i dont think thats what it means...

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There was a knock on the door and speak of the devil and he shall arrive.

'Ser gregor?" katarina said when she pulled open sandors door. She supposed it was her room now but it still didn't feel entirely real.

"Aye, you family now." He said with a wicked grin. "That means I can fuck ya. I can fuck ya hard and bloody."

"I don't think that's what it means." Kitty said taking a nervous step back. Sandor jumped out of bed and pulled kitty behind him.

"You touch her, I kill you." Sandor told him and kitty kept a hand on sandors backside scared to make a move make a sound.

"huh, we'll see.' Gregor said before leaving a smug look on his face.

'you alright kitten?' sandor asked turning to her. she only nodded still holding onto him. 'fucking sunt.' Sandor muttered before slamming the door shut. "I wont let em touch you.'

'I know. I trust you.' She let him lead her back to bed where she started tracing the detailing on her new cane. He watched her happily as he poured himself a drink.

There was another knock at the door.

'don't answer it.' Sandor told her but she knew better than that now. She sat on the bed knee curled into her chest. Sandor took a blade from his belt and cut his hand open.

'sandor what on earth are you-' he wiped his bloody hand across the bed.

'there, now it will look like I took your flower.' He wrapped his hand. 'don't trust the maids, don't really trust anyone.' He informed her and she nodded. Then sandor went to the door and it was a maid the first thing she did was look to the bed where kitty still resided. She gave a small smile and left a tray of fruits on the table before making a hasty exit. 'see? Fuck the maids.'

Tyrion knocked but didnt wait for an answer. He came in to see a shirtless sandor pouring a glass of wine. He then looked to katarina who had the covers pulled up to her chin.

'You bastard!' he screamed. 'You promised you wouldnt hurt her that you would protect her!' Sandor turned to the small man

'I didnt touch her!' sandor snapped slamming down his glass spilling wine over the table.

'Oh please' tyrion waved a hand up and down sandors partially naked body

'And so what if i did?' Sandor questioned smugly. 'She is my wife. Mine. Not yours.'

'You... she...' tyrion didnt have words

'Tyrion' kitty spoke up and caught his eye. 'He didnt do anything.' Tyrion didnt believe her. 'I swear. He didnt touch me. He was a gentleman.' Tyrion nodded slowly as kitty sat up still dressed in her night clothes.

'Oh. Well. Thats.' Tyrion looked back to sandor apologetically. 'Im sorry I accused you of such.' Sandor only grunted in return moving back to his drink. 'And katarina im sorry if i woke you.'

'Oh i was awake i had a talk with my new brother in law already this morning.'

'Oh gods' tyrion muttered

'Aye it went just as well as one would expect.' Sandor informed him. Fists balled at the memory the thought of his brother.

Tyrion moved to the bed and as kitty got out he saw the blood on the sheets. He turned back to sandor a flare in his eyes. Sandor only raising his wrapped hand.

'He cut himself to make it look like...' she gestured to the blood. Tyrion looked back to her. 'I swear. He didnt hurt me. He didnt touch me.' Tyrion nodded before kissing her hands and leaving. This should have been his wedding. His wedding night. His wife.

Not this. Now she would truly never be his.

A/N am i breaking your heart or do you ship it?

If you want a true sandor story i have one called you will never be a lion 

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