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Dani, the mother of dragons was a force to reckoned with but she had a soft spot for the young stark woman. Kitty was shy, timid and thin. Her voice wasn't loud and her eyes held nothing but pure love and goodness. Tyrion had told dani about some of the things they went through, with kittys's mother to be exact. Dani hated the woman after hearing that, after meeting katarina and her being so wonderful, she couldn't imagine anyone being cruel to her, yet she could see everyone being cruel to her.

'thank you for the dress dani, its... lovely.' Kitty pulled at the material. It showed off her back and arms and chest. It wasn't something she would ever wear. Too much skin. But dani wore revealing outfits ll the time and dani wasn't nervous about her body being on display while kitty wanted to cover everything up with a thick cloak and hide in her room.

'you don't like it.'

'no, i-'

'it wasn't a question katarina... you don't like it. You didn't have to wear it... you look uncomfortable. I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable.' Dani told her.

'it would have been rude not to, after you went through the trouble of-'

'nonsense. Katarina, we are sisters you and i.'

'we are?' she had two sisters, neither of which actually wanted to be her sister and now this woman, Daenerys Stormborn of House Targaryen, the First of Her Name, Queen of the Andals and the First Men, Protector of the Seven Kingdoms, the Mother of Dragons, the Khaleesi of the Great Grass Sea, the Unburnt, the Breaker of Chains, wanted her, Katarina Stark... then clegane... and now lannister... first of her name... a crippled, scared girl to be her honorary sister.

'of course we are. I had a shit brother. I killed him.' Dani said matter of factly. She nodded to a guard to give kitty his shirt.

'oh I don't want to take-' she began as he pulled himself free of the fabric. 'no really I will be fine.' Kitty pushed but the man not speaking common tongue held it out for her. 'can you tell him thank you but no thank you. I will be fine..'

'she says thank you.' Dani said in dorthraki to the man, it sounded like gibberish to kittys ears but she nodded along.

'Of course my queen.' He took a step back after handing the fabric to dani.

'I ... i...' kitty looked between the men and dani.

'he wants you to take it.' Dani assured her.

'tell him thank you again please.' Dani did as kitty put the shirt on, she felt weird wearing a mans shirt that was not her husband or brothers or fathers but she felt a million times better now that she couldn't feel the breeze on her back.

'Hey kitty cat,' Darrio said coming up and hugging her from behind.

'Hi Darrio.' She said looking up at him, he grinned down at her.

'hows married life treating ya sweetie?' arms still around her shoulders as they walked.

''its good. Really good.' She told him.

'you sure your not bored, I mean Tyrion-' Kitty slapped him.

'Go away if you are going to insult my husband. I like you Darrio but I wont stand for anyone being rude to the man I love.' She informed him.

'wow hes got you wrapped up in his tiny little cock doesn't he?' darrio said grinning.

'Darrio!' kitty yelled smacking.

'Darrio, go.' Dani said and darrio ran off a mischievous grin on his face as he winked at Dani. Kitty noticed.

'You and Darrio huh?' kitty asked.

'anyways, yes my shit brother.' Dani went on ignoring her comment. 'We both had awful family. What if this is our chance to have a good family, a true family, one that is made by choice and not by blood? What would you say to that?'

'I would really love that dani. You are truly remarkable...' kitty hugged her tight, she didn't care that it wasn't proper she really liked dani and dani had called her sister, a bow didn't feel right. A hug did.

'not all my family was bad... I mean... my brother jon. I love my brother jon. He is the most wonderful and honorable man you will ever meet... I hope you get a chance to meet him one day.. I hope I get the chance to see him again one day.' Kitty added, she looked up at the stars and thought, somewhere in the world, far away at the wall, jon could be looking up at the sky. Then they would be looking at the sky together. It was a stretch but it was enough for kitty for now. That they could both be looking at the stars together from a million miles apart.

'tell me of Jon...' dani requested and kitty talked for hours looking up at the stars and remembering her brother. Dani thought jon sounded wonderful. Kitty said he was handsome and kind and brave... thought they might be a good match. Kitty joked but she would very much like dani to be her real sister through jon and she thought jon would like dani, that they could at least be friends. Her and Tyrion and jon and dani... the four of them. A family.


'How do you know that?' Kitty asked a laugh on her lips.

'Thats what i do love I drink and i know things.' Kitty couldnt help but laugh

'You pulled that fact out of your ass? Because it sounded very important very official. If i didnt know you i would think you were telling the truth'

'Truth pft love when have i ever lied to you!' He said kissing her bare shoulder.

'You drink and you know things... oh honey.'

'Hush you' he kissed her silencing her laughter.

a/n I really was going to have violence and war but I just wanted them to be happy! I like happy ending I might change the whole of game of thrones just cause I'm in a sappy mood and I want love! My mood could change tomorrow and I might say death to everyone. Just fyi

The Hound, the Imp and the Cripple // Tyrion LannisterUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum