Back on the farm

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authors note! wow i keep making long chapters! Should i make this the norm? _ ༽つ

"Sleepovers are the best!" Jack yelled fist bumping the sky.

I inconspicuously pulled Mark over to the other room, "Heyyyy Mark! Um, what are we going to do about the H-O-R-S-E situation? We can't just leave them they will get suspicious!" I said starting to panic, my head was beginning to pound.

Markiplier grabbed my elbows and smiled, "Don't worry, i have a plan.." He smirked.

He walked into the room where Jack and the others were and cleared his throat, "Hey guys, I'm trying to settle a little bet, what console is better, Xbox, or Playstation?" He said,

"Oh no. The forbidden gamer question." I whispered looking through the door.

Chaos ensued.

"Xbox is clearly the better console you're all crazy!"

"But PlayStation has better exclusive games! What games does Xbox have, huh?"

"Only the best franchise ever HALO!"

"Guys guys guys, you're ALL wrong! Clearly, the best console is the Wii!"

"" WHAT?" "WHAT?

Markiplier led me to the front door chuckling to himself, "they'll be at each other's throats for hours, come on." He grinned and we drove to the yard.

I ran over to My dapple horse first to make sure he was still there. I briethed a breath of relief when i saw him munching on the last of the hay i gave him. When he saw me he winnied and came over the the door.

"Hey buddy! Did you miss me?" I smiled and patted his nose gently.

He snorted softly and licked my hand.

"Wow he sure does like you." Mark said coming up behind me.

The horse  flattened its ears scowling at Mark and he chose not to come any further but i giggled stroking the horse, "it's ok boy, he's friendly!" I said and the horse snorted angrily but i grabbed marks hand and guided it towards the horses nose. The horse was angry at first but i cooed at him until he calmed to gentle snorts. I pushed Marks hand softly against the horses nose and held it there smiling.

"Those men at the factory were so wrong about you, boy." I smiled, "You wouldn't hurt a fly! I guess you and Mark have a lot more in common than you would think." I said to the horse.

Marks POV:

Wow. Just.. WOW! This girl must have magic in her DNA.. I watched her talk to the stallion she had saved just earlier today and i could not hide my astonished smile. My heart was heavy in my chest looking at her.. What exactly was this feeling..?

Her hand against mine gave me pins and needles, it made me feel restless but i could not move. A part of me kept wondering, Is she feeling the same way right now?

Jeans POV:

Markipliers hand under mine felt like tiny electric zaps in my veins, i felt flustered and let go, "Um.. I should probably give him dinner..

"Oh, yeah, probably, heh.." Markiplier said equally awkward for some reason..

I went in and took his hay net and then i saw his condition. He was skinny as a twig! Well, as a thoroughbred its normal for him to look a little skinny but this was ridiculous! "Who did this to you boy.." I said sadly.

Markiplier let me use his horse feed which was just pellets and chaff, "I'll deal with this mess later." I said tutted at markiplier and he shrugged confused.

"I know i shouldn't do this but.. I know half of these girls dont know what is what since i feed their horses so I'm sure they wont mind if i just snag some garlic and pink horse powder along with some canola oil." i said to myself picking up each item.

"Hey! I know you just want the best for your horse but stealing is wrong, ok!" Mark said with a frown.

"It's just this once i's for a horse in need..' I argued.

"Ok fine just this once and then I'l buy you the feed you need, ok?" He said and i smiled giving hi a thumbs up.

"Of course." I said.

I fed him and he ate it up so fast I then gave him a carrot as a treat since it looked like he hadn't gotten treats his entire life. It was getting cold the darker it got so mark let me borrow a rug and he was a doll to put it on, which is more than i could say for some of the horses here who try to bite my butt every time!

"This guy stil needs a name, y'know." Mark said while we both leaned on the door watching the horse eat.

"Hm... How about.. Sunday?" i asked.

"Why Sunday?" Mark asked confused.

I smiled brightly, "Because it was the day that brought him and you into my life!" I was almost brought to tears thinking about how today have turned my life around for the better.

"It's a perfect name, Jean" He smiled and i pulled him in for the tightest hug, he wheezed from the impact but then hugged back. When he pulled away we lingered for a moment near eachothers faces. Were we going to kiss? I was so close to him i could count his pores. One.. two..... Huh, thats about it.

Then finally he pulled away and i was left with a hole in my stomach, i was disappointed!

"Come on, it's time for a sleepover!" Mark said running for the car.

Was he.. avoiding me?

Oh and btw Jean did her job and fed and groomed all the horses quickly since she's still a stablehand..

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