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'DANI!" kitty hugged her tight when she saw her.

'Oh sister I missed you!' dani said kissing her head before looking over her shoulder to see Tyrion.

'my queen.' He said watching them.

'Darrio, glad youre alive.' Kitty said and he pulled her into him.

'im a hard man to kill kitten!' he said squishing her to him.

'Dar, cant breathe!' she said trying to get out of his iron grip.

'sorry sweetie...' he let her go.

'You know dani calls me sister and you call me sister...' kitty said as they walked, Darrio rose a brow confused where this was going. Tyrion knew where this was going. 'I just mean. If your my honorary brother and shes my honorary sister and you two are-'

'okay!' Darrio said grinning, 'who told the baby about sex, shes too young to know such dirty things.' darrio teased.

'one, I'm older than dani and two I'm pregnant so...'

'what! Fuck baby girl really?' he looked to her stomach, he didn't see anything he put a hand to her stomach and kitty started to laugh.

'yes I'm confident I'm older than dani.' She said smirking.

'you got a baby growing in here?'

'please stop touching my wife.' Tyrion said. But darrio didn't listen.

'whos baby is it?' he asked to annoy Tyrion.

'my husbands you ass!' kitty slapped him on the arm and he pulled his hand away.

'right, right,' he winked at her before chasing after dani.

'he is a cunt, I don't know why you put up with him.' Tyrion told her.

'Its like I get another chance at having a brother... I'm not passing up on more family Tyrion.' She said seriously.

'I know love but couldn't you have picked someone less... darrio and more Grey?' he gestured to Grey. He stood in the corner of the room not moving, not speaking.

'you don't get to pick family, and this family is no different... they picked me.' kitty said smiling as she grabbed tyrions hand.

'I know but darrio?' she slapped the top of his head. 'fine, fine, but we are naming our son after him.' Tyrion declared.

'jon Darrio Lannister...' kitty tested it out. 'actually-'

'No.' Tyrion said firmly.

'I'm kidding.' She said kissing his cheek. But she did like the sound of it.

'jon Jaime Lannister?' Tyrion offered. 'jaime did get us out. He was twat at times but he loved me and I loved him.'

'loved? Past tense...'

'I love him and he loves me... most of the time.'

'Jon Jaime Lannister... I like it.' She did. She liked that they got to keep both of their brothers with them in memory everyday if they had a son... when they had a son. 

The Hound, the Imp and the Cripple // Tyrion LannisterWhere stories live. Discover now