Innocent Murderer - Case Closed 27

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At 3:00 pm, Zhan Zhao and Bai Yutang received news from Bao Zheng that Uncle An has been approved to retire early due to the recent events. In recognition of his merits and contributions to upholding public security in S City, he will be awarded the medal of honor issued by the police station next month and will receive high bonuses and generous benefits.

At 5:00 pm, all of the SCI members went to the private room at Bai Jintang's Food City to eat hot pot. Zhan Zhao and Bai Yutang shared the plans to make the arrest tomorrow.

At 10:00 pm, everyone left and prepared for the next day.

The next day

Zhan Zhao's book club meeting was held at 8:00 am in an activity room at the South Street Publishing House. 12 people were present and all of them were young students; Yang Chen and Yan Jia Jia were part of the crowd.

But by 8:30 am, Zhan Zhao hadn't arrived and they couldn't reach him by phone. Qian Mingyue showed some stress on her face. Looking at the door, it wasn't only Zhan Zhao that hadn't come, but also the media that she had notified. The expressions of Yang Chen and Yan Jia Jia already showed impatience.

At 9:00 am, the crowd began to complain.

Yan Jia Jia looked at Qian Mingyue coldly, "Are you kidding me?"

Yang Chen sneered, "Maybe it's you who are playing tricks on us."

"What are you talking about?" Yan Jia Jia looked at Yang Chen, and Yang Chen turned away from her face.

"Maybe he ran into something that delayed him." Qian Mingyue hurriedly spoke up. "He is a policeman, he's very busy."

As she was talking, there was a knock on the door. The door was pushed open, and Zhan Zhao stood at the door, smiling, "Sorry, I'm late."

The twenty-odd people present were stunned for a while, and then they rioted in excitement, looking at Zhan Zhao in disbelief.

"Dr. Zhan." Yan Jia Jia stood up happily, and Zhan Zhao nodded to her. She immediately smiled more happily. Looking at Yang Chen beside her, she seemed a little envious.

"Xiao Zhan..." Qian Mingyue seemed to be relieved, "I thought you were not coming."

Zhan Zhao apologetically said, "I'm sorry. I was waiting for ta few people so I was a little bit late." He then beckoned at the door and three people walked in; they were Lu Liang, followed by a man and a woman. They looked like they were a husband and wife in their thirties.

Yang Chen's face paled as soon as the three of them came in.

Lu Liang looked at Yang Chen with a bad expression, "Yang Chen, you disappointed me too much."

"How could it..." Yang Chen looked at the man and woman in a puzzled manner.

"Do you remember them?" Zhan Zhao asked Yang Chen, "They are Zhao Jing's parents. You used them to do experiments. What, you didn't expect them to still be alive?"

Yang Chen was completely stunned, so she listened to Zhan Zhao unhurriedly, "We checked all the records, but we couldn't find anything about Zhao Jing's parents. If they were alive then we needed to find them; if they were dead then we need to find their bodies." After he spoke, he reached out and patted Zhao Jing's father on the shoulder, "Next, you can talk about it."

Zhao Qi nodded and said, "We were really scared when Professor Lu diagnosed us with occasional memory confusion, so we accepted his follow-up treatment. The one in charge of our treatment was Yang Chen. She prescribed us medication and gave us treatment. Professor Lu would sometimes come to visit us at home. However, our condition was not getting better, it was only getting worse."

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