My wife

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They were getting ready to set off for Kings landing when kitty heard a familiar gruff voice.

"Kitten?' she turned around a big smile on her face. "How?' he questioned getting closer. She ran to him. 'Hey kitten.' Sandor said.

'sandor!' She cried out.

'Hey kitten' she clung to him as well.

'You are alive? Are you well? You look well!' kitty said looking over the giant man in front of her.

'You're alive? Kitten you said you were dying!' sandor reminded her. gods that felt like a lifetime ago.

'What?' Jon spat taking his sister back into his arms again.

'I was dying but a miracle happened and now im here and I'm fine!' She leaned into jon. 'Oh im soo happy! Jon i never thought i would see you again! And then you came to dragon stone and I never thought I would see sandor again and look hes here, too!' a huge smile on her face as she looked between them. 'You dont know the ordeal we went through.'

'Why didn't you tell me you knew my sister?' jon questioned

'I thought she was dead. I didn't want to bring up shit memories, while we were hunting those fuckers.' Sandor told him.

'OH I'm so happy, all my favorite people on one ship!" she declared suddenly not hating this trip at all.

Jon turned her back around and her stomach grazed his and he pulled her cloak back. She smiled up at him.

'You're pregnant?' She nodded 'why didn't you tell me?'

'didn't seem like the right time with you and dani having a pissing content.' Kitty remarked. Sandor turned her to him next looking at her little baby bump. It had been over a year and they never.... Who was she fucking? She was his wife!

'I um i got married again after sandor...' she told them softly suddenly embarrassed that she had two husbands.

'You married sandor?' Jon looked to the scarred man

'Yes the king made us but he didnt touch me. Jon dont worry.' Kitty could see the rage in her brother eyes, but she knew sandor could fight and sandor would win, no matter how skilled jon was.

'I have been with you are dragon stone for the past week and you didn't say anything about a husband or a baby kitty!' jon yelled. 'why not?'

'it was never the right time.' She said softly and he hugged her again. Running his fingers through her hair.

'Obviously its not his, so whos is it?' jon asked pulling her back.

'You see tywin Lannister-'

'Tywin Lannister?' Jon said appalled

'Let me finish!' Kitty said playfully slapping him. 'Tywin Lannister said that sandor was a dead man and i should be remarried... blah blah blah tywin is dead blah blah tyrion and i got kidnapped again la de dah' she looked between the men, listening to her. 'Anyways we got to the mother of dragons and she married us.'

'Us whoes us?' jon and sandor both questioned.

'And now we have a baby coming isnt that just something! Me a mom. I never thought!' kitty said not hearing them.

'Who is the fucking father kitten?' Sandor asked.

'Tyrion' she said quietly the smile fading from her face as they starred at her.

'Tyrion?' jon questioned

'Tyrion' sandor spat.

'I love him jon.'

''Do you?'

'Its been a long few years without you brother. Tyrion has been with me every step of the way. And sandor please dont be mad.'

'Oh kitten im not mad at you.'

'Youre not?'

'Not kitten.' He was. A bit but, not at her more at himself for leaving her. If he brought her with that could have been his pup instead of tyrions cub. But then again when sandor was laying waiting for death what was to come to kitty? She could have been taken or killed. She could be dead and never able to reconnect with her brother. He supposed this was for the best.

'Im happy for you. You got a real chance at love right? You love em?'

'I do.' She hugged sandor again and he wrapped his arms around her. 'Thank you sandor you are still so wonderful!'

'Clegane gets your hands off my wife' tyrion teased

'Technically she is still my wife' sandor said not lossening his hold of her.

'Squishing, me sandor'' she said looking up at him

'Right sorry kitten.' He released her and she moved back to jon. He couldnt believe she was alive and married the imp and pregnant with his child. He knew from the first day she met tyrion that she liked him but he never thought anything would come of it but here they are. Kitty smiled happily at tyrion from jons arms.

'Snow' tyrion said extending a hand for him.

'Lannister' jon replied

'Hey im a Lannister now too' kitty warned at his tone. 'Jon you were half right.' Kitty said once the men stopped staring daggers into tyrion.

'Of course i was. About what?'

'That i needed to get out of winterfell. People were awful in the capital and well basically everywhere but jon, dani the mother of dragons. She is sweet and fun and treats me like a sister. Oh jon you love her too now right? i was skeptical at first of course but she really grows on you!'

'Oh yes she was.' Tyrion agreed, 'After Mormont, a man that kidnapped us-' Tyrion began and Jons eyes went wide.

'Its not like being kidnapped by a stranger is any worse than being kidnapped by your own mother!' Kitty said and jon couldnt breath.

'Her mother did what?' He yelled

'Not the point' kitty said and gestured to tyrion to keep going.

'Katarina told Mormont that dani was a psycho or delusional for believing anyone would follow her and here we are following her being her good supporters.'

'She earned it.' Kitty said.

'I'm heading off.' Dani said coming to hug Kitty goodbye.

'oh wait...' kitty said pulling sandor forward. 'Sandor I would like to formally introduce you to Daenerys Stormborn of House Targaryen, the First of Her Name, Queen of the Andals and the First Men, Protector of the Seven Kingdoms, the Mother of Dragons, the Khaleesi of the Great Grass Sea, the Unburnt, the Breaker of Chains, though the style was occasionally shortened to Daenerys of the House Targaryen, the First of Her Name, Breaker of Chains and Mother of Dragons.' Kitty said confidently. Tyrion gave her a silent applause, he didn't even know all of danis titles.

'Sandor Clegane. It is a pleasure to meet you. Katarina has told me so much about you.'

Sandor grumbled a hello.

' the first husband.' Dani said after shaking sandors hand.

'technically I'm still her husband.' Sandor said shooting Tyrion a deadly glare. Tyrion looked away and grabbed kitty's hand, pressing a kiss to her palm.

'Right well on to business...' she looked at tyrion. 'see you there.' 

The Hound, the Imp and the Cripple // Tyrion LannisterOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora