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'come to gloat?' Tyrion asked as Jaime came in to see him. 'one last hurray for brothers and kingslayers alike?' Tyrion joked. Tomorrow he was to be executed.

'you are not going to die.' Jaime said opening the cell door.

'protect katarina.'

'protect her yourself. I have booked you passage off of kings landing. Take it and never come back.'

'thank you... Jaime i-'

'no time Tyrion go.' He hugged his brother one last time before sending him off but Tyrion had a job to finish. He couldn't leave just yet.

Tyrion had made it to his fathers room bow at the ready when he saw kitty in her under garments shaking and crying. He put his bow down and rushed to her.

'Kitty what happened where is he why are you here? What did he do to you?'

'He said...' she started through sobs 'that we are to be wed tomorrow after your... so there is no... no need to wait to... bed me... tyrion i dont want to marry him... i dont want him to... too...'

'I wont let that happen' finally she realized what was wrong with this picture

'What are you doing here? You're supposed to be in a...'

'Yes i know but im leaving kings landing and im taking you with me,' he told her 'but first i need to see my father.' She nodded not understanding but not complaining

'Where is he kitty?' He saw her dress and brought it over to her helping her into it. Her hands were shaking so he helped her tie it.

'The loo hes in the loo.'

'You got your leg on?' He felt for her false leg. 'Got your cane too?' He saw it abandoned on the floor he picked it up and handed it to her and grabbed her other hand and his crossbow.

When they arrived he positioned her at the wall out of sight.

'Stay here and dont make a pep unless you see someone coming alright?'. She nodded breathing heavily confused but not scared, she knew Tyrion would protect her.

Kittys eyes moved back and forth watching the hall for tyrion as he spoke to his father still perched on his chamber pot.

'Are you going to kill me tyrion?' He asked and with that kittys head snapped to tyrion as the sound of the crossbow. She peered around to see an impaled tywin tyrion reloaded his crossbow kitty stood speechless. Tyrion shot him again. This time killing him.

'did you just-' she began

'Alright love time to go'' he instructed

'You just' she stammered as he pulled her along

'No time now love, we have a boat to catch.'

'oh my-'

'Yes yes he tried to kill me i killed him instead' tyrion said as they ascended the stairs

'Much rather him dead than you' kitty said softly but tyrion heard and smiled up at her.

The Hound, the Imp and the Cripple // Tyrion LannisterWhere stories live. Discover now