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'That's what death is, isn't it? forgetting... Forgotten... If we forget who we are where we come from we are not men anymore.' Sam told them 'just animals. your memories don't come from books, your stories are not just stories...'

'we gotta take out the night king.'

' he can find me.' bran said. 'His mark is always on me,' Bran said showing them the burns on his arms from when he was grabbed in a vision.

'We will put you in the crypt where it's safest.' Jon told Bran

'No we have to draw him out or his army kills us all. I will wait for him in the woods for him.' Bran told them.

'You want to use youself as a bait?' Sansa asked

'We're not leaving you alone out there.' Arya told him.

'I'll stay with him,' theon said 'with the iron born. I took this castle from you once, let me defend you now.' Forgiveness and regret. Compassion and redemption. Kitty watched as Bran nodded, he was allowing theon who had taken winterfell and tried to have him and rickon killed, to eliminate the stark line so winterfell would bow before him...

'We will hold off the rest of them for the rest as we can' Davos said

'Ser Davos and I will be on the top to give you the signal went to light the trench' tyrion told them.

'Ser Davos is perfectly capable of waving a torch on his own, you will be in the crypt.' Daenerys told Tyrion

'Your grace I have fought before I can do it again, along with the men and women risking their lives.' Tyrion reminded her

'There are thousands of them and only one of you. You cannot fight as well as they can, but you can think better than any of them... you're here because of your mind if you survive, if we survive I will need it.' Daenerys told him

'The dragon should give us an edge in the field' Davos went on

'If they are in the field they are not protecting Bran, we need to be near him not so near the night King won't come.' Jon said

'Has anyone ever tried to kill him?'

'No one has ever tried' Bran told them

'We are all going to die!' Tormund said 'but at least we died together,' he winked at Brienne.

'Let's get some rest,' Jon instructed 'Your grace' Jon said to dani before making a quick exit.

'Do you need help?' Tyrion asked bran, he sat still while the rest of the room cleared out.

'No' he answered solemnly looking into the fire. Kitty moved to walk past him to the door but Bran grabbed her hand. 'youre the bridge.' He told her, his voice barely above a whisper.

'what? What bridge?' she asked.

'Katarina is the key, the bridge. You bring us all together.' Bran told her finally understanding.

'what do you mean?'

'a wise old man, he had the sight like me... he said you would be the bridge. I see what he meant now...'

'what do you mean Brandon?' kitty questioned.

'your journey with tyrion and daenerys.'

'I didn't want to come back.' She admitted. 'I didn't want to see any of you.'

'you're the connection, you are connected to all of us. From the starks, to the cleganes to the lannisters to the targayran. You are the one thing that connects us all.'

'I think an army of the dead connects us, more than I do.' Kitty told him.

'he said that you are a bridge, I believe this is what he meant.'

'then what I am supposed to do?' kitty asked him.

'I don't know yet.' He admitted.

'I'm not a good fighter, I'm not the best talker, I'm nothing speical... you lot told me that my whole life.' She added quietly.

'I don't know kitty. But I'm gonna figure it out...'

'You've had a strange journey' Tyrion told him

'No stranger than most' Bran replied.

'I would like to hear about it,' tyrion said pulling up a chair

'It's a long story,' Bran told him

'If only we were trapped in a castle in the middle of winter with nowhere to go...' tyrion said leaning in. kitty pulled up a chair as well, she was intrigued to find out more about brans new abilities. 

The Hound, the Imp and the Cripple // Tyrion LannisterWhere stories live. Discover now