Dont go to the sept

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'They dont actually want me to go' kitty said as she was getting ready. Even though her leg was healing nicely tyrion refused to have her sleep in that broom closets the king called a room. They slept content in each others arms every night and kitty was honestly glad for the company she couldn't imagine sleeping alone in this place where it seemed everyone wanted her killed or beaten.

'Of course they want you.' Kitty shot him an oh really look. 'Well i want you there.'

'Fine.' She gave in. 'Going to the sept wouldnt be the worst but the stairs will be.'

She put on her favorite blue dress the one with the flower detailing and looked in the mirror it was loose on her. She supposed after being kept prisoner and then traveling so far she would have lost weight but she hadnt noticed until she saw her reflection and saw a frail girl looking back at her. She needed to listen to tyrion and eat more. Tyrion knocked before reentering ready to escort her to the sept. With her limp and his height they walked at the perfect pace for one another.

Everything was going smoothly until joffery screamed kill them kill them all. There was a rush of people moving all around as she got trampled to the ground. Tyrion looked back not seeing kitty hoping she had gotten ahead of him somehow but he couldnt see her. When he got back to the safety of the palace his eyes were frantic.

'Katarina!' He called only to see sansa. 'Where is your sister?'

'Dont know,' she said walking past him briskly Tyrion looked to sandor but he was already running back out.

Kitty lay curled in a ball as the stampede of people ran over her. She looked up once the screaming had died down only to be dragged to her feet and pulled into an alley.

'No please no!' she said looking at the four men watching her with hungry eyes.

'Youre one of the kings pets arnt ya?' He smacked his lips. Kitty didnt know what to say if she said yes they would kill her if she said no they would still probably kill her but the look in their eyes they wanted to have their fun first with her. She thrashed and kicked getting one man in the face with her new leg that only pissed him off. He torn her dress as two others held her down.

'No please' she begged as the man readied himself to violate her.

'Ill get her nice and bloody for ya boys!' He laughed but then blood spilled from his chest. His hand still on his cock kitty screamed as he fell at her feet. She closed her eyes not seeing only hearing as men were torn down left and right there bodies dropping around her. She felt their blood seep towards her.

'Kitten. Kitten look at me.' It was sandor she finally opened her eyes and hugged him so tightly afraid she was dreaming. 'You alright kitten?' She only nodded as he scoped her up. 'Time to get you back aye?' Again she nodded sobbing into him.

'Thank you thank you thank you.' He kissed the top of her head as he moved and she sunk into him. She was safe. For now. But not forever. Not as long as she was in kings landing.

Sandor placed her down and tyrion rushed over checking her.

'Im okay' she murmured 'sandor came just in time.'

'I see the dog rescued the cat.' Joffery said with a sneer then his brow popped up with an idea and he marched off.

'You are truly alright my dear?'

'Shes shaken but she'll be alright. Wont ya kitten?' Sandor asked once again placing his cloak around her small frame. She pulled it around her tightly and wanted to disappeared under it.

'Is sansa alright?' Kitty asked once she regained her composure. Tyrion tried not to scoff. Jon was right. Kitty was protective over her family even if they didn't deserve it.

'Yes. She is fine.' Tyrion said bitterly. Why did bad things always have to happen to good people?

'Good. That is good indeed' she whispered as a measter came and guided her out of the hall. Tyrion watched after her longingly. He had to ask her to marry him. He had to. He loved this girl and he hoped she loved him because he could not imagine a day without her in his life. He would write to his father tell him of his plans and then get the kings blessing... the king. Tyrion would have to convince joffery that it was his idea and not tyrions if it was ever to work.


'Shae,' tyrion warned and she sent him a glare. 'I let you stay here and fuck bronn but if you keep up this attitude towards the lady katarina i will remove your head myself.' She scoffed at him. Who was this little man to threaten her? She ran off to find sansa. Tyrion just shook his head displeased at the whores attitude. Sansa was obviously telling her lies or maybe shae is truly just a bitch. Probably both Tyrion thought as he made his way back to his room to see katarina already playing a new tune on the balcony. And just like that all his angry faded with the breeze and soft strums of the music. He would talk to the king in the morning and make katarina his bride.

But joffery already had others plans in motion for the cat. Joffery decreed that katarina stark was to marry sandor Clegane by weeks end. 

The Hound, the Imp and the Cripple // Tyrion LannisterWhere stories live. Discover now