Tyrions... wedding...

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A/N special thank you to @JTPruett14 for commenting and voting, you make my heart so happy! The more I see others interacting with the story the more i want to write. So thank you!


Kitty sat at tywins side for the wedding and she refused to look up from her plate. She wouldn't touch her food or wine she just sat, dazed. Tyrion kept trying to get her attention but she coudnt look at him. She wouldnt. It would only make her sadder.

'tyrion sit down and stop pestering my lady.' Tywin spat.

'she is not yours.' Tyrion muttered as he poured himself another drink. Everything happened so fast after that. Tyrion was pouring joffery wine and then joffery was on the ground, coughing, choking. Kitty finally looked up from her dazed state to see the madness unfold.

'Milady we must go'. The joker, sansa thought as he tried to usher her away. 'They will blame you for this milady we must go.' Sansa looked back at a dying joffery before grabbing the mans hand and making haste. 'What of your sister?' He asked glancing back at the lady katarina. She sat shocked watching the king die.

'What about her? Get me out of here!' As she boarded a boat which lead her to petyers ship she finally felt at peace. Like she was free at last. But that only lasted a moment for petyer shot her rescuer and sansa wasnt sure she could trust anyone anymore.

'Sansa?' Kitty called after the commotion had died down. 'Sansa?'

'You did this!' Cersei snapped 'you your sister and my monster of a brother.'

'What?' Kitty stammered she was cornered quickly by the wrath of an angry lion.

'I should have had all you starks hung the moment your brother started causing trouble.' Kitty hated being so vulnerable so weak so unable to protect herself. Would she always be this way? Scared. Terrified. Alone.

'That is enough cersei' kitty turned to see tywin Lannister walking towards them. 'The girl had nothing to do with this. If she had she would have fled with her sister'

''Sansa fled?' Kitty questioned

'Oh like you didnt know!' Cersei snapped reaching a hand out to choke the girl but tywin got in the way.

'Now now cersei katarina is our guest and she has done nothing wrong'

'Pfft nothing wrong! Her and tyrion are both abominations they deserve-' tywin raised a hand and slapped cerseis face.

'I said enough. You already have tyrion going in trail you dont need to terrify an innocent girl. Come on kitten lets get you some rest.' Tywin led her away, he had stood up for her. maybe marrying him wouldn't be so bad after all.


The trial came quickly for someone needed to punished for jofferys death, kitty hated to see Tyrion accused of such things but she couldn't do anything to stop it. They were out for blood. Tyrions blood.

I saved you all, Tyrion thought. I saved this vile city and all your worthless lives. There were hundreds in the throne room, every one of them laughing but his father, or so it seemed. Even the red viper chortled and mace tyrell looked like to bust a gut but lord tywin Lannister sat between them as if made of stone, his fingers steeped beneath his chin.

'my lords!' Tyrion pushed forward, shouting in hopes to be heard. His father raised a hand and the hall grew silent. 'get this lying whore out of my sight. I will give you my confession.' Lord tywin nodded and shae looked terrified as she was removed. Would they truly believe his testimony over her false confession?

'guilty.' He said' so guilty. Is that what you want to hear?' Tyrion asked. Lord tywin said nothing.

'you admit you poisoned the king?' Tyrion looked to kitty she sat in the front row, trying to hold back tears, she knew he was innocent, he wasn't that stupid to kill the king! But she couldn't say anything she was afraid. She was terrified. If Tyrion lost she would be alone again, with tywin as her new tormentor.

"Nothing of the sort," said Tyrion. "Of Joffrey's death I am innocent. I am guilty of a more monstrous crime." He took a step toward his father. "I was born. I lived. I am guilty of being a dwarf, I confess it. And no matter how many times my good father forgave me, I have persisted in my infamy."

"This is folly, Tyrion," declared Lord Tywin. "Speak to the matter at hand. You are not on trial for being a dwarf."

"That is where you err, my lord. I have been on trial for being a dwarf my entire life."

"Have you nothing to say in your defense?"

"Nothing but this: I did not do it. Yet now I wish I had." He turned to face the hall, that sea of pale faces. "I wish I had enough poison for you all. You make me sorry that I am not the monster you would have me be, yet there it is. I am innocent, but I will get no justice here. You leave me no choice but to appeal to the gods. I demand trial by battle."

"Have you taken leave of your wits?" his father said.

"No, I've found them. I demand trial by combat!"

The Hound, the Imp and the Cripple // Tyrion LannisterWhere stories live. Discover now