It was a good plan...

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'What is it?' dani questioned

'We took castlerly rock'

'That's good to hear... Isn't it?' Dani asked

'Do you want to discuss this amongst yourselves?' Davvos asked

'You can stay. I cant believe this is happening...'

'You still have the largest army-'

'Who wont be able to eat because of cerseis army!' dani snapped, kittys eyes bounced across the room as each person spoke louder and louder. Dani was getting more outraged by the second.

'Grey worm and the dothraki army remain on the mainland we have a plan a good plan-' tyrion tried again

'Your plan has lost us the red keep, the iron islands and the reach."

'If I have underestimate our enemies-'

'Our enemies! you mean your family! perhaps you do not want to hurt them after all?' Dani told him.

'Dani you know there is no love between him and his sister. The lannister army is strong, it had been the strongest force for years... you shouldn't blame him for this.' Kitty told her. Suddenly Dani's dragons flew in the distance getting closer and closer.

'Enough with the clever plans' she told them 'I have three large dragons and I'm going to fly them to the red keep'

'We have discussed this-' Tyrion began.

'You don't want to be the queen of ashes remember?' kitty told her. dani put a hand on kittys shoulder as she spoke.

'My enemies are in the red keep what kind of Queen of mine if I do not risk my life willing to fight for them?'

'A smart one.' tyrion told her.

'listen to Tyrion dani, you made him your hand for a reason!' kitty begged.

'What do you think I should do?' she asked Jon

'I would never presume-' jon began

'A war I am losing ...what do you think I should do?' she looked to Jon and only Jon.

He looked at her dragons, flying around dragon stone.

'I never thought the dragons would exist no one did. but the people who follow you know that you made something impossible happen... maybe that helps them believe that you can make other impossible things happen... in the world that's different from the world they already know. but if you use them to melt castles and burn cities you're not different you're just more of the same.' Jon told her she looked back out of her dragons debating what her counsel told her.

'I saw the night king I looked into his eyes' Jon told kitty. 'she is the mad kings daughter kitty, the mad king. They didn't call him that for nothing!'

'She's not the queen because she was the daughter of the mad king she's the queen they chose. Because I chose her.' kitty said standing up and walking out.

'where are you going kitty?' jon asked following her.

'I have to find dani. I have to see what she decided.' Kitty walked the halls alone. She knew dani would still be pondering but she hoped dani hadn't made up her mind yet. Perhaps she could see reason, Tyrion could talk to her again.

'Dani what are you going to do?' kitty asked once they were alone.

'Set fire to my enemies. Im done playing nice. Im playing my strengths. My dragons. I'm going to burn them all to the ground.' Dani spat and left. Kitty opened her mouth to speak but dani was already gone.


'Listen to me cunt. Until I get what I'm owed a dragon does not get to kill you, you do not get to kill you, only I get to kill you!' bronn told jaime.

'She only used one of them'

'She has three'

'Imagine what she can do with three dragons.'

The Hound, the Imp and the Cripple // Tyrion LannisterМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя