dragon glass

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'Dragon glass?' dani questioned

'Obsidian he said you have an abundant amount here' Tyrion told her

'Why are we talking glass when our enemies-' dani took a breath. 'What does the king of the north want with dragon glass?'

'Apparently can you turn into a weapon to kill white walkers stop them destroy them I'm not entirely sure...'

'And what do you think about this army of the dead and white walkers and night kings?'

'I'd very much like to believe Jon sow is wrong but a wise man one said you should not turn away new ideas because you don't want to believe it' Tyrion told her

'Which Wiseman said this?' kitty asked.

'I.... don't remember' Tyrion lied

'Are you trying to present your own statement as ancient wisdom?' dani asked

'I would never do that... to you.' Tyrion said offering a smile 'especially not to you.' He said kissing kittys cheek.

'The reason I believe Jon is because he is here. His advisers told him not to come if I was his advisor I would've told him not to come, you don't have to believe him but let him mine the dragon glass. you didn't know it was here it is worthless to you give him some thing by giving him nothing take a step towards a more productive relationship with a possible ally... refocus on the task at hand Castlerly rock.'

'What was that ser davvos said about Taking a knife in the heart for his people?'

'I saw the scars...' kitty didn't have anymore words. It was awful. She had come back after her argument with jon and she had brought food. He was changing and she saw the scars along his chest. She dropped the food, her hand flying to her mouth. He told her what happened, how he died and was brought back. Kitty held him and didn't want to let go. She needed him to bend the knee, she needed him in her life again. She couldn't lose him over this stupid was this stupid game of thrones!

'It's dreary in the north.'


'So you believe me about the white walkers and the night king?' jon asked kitty as they sat along the shore line.

'Of course I believe you. Its terrifying but I believe you. You wouldn't lie to me.' kitty said leaning against him.

'how have you been kitty? I mean truly and honestly... how have you been?' she lifted her head from his shoulder and looked at him. Her light eyes meeting his dark ones.

'it was hard at first. At kings landing. But once we got out... well it was shit then too but I had Tyrion.' Jon nodded rubbing a hand along her spine. 'but once we got to dani, she took us in. she claimed me as her sister... I have another honorary brother as well!' kitty said excitedly. 'his name is Darrio and he is wonderful. You would love him...' her voice died off her excitement fading. she thought he would love dani but he didn't so maybe he wouldn't like darrio.


'I love you jon I wasn't replacing you!' she told him quickly.

'I'm glad you found people that love you. They will never love you as much as I do but I'm glad you found them.' Jon told her kissing her cheek.

'I missed you jon,' tears in her eyes threatening to fall. She blinked and they came tumbling down her cheeks. Jon wiped them away.

'Oh sweetie,' he held her close. 'I missed you so much.'

'I will... um...' she pulled away. 'I will talk to dani again about the dragon glass you are looking for again, okay? I will get her to agree.'

'Sweetie just let me hold you a little longer.'

The Hound, the Imp and the Cripple // Tyrion LannisterWhere stories live. Discover now