Drunk Flower

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Supper. With her fam... with the starks. Tyrion walked up to the high table at front holding kittys hand but she stopped. As hand he was supposed to sit by the queen.

'Whats wrong love?' He questioned turning to her, hand still in hers.

'I don't want to sit up there with them' she told him, her eyes bouncing from sansa to arya to bran.

'But I want to sit with you and I'm supposed to sit up by Daenerys.' Tyrion reminded her.

'I am not sitting up there Tyrion, I was never allowed to eat at these things previously, I'm certainly not eating with them now.' She looked around the room and saw Sandor sitting at a table in the back. 'I will sit by sandor and you will sit by Dani' she told him pulling her hand free from his and walking over to sandor. Tyrion moved to follow kitty but dani waved him over, he let out a sigh as his wife went to sit by her first husband.

'Hey flower' he said as she sat next to him 'trouble in paradise?' she rolled her eyes. 'Miss your obviously better husband?' Sandor questioned

'As the hand of the queen he has to sit up there with her, as his wife I do not.' she told him and Sandor poured her drink she drank it down quickly and he poured her another he had never seen her drink before but she took it down like a pro. Well maybe not a pro. She made a face as she downed the first drink.

'Don't like the taste flower?' sandor asked but she slid her glass over to him nodding for another he obliged.

'What happens when this is all over?' She asked him sipping her second drink

'What do you mean flower?' sandor questioned running a hand up and down her spine.

'I mean where will you go? What will happen? I don't wanna lose you again.' she confessed.

'My little flower, you're never gonna lose me, not again.' he told her and kissed her cheek

'Just promise me that when this is over...' she didn't know what she wanted him to promise. 'Promise me you'll stay when Daenerys wins.'

'And be your guard?' sandor questioned

'Stay and be my friend' she told him. 'I don't wanna lose you.'

'Flower, you are never going to lose me I promise, I'm always gonna be right here.' he tapped a finger against her chest.

Three drinks in and kitty was starting to feel funny. She started to hiccup and giggle giggle and stumble around, tyrion noticed and excused himself from the high table.

'My head feels funny. Fuzzy. Everything feels funning tyrion... why does everything seem...' she stumbled and fell on to her knees. 'Haha everything is... its like im on a boat. Are we on a boat?' She asked him looking around, it looked like winterfell but it was swaying.

'Kitty your drunk' Tyrion said, and sandor chuckled.

'I only had a drink and a half,' she pointed at sandor 'and San drank the other half.' She informed him.

'You are lightweight sweetie.' Tyrion told her reaching for her arm so she wouldn't fall.

'She had three drinks.' sandor told him

'2 and a half you drank mine i know it.' Kitty said laughing, pointing at finger at sandor but there was two of him now... she moved her finger back and forth between the two sandor's.

'2 and a half' sandor agreed.

'Do you have a twin? I'm seeing two of you...' she blinked a few times.

'I dont think I've ever seen her drunk hell I don't think I've ever seen her drink,' tyrion remakred 'she doesn't like the taste of it.'

'okay back to one.' She said as the two sandors merged into one again.

The Hound, the Imp and the Cripple // Tyrion LannisterWhere stories live. Discover now