Your fault

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'This is all your fault' Grey yelled at Tyrion.

'My fault?' Tyrion asked. They were being attacked. They were being fired upon with great balls of fire.

'Let's not play the blame game...' Kitty said trying to defuse the situation.

'You had to open your big mouth a little man had to open his big mouth' Grey went on, they marched through their sanctuary, yelling out of anger and due to the noise of their impending doom.

'Who's to say they're not mad at you and your people!' Tyrion accused.

'Seriously guys I don't see how arguing about whoes fault this is, is not going to stop the fighting out there,' kitty pointed at the door. 'Where is dani?'

She emerged from outside, what the hell was she doing outside? In the midst of the fighting.


'Giant flaming balls in the sky... where are the dragons?' Kitty asked quietly.

'Despite appearances I think the city seems to be on the rise...' tyrion said looking out the window. 'perhaps we should take shelter?' tyrion offered.

'The city is on the rise?' dani questioned incredulously.

'maureen is strong... commerce has returned to the market and the people are behind you. well not all the people of course... no ruler that ever lived as the support of all the people... but the rebirth is the cause of this violence... the masters cannot let the city succeed. Because if the city succeeds a city without slavery, a city without masters. It prove that no one needs a master.'

'good. Shall we begin?' dani asked.

'Now really seems like a good time to bring out the dragons,' kitty said again as another giant ball of fire came flying at them. 'You know... fly around... shoot some fire... show them who's boss... you know?'

'do we have a plan?' Tyrion asked.

'I will crucify the masters I will set their fleets afire and return their cities to the dirt. That is my plan. You don't approve?' Kitty shook her head.

'your father was called the mad king...' Tyrion began 'do you know of his plans for the Lannister army? Your father? Probably not... when they were at the kings gate? He told my brother and my brother told me... he would have burned everyone, the loyal and the traitors, every man, woman and child. That is why Jaime killed him'

'this is entirely different!' dani told them.

'youre talking about killing cities. Not entirely different.'

'Think about what you want to do Dani... that's not... just think about what you want to do...' kitty begged.

'I would like to suggest an alternate approach.-' but the wall came tumbling down... dani saw the light.

'Tell me.'


'the last time we spoke I offered you peace. If you had not been so arrogant you could have return to your homeland with a felt of ships.' Masters. Men that thought they were better than everyone else. Men who liked to see others in pain. Kitty never had a master yet she felt like a slave sometimes. Not anymore but back at home. She always did what her parents wanted. She tried to be perfect to make up for her lack of leg. Thinking if she could be the perfect, proper lady she could make up for her deformity... but no matter what she did her mother didn't seem to love her. 'instead you will fell slavers bay on foot. Like the beggar queen you are.'

'we are here to discuss terms of surrender.' Tyrion told them.' not to trade insults.'

'the terms are simple... you and your friends leave our city. The unsullied you stole will remain to be sole again to the highest bidder. The translator you stole will again be sold to the highest bigger' dani stood strong and unmoving, her face unreadable. 'the dragons will be slathered.'

'we didn't communicate clearly aparently. We are here to discuss your surrender. Not mine.' Dani told them. They laughed.

'I imagine its difficult adjusting to the new reality. Your reign is over.'

'my reign has just begun.' Her dragons came up Everyone stepped back as the dragon landed behind dani. She climbed its back and took to the skies, destroying their fleet. Burning the enemy ships and men to the ground. The masters watched in horror.

Grey Worm stepped forward and started speaking to the soldiers, his voice a language Kitty could never learn no matter how much she tried to understand it. The soldiers ran once Grey finished.

'Good joy Grey.' Kitty said giving him a thumbs up. He turned offering her a smile. she had never seen him smile before, she taken aback.

'thank you for the armada...' Tyrion began. 'our queen does love ships. Now last time we spoke we made a pack. You violated that pack. And although our queen does have a forgiving nature this cannot be forgiven.

'Our queen insisted that one of you must die for your crimes.' Missandei said.

'it does seem a bit abstract doesnt it, other people dying.' Tyrion said. The two masters offered up a lowborn, an outsider of the master. Grey stepped forward and the man dropped to his knees begging.

Grey cut the two masters that offered him up instead. Tyrion walked up to the man still on his knees.

'tell your people what happened here. Tell them you live by the grace of her majesty .if they want to return the slave cities to their former glory... remind them what happen when Daenerys Stormborn and her dragons came to Maureen.' 

The Hound, the Imp and the Cripple // Tyrion LannisterDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora