Oh it's my favourite girl" Sirius claimed as I slid into my seat beside him, a grin on his face which made me smile too.

"Oh it's my favourite long haired, dog" I grinned, nudging him in the ribs and rolling my eyes playfully.

"How are we this today?" He questioned, wrapping his arm around my shoulder and kissing my temple, ignoring the sound of the girls sighing around us even when they know he's totally gay for my brother.

"Fine..." I mumbled, wrinkling my nose up as I took my book out of my bag, eyeing James on another desk out of the corner of my eye as he gazed at me, a lovesick expression on his face that made my heart pound in my chest.

"M, love, talk to me" He whispered in my ear, causing me to turn to him with a small frown on my face, "Is it to do with Prongs?"

"Mhm" I nodded, flickering my eyes between his grey ones as I swallowed thickly, the boy waiting for me to continue, "I'm so in love with him, S, but I- he's so perfect and affectionate and I just want to make sure he feels loved so he doesn't leave me because-"

"Woah, he's not going to leave you, he loves you" He murmured, "If this about what Lily said-"

"She knew I felt like I don't do enough for him, I told her a few weeks ago, she used it against me. I don't. I don't do nearly enough for him than he does for me. I don't make him feel loved I-I don't" I voiced almost inaudibly, feeling him slip his larger hand into mine, smiling faintly.

"I understand what you mean, M, but you couldn't be more wrong. He wouldn't be with you if he didn't feel loved-"

"He would though. He would because that's James. He's a giver, think about it. He pined over her for years even when she didn't return the same feelings. Did that stop him? No. He carried on giving and giving and got nothing in return. He'd stay with me either way, Sirius, I don't- I" I voiced shakily, a stray tear falling down my cheek as I sniffed slightly, the boy wasting no time in pulling me closer, not bothering about the lesson and wrapping his arms around me, planting a kiss on the top of my head.

"You need to talk to him, love" He whispered, resting his head on top of mine as a few tears rolled down my cheeks, "You do love him, so that's not a problem and he loves you. Don't worry about it, okay?"

"Okay" I nodded, keeping in his arms for a little longer and listening to Minnie speak at the front of the classroom, going over some spells for revision, wanting everyone to practice them.

Sirius locked eyes with James a few desks over as he held the girl in his arms, hearing he soft sniffles, his heart aching. He knew how much Melody loved James and would do anything for him, but he knew that James was extremely affectionate and loving, like she said, a giver. And if she feels lost in it, that could be a problem because she won't ever feel good enough when she is. Lily's words were really stuck in her head and he wanted nothing more than to go over to the red head and scream in her face about it. He knew the feeling of not being good enough, he also knew of the insecurity both of the twins had when it came to loving, he needed to speak with James. Melody needed to speak with James.

☽𝐌𝐲 𝐋𝐢𝐭𝐭𝐥𝐞 𝐌𝐨𝐨𝐧☽ -ᴊ.ғ.ᴘWhere stories live. Discover now