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'I wanted you to show you what we will be digging for, the caves before we started.' Jon said leading them through the caves towards the dragon glass. He lit the torch lighting the path ahead of them.

'could I come with?" kitty questioned.

'of course sweetie just watch your step, alright?' jon said offering her a hand.

'Well this is it, all we will ever need' Jon told her 'there is something else I wanna show you your grace' They continued deeper into the cave. Carvings drawings and ruins scattered the cave walls

'The children of the forest made these'


'Very long time ago' Jon told her

'They were right here standing where we are standing before there were Targaryen's and starks and Lannister's maybe even before they were men...' dani said looking around the walls.

'No' Jon told her and continued deeper into the cave she followed him 'they were here together the children and the first men'

'Doing what? fighting each other?' dani questioned Drawings of men women and children across the walls standing peacefull together.

'They fought together against a common enemy' a drawing of white walkers engraved in the walls. 'they came together and put aside their differences... fought together' jon corrected her. 'The enemy is real' Jon told her 'it's always been real' they looked at the White Walkers carved into the wall. Kitty traced her fingers along the carving, scary. Terrifying, since they were alive and walking as they spoke. Well not alive, kitty supposed but undead, moving, walking, out for blood.

'And you say you can't defeat them without my arms and my dragons?'

'I don't think I can' jon admitted

'I will fight for you. I will fight for the north... when you bend the knee' she informed him

'My people won't accept the southern women not after everything they have suffered'

'Jon,' kitty pleaded

'they will if there kingdoms depend on it. they chose you to lead them they chose you to protect them, isn't their survival is more important than your pride?'

The Hound, the Imp and the Cripple // Tyrion LannisterWhere stories live. Discover now