Shall we begin?

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Dragon stone. they had finally arrived at Dragon stone. Dani was home, she had finally come back... As dani walked up the shore the heels of her boots gliding across the hard sand she knelt down and felt the ground. This was her home. The place she was meant to rule. Slowly they ascended the stairs kittys hand in tyrions as they walked. They stopped at the gate. It was closed and look even more terrifying and intimidating then kitty had ever imagined. She had never been to dragon stone but she heard about it. It was eerily beautiful. But dani stood tall, confident and marched onward so kitty put on a brave face and followed her queen.

This was the place Dani's father ruled. The mad king... This was her castle. As they made their way inside kitty admired everything. This was place beautiful and horrific, deserted for years. A dragon sculpted into the wall hung in the battle room. A table long and wide along the middle which mapped out the seven kingdoms. Dani moved to the end of the table. Looking over the map she asked-

"Shall we begin?"

The Hound, the Imp and the Cripple // Tyrion LannisterWhere stories live. Discover now