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The dragon glass was beautiful obsidian it was being forged into weapons for every soldier every man every woman and every child that wanted to fight for their home.

"You Used to be taller,' arya told Jon, he was staring at the face in the tree, he hadn't heard her come up. Jon smiled when he saw her but Kitty shrunk back into the tree.

'How did you sneak up on me?' he asked grinning

'How did you survive a knife to the heart?' Arya questioned

'I didn't' Jon told her. She hugged him hugged him tight and he lifted her off the ground.

"Hi Kitty,' arya said and kitty glanced at her. she offered a tight smile but turned back to face the tree, the face in the tree.

'You still have it?' Jon said pointing to her sword, the sword he had given her before everything went to hell.

'Needle' she told him, glancing over at kitty, she had heard about kittys outburst earlier with sansa, apparently her anger extending to arya as well.

'Have you used it?' jon asked.

'Once or twice,' she told him. He took out his sword showing it to her 'Valyrian steel' she took it in her hands, admiring it.

'Jealous?' Jon question

'Do you have any for me?' arya questioned

'Where were you before I could've used your help with Sansa?' jon told her.

'She does not like our queen,' kitty spoke up 'and Sansa thinks she's smarter than everyone else.' Kitty told her.

'She's the smartest person I've ever met.' Arya told them.

'That's not saying much.' Kitty muttered.

'you're defending her? you?' Jon said shocked

'I'm defending our family and so is she' arya reminded him

'I'm family too,' he told her... he looked to kitty, she had all but disowned the starks.

'Don't forget that' she told him hugging him again. While her arms wrapped around jon her eyes wandered to kitty walking away. 

The Hound, the Imp and the Cripple // Tyrion LannisterDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora