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 'Do you know what I like about you?' Dani asked

'I honestly don't' Tyrion replied

'You are not a hero' dani informed him, and kat let out a snort of laughter. Tyrions eyes wandered to her by the window. Trying to hold back a laugh.

'I think hes a hero he saved my from kings landing.' Kitty told her.

'Oh I've been heroic on occasion.' Tyrion told her, reaching over and kissing kittys hand.

'I do not want you to be a hero, heroes do stupid things and they die they all try to outdo each other doing the stupidest bravest thing. Mormont, DArrio, and even Jon Snow.' Dani told him.

'It's funny all the heroes you named they fell in love with you.' Tyrion reminded her

'Jon Snow is not in love with me' dani corrected.

'I think he might be.' Kitty said.

'did he say something?' dani questioned.

'not directly but he does seem to stare at you a lot.' Kitty said.

'so he loves me but wont bend the knee?' dani questioned it that it.

'I am sorry I suppose he stop stares at you longingly because he wants a military alliance.' Tyrion added

'He is too little for me... I'm sorry I did not mean'

'Heros come in all sizes.' Kitty assured her.

'I know you are brave. I would not have chosen a coward as my hand.' Dani reminded him. 'So if all goes well I will finally get to meet your sister for everything you told me about her I do not think it'll be a pleasant meeting.'

'You really don't want to meet cersei, shes not very nice.' Kitty muttered. 'shes actually really awful.'

'First she will talk to you and then she will torment you. nobody trusts my sister less than I do but if we go to the capital we go with two armies and three dragons if anyone touches you we burn kings landing down to the stones.' Tyrion told her.


'I trust tyrion. He knows his family best.'

'But right now she's planning on setting a trap' Tyrion informed her

'Of course she is...' dani muttered.

"and she was wondering what trap you were planning on laying for her...' Tyrion added.

'Are we laying any traps?'

'If we want to create a new and better world I'm not sure siege and mass murder is the best way to start.'

'Which way is the best way without siege and mass murder?' Dan questioned.

'yes siege and mass murder, that doesn't sound pleasant.' Kitty agreed.

'We will need to inspire A degree of fear if we are to take the throne but my sister and my father that is all they had was the peoples fear it makes their power little because anyone beneath them wants to see them dead.' Tyrion told her and dani nodded.

"A Targaryen was called the same thing.'

'You told me once that you wanted to break the wheel your father built the wheel if you were like him you are no different from the rest of the tyrants.' Tyrion told her

'So we walk straight into the Lions den?'

'You're a dragon.' Kitty reminded her. 'you have dragons. Whats a little kitten playing on your throne?' kitty joked.

'Exactly! Plus my brother promised Me that he would keep a tight grip on the Lannister forces.' Tyrion reminded her

'I do not care about any Lannister promises except yours and Kittys.'

'And I promised him I would keep you from doing anything impulsive.' Tryion told her


'This will be a difficult negotiation we are seeing the people that want to see us both beheaded my sister would likely say something provocative and you have been known to lose your temper from time to time as all great leaders tend to do...' Tyrion added softly.

'When have I lost my temper?' she asked bitterly.

'Burning the men in the Lannister army just the other day?' Tyrion offered

'That was not impulsive that was necessary' she informed him.

'Was it though?' kitty questioned.

'Perhaps' tyron said slowly

'Perhaps?' dani questioned bitterly.

'Perhaps the father needs to die but not the son, perhaps they both need a time to contemplate their mistakes we had no time to discuss the possibilities before you ended the possibilities....'

'Why are you taking your family side in this debate?' dani snapped

'We need to take the side the enemy side you need to see things the way they do. you need to see things the way they do if you were going to anticipate the actions and defeat them which I want you to do very much because I believe in you, in the world you want to build but the world you want to build can't be built on all at once probably not in a single lifetime. how do we ensure your vision succeeds after you break the wheel how to we ensure that it stays broken?' Tyrion offered

'Do you want to know who sits on the iron throne after I'm dead?' dani questioned.

'You say you can't have children but there are other ways of choosing a successor the nights watch is one method,' again Tyrion tried to be a good and knowledgable hand but dani was stubborn.

'We will see discuss the succession after I wear the crown' she informed him, dani looked to kitty, she looked down to her stomach just the hint of a bump showing.

'Your grace I saw hundreds of arrows arrows flown at Blackwater and hundreds of arrows that could've hit your heart and killed you.' Tyrion reminded her

'You think about my death quite a bit... don't you think this was something you were talking about with your brother at Kings Landing? My death?' dani bit back.

'I'm trying to plan for long-term'

'I'm trying... instead of trying to plan for long-term you should've planned for short time and maybe we would've not lost Dorne and high Garden! We will discuss the succession after I wear the crown!' she told him marching away.

The Hound, the Imp and the Cripple // Tyrion LannisterWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu