she is MY queen

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'I will show you to a room jon.' Kitty offered and he forced a smile holding out an arm for her.

'we must get out of here kitty.' Jon said once they were alone.

'what? Why?' kitty couldn't understand. She loved dani she was sure jon would love her too.

'kitty she is the mad kings daughter she will burn everything to the ground. Trust me sister. We must leave.'

'no!' she shouted, Tyrion peered in hearing kitty yell. "jon, dani is my friend. She is my sister. I love her and I'm not leaving.' Kitty told him.

'Kitty kat come on baby we cant stay here... its not safe.' Jon told her holding her hands in his. 'please love, come back to winterfell, come home.'

'I am home.' She told him, she tried to march away, to prove her point. But he held unto her hands keeping her with him.

'kitty no. this is not home.' He told her.

'home is not a place.' Kitty told him. 'it's the people. My family is here jon. My family... is here.'

'what about me?'

'Bend the knee and fight with dani and-'

'Kitty I cannot bend the knee.'

'stupid pirde. Jon!' he let go of her hands and she moved to sit down on the dge of the bed. 'jon, dani is wonderful. She is a good leader a true queen. She freed so many slaves, liberated whole cities, the army of unsullied they were slaved and she set them free. They chose to stay and fight for her. that's how much they believe in her. their queen. My queen.' She told him and he joined her wrapping an arm around her.

'kitty, sansa is at winterfell-'

'She are not my sister. Dani is my sister.' Kitty told him.

'But shes not.' Jon said.

'she is more my sister than arya or sansa ever were! They never loved me, they never even liked me!' kitty yelled. 'and you want me to leave my family, my queen, to go be with... with those monsters?'


'No jon no. I wont go. I don't care about Sansa... or arya. They never gave a damn about me. I have a family now.' She didn't want to tell him about Tyrion and the baby not like this now while she was yelling at him. It didn't feel like the right moment.

'kitty what about me? what I am i?'

'you have always been my baby jon. Mine. I took care of you and then when you got bigger you took care of me... I love you Jon I will always love you... but Dani and Tyrion are my family now. Please don't make this harder than it has to be.' Kitty begged, she saw Tyrion at the door, he held out a hand for her and she took it. 'I will come check on you later Jon. Think about what I said, what dani said... please Jon.'

The Hound, the Imp and the Cripple // Tyrion LannisterWhere stories live. Discover now