Goodbye Tyrion

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'I don't want you to go. You don't have to go you could stay here with me where it's safe.' Kitty begged.

'I have to go I'm hand of the queen' tyrion reminded her

'I know you do, I just don't want you to.' Kitty admitted he kissed her softly

'I love you so very much' tyrion told her.

'I'm gonna be worried sick about you, you realize... please don't die' she begged, hugging him tightly.

'I can't die, many have tried none have succeeded' tyrion told her brushing the hair from her face. 'I don't plan to die now not when I have so much to live for.' he informed her

'I love you. Don't die please don't die. Please be safe. As safe as you can' kitty begged.

'I promise I will. If all goes as I hope there will be no war and my sister will forfeit the crown and everyone will be fine, no fire burning down from the sky necessary.' Tyrion told her

'I don't think she's gonna agree to that. I saw a fire in her eyes tyrion, she wants blood she doesn't care all she sees is red, Lannister red. Do not die tyrion.' Kitty pleaded.

'I wont. I promise.'

'Your last words to me better not be a lie tyrion.' Kitty warned

'I love you so very very much.'

'I love you. I love you.'

'Dont cry' he wiped at her eyes. 'Its safer here for you and the baby. You will be safe and i will be back.'

The Hound, the Imp and the Cripple // Tyrion LannisterWhere stories live. Discover now