You did good Tyrion

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'We should hit Kings Landing hard with the dragons it will fall in the day!' yara declared

'With the dragons thousands will die in the fire war' kitty told her

'It's called war!' oberyns mistress Ellaria said.

'We don't poison little girls here either...' Tyrion added. 'marcella was innocent' he still couldn't get over the fact that this woman killed his niece, Marcella was a sweet kind girl and it was his fucking fault. He was the one that sent her away to form a union between them and dorne... if had hadn't Marcella would most likely be alive right now... perhaps death was a mercy to living in this war, this game.

'there are no innocent Lannister's!' she stared down at him, 'my greatest regret was the oberyn died fighting for you!' she screamed.

'That is enough!' dani demanded. 'tyrion is hand of the queen you will treat him with respect!' Dani said silencing them 'I am not here to be queen of the ashes' she said looking to kitty.

'That's very nice to hear of course I can't remember a queen who's better loved than my granddaughter' olenna tyrell said 'the common people loved her the nobles loved her and what is left of her now?' Olenna Tyrell said 'ashes. Commoners, nobles they're all just children really they won't obey you unless they fear you.' She told dani.

'I'm grateful to you, to all of you, for your council you've chose to follow me but I will not attack Kings Landing. WE will not attack kings landing.' The queen has spoken and kitty couldn't be more proud.

'then how do you intend to take the iron throne?' Olenna questioned.

'We will lay siege On all sides they will be surrounded and cersei will have no food for her people.' Dani said.

'But we won't use Dothraki and unsullied cersei will try to appeal to their loyalty their love for their country if we siege the city before us we prove her point the army should be Westeroses.' Tyrion went on moving around the map.

'Our army should be Westeroses and I'm assuming we are providing the westeroses?' Ellaria questioned bitterly her arms crossed over her chest. Tyrion looked at the map, the chess pieces beautifully scattered around Kings Landing

'Lady Greyjoy will escort you home and her iron fleet will bring the Dornish fleet up to the capital to great kingdoms united again cersei.' Tyrion went on moving the pieces. Kitty watched with a smile as Tyrion explained his plan, he was quite excellent at this. The capital should have taken advantage of his knowledge when they had the chance.

'So your master plan is to use our armies. Why did you bother to bring your own?' Olenna asked incredulously.

'for decades house Lannister has been a true power and the seat of that power is Castley rock,' Tyrion went on. 'gray worm and unsullied will take the rock' he knocked over the lion sitting on the map at the rock. Everyone nodded thinking over his plan this could actually work

'Do I have your support?' Dani asked looking around the group of women. All women leaders. Kitty liked that. the rightful queen of the iron fleet, the wanna be queen of dorne and basically the boss of high garden.

'you have mine.' Yara spoke up.

'Dorne is with you your grace.' Ellaria said.

Olenna nodded in agreement

'Thank you all' Dani said. 'lady Olenna may I speak with you alone?' Everyone cleared out.

'Tyrion you did so good!' Kitty said as they walked along the halls of dragon stone. 'I am so proud of you!'

'Oh katarina' tyrion pulled her down to him holding her smiling face in his hands.

'Dani did good choosing you as her hand.' He kissed her. He loved that he could kiss her whenever he wanted. His hand moved to her stomach her tiny little bump of a baby growing in her. His family was proud of him.

'I love you so very very much'. He told her

'I know' she said sweetly. And he pinched her lightly in the hip she laughed.' Oh i love you too. Dont worry your handsome head about that.'

The Hound, the Imp and the Cripple // Tyrion LannisterWhere stories live. Discover now