The veil

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 'Sister,' Lysa said vindictively. 'what brings you all the way to the veil?'

'I have come to request your judgement on this criminal.' A guard pushed Tyrion forward. Kitty was held back still shaking.

'Who do you bring forth to the lady of the veil?' the woman sat with a boy clung to her tit like a lifeline. 'what has he done?' she spat.

'He tried to have my son Brandon killed!' Catelyn screamed.

'That is entirely false I assure you.' Tyrion began.

'Enough!' Lysa snapped, removing the boy from her tit. "and what of the girl?' she pointed to kitty and Tyrion looked back at his friend. She locked eyes with him unable to look away.

'That girl is tyrions whore." Catelyn spat.

'Mother!' kitty yelled.

'she was seen with lord Tyrion on the day of the incident. I assure you they worked together in this.'

"Mother!' Kitty yelled again appalled at her false testament.

'Why does she call you mother' lyssa questioned.

'She is a dull girl, a whore with no education, a simpleton and no doubt a bastard. She only says these things to trick you.' Kitty's mouth dropped. How could her mother says such things?

"that is also uncalled for and entirely untrue!" Tyrion began but he was silenced.

'so you do not plead guilty for the crimes you have committed?'

'I have committed many a crimes, none of which involved any of the starks." But after today he was sure to kill Catelyn if he survived.

'and the girl?' Lysa questioned.

'I have don't nothing wrong. Please. I am Kata-'

'Silence!' Catelyn yelled and her daughter stammered back tripping and falling, revealing her leg, her wooden leg.

"ah and she is a cripple.' Lysa said with a wicked grin.

'Yes, she is a mutant, a deformity, a crime against nature. They both need to be punished.' Kitty choked at her mothers words.

"How do you plead?'

'Innocent.' Tyrion said. 'the both of us are innocent.' He gripped kittys hand.

'so be it.' Lysa spat. 'send them both to a sky cell. See if that wont change their answer.'

Kitty was shaking and scared and tyrion could tell her leg was bothering her. He looked over the edge of the sky cell and saw no hope. Kitty cowered in a corner crying.

'I knew she never liked me, she said through sniffles and sobs 'but i didnt realize that she hated me!' She cried out and tyrion did his best to wrap his arms around her. their fates truly did seem hopeless.

'Read a book on Hemingway

Closed my eyes to see

The man himself appeared to say

To write is just to bleed

So I will write it down

All the jagged edges

The ugliness I've seen

Until I change the truth

Rearrange the letters

For beauty underneath, hmm'

The way her voice echoed off the walls and into the unknown was beautiful and if they werent up so high waiting their impending death tyrion would have been able to enjoy it more.

'Dear hope

If you can hear me, don't go

I don't feel you now

But I know you're there

Dear hope

I could really use you now

Throw me a rope

Throw me a rope

Dear hope

I can't seem to shake it yet, feeling that

Things may never change

It always breaks my heart when broken parts

Ache to heal again

So I will write it down

And make jagged edges

Into something I can hold

Don't wanna lose my way

Like dear Hemingway

So I won't let go, oh, oh, oh

Oh, oh, oh

Dear hope

If you can hear me, don't go

I don't feel you now

But I know you're there

Dear hope

I could really use you now

Throw me a rope

Throw me a rope

Throw me a rope

Throw me a rope

Dear hope'

Tyrion awoke to the harsh reality that he was in a sky cell, about to plummet to the ground. He yelled and rolled back to the innermost part of the cell where katarina sat curled in a ball clutching the wall. Tyrion kissed her head as she blinked her eyes open. Hours, minutes, or seconds Tyrion didn't know but it was much too long in this stupid cell.

'I am getting us out of here.' He told her and she only nodded. What else could she do? She didn't believe him but she wanted to. Tyrion started banging on the door until he got a guard attention, once Tyrion convinced him not to throw Tyrion out the sky cell in exchange for a handsome lump of gold the man agreed to get him an audience with the lady of the veil. They sat patiently, kitty leaned into him her eyes no longer wet with tears for her was no longer sad but angry. Angry at her mother, angry at every man that claimed to stand up for the Tully name. Katarina was her first born and she was treat like filth. She was called a whore in front of everyone and kitty couldn't stand it. She wanted to scream but she didn't have the strength. 

The Hound, the Imp and the Cripple // Tyrion LannisterWhere stories live. Discover now