Untitled Part 70

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'We need to sink greyjoys ship'

'If we send a fleet after him-'

'Im not talking sending ships' dani told them her eyes focused on the dragon carved into the wall.

'His ships could be anywhere. You could be flying away around alone forever!' Tyrion remarked

'I wouldn't be alone'

'Dani its dangerous. You don't know what you could be facing out there.' kitty spoke up.

'It's to greater risk you're too important' Tyrion told her

'What about castelry rock... the unsullied will be there soon!'

'And what will they face?'

'a difficult situation... they know we are coming now.'

'Cersei thinks my whole purpose in life is to destroy house Lannister. she will be right no one has ever taken the rock, the Lannister army is well trained and well provisioned with 10,000 men at least. they will see us coming and they will be ready' Tyrion told them. 'The gates of Castlerly rock impregnable the fight up the walls will be hard, we will be at a great disadvantage many men will die just like my father said they would.' Tywin, a shiver went up Kittys spine at his name. she hadn't thought about him since Tyrion killed him.

'interesting thing about my father he built our house and our army and Castlerly rock as we know it but he did not build the sewers that was beneath him so he gave it to the lowest person he could find. Me. he was right I was lower, the company I kept as well and I couldn't bring them though the main gates couldn't have them in my chambers in the process of building the fortress so I made a little something for myself. A passage below the sea. Under One of the main guard towers. Castlerly rock is an impregnable force fortress but it's a good friend of mine one said give me 10 good man and I'll impregnate the bitch. And so it begins. They will face the bulk of the Lannister forces they will be outnumbered but my sister's army fight for her out of fear, the unsullied fight for something greater they will be fighting for freedom and the person who gave it to them. They'll be fighting for you, that is why they will triumph.'


'This is not enough! There was supposed to be more! Where are the rest of the Lannister's!' Grey worm yelled looking out over castely rock.

The Hound, the Imp and the Cripple // Tyrion LannisterOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora